[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Be careful about the monolid surgeries. Not to be the bummer in the comments but I've heard too many stories (not just monolid but any eyelid related surgeries) resulting in just, endless issues (scariest on is swollen eyelids they freak me out). Maybe I'm projecting my fear, I hope the surgeries get safer especially for this stuff.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I'm chinese but any transasian folks make me smile tbh... Also chopsticks are easier tbh, westerners cannot utensils. /silly

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, I talk about this a decent bit, but, I'm transendogenic. Just so we're clear here- I say "I" because 'we' are all one, still, so it feels more fitting usually. Now, technically we're traumagenic by our original nature and formation. I don't think time is anything other than a construct, so to say 'we already formed and cannot change our origin' feels like a lie, but regardless... How would we even do it? The best route is separating ourselves from our original formation and trying to function more as a spiritual gateway, like we desire, but we fail to. I think a while ago, forgetting the server name, we were in a server where we were trying to figure out how to allow walk ins, and it simply wasn't working. We ended up with just a bunch of stress splits and damage. If anyone has any help for me/us to reduce our origin dysphoria, or to help us allow walk ins or new spiritually formed headmates (in contrast to just another forced retraumatizing split) please let us know. (It's making me pretty sad as of right now).

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Personally the only thing that keeps me from staring at people is my fear of nipples... I'm not even attracted to naked people but my brain is like "LOOK. YOU GOTTA LOOK."

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

First off, I love crocs so I'm giving love to this! I personally am I mostly sex-repulsed Ace (I am not opposed to performing acts, only recieving), and I don't experience physical stimulation the way most people do anyways. (I feel a buzzing, stinging sensation in my hands from certain thoughts, not much else). With that, my autozoophilia is mostly affected from me being a therian, where I'm not comfortable with the memories always, but they still appear with the same "feelings" they did when I was a snow leapord and polar bear, and the feelng is odd! It also makes me feel a draw to other polar bears and snow leapords, but something my human body is opposed to engaging in, and is confused by. I know this was a lot about me, so, to be clear: Do you think it could have this sort of 'animal self' versus 'human self' disconnect? These things can make the experience hard to tell, so trying to mind map how you feel about certain prompts and other things could also help. (Mind maps were the best tool in my therapy so I do reccommend them.)

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

I don't even know if I'd label myself a MAP, since it's sort of like, an exception almost. Not something I ever think about for the most part, but my one "partner" (not sure what else to call her) is intra age 14 (We are similar in terms of chrono). It doesn't effect my attraction to her much, but considering I do see her as such, I suppose I could be a MAP. It's not something I think about too much, but, it's there in a way.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Yes, they're permanent. In the sense that I don't 'grow' older, but sometimes I have a mental shift to being moreso 32 (still 47 just less so) or similar. My body is almost 18 (2 days, oh boy) but I am in no way 18, nor will I ever be, mentally/internally at least. I couldn't comprehend anything in the realm of trying to imagine myself as younger. Maybe older in the sense of an infinite existence as a deity, but in this body and this physical brain, I feel 47, with a dash of 32 and 53.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Well, I didn't pick mine, which probably has something to do with it. My main age is 47, this is sort of how I feel by default, and I just sort of know it's right. It hit me, this exact number, after giving it to a character who I realized I was subconsciously representing myself through: He was me. Now, my other age, 32, has to do with the internal timeline we experience as a system, and if I remember my childhood with these memories, it happens through being 32 usually, like a proxy. As for 53 it's just because my Grandpa talked about his life at 53 and it hit me, that number fit as well. None of these would feel right if they were changed by a year, 48 is not my age, nor is 31, and certainly not 54. I just know it, I feel it like any other part of my identity, plain and simple to my own mind.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

pass... somebody gotta post the little ristar fugger so I have something to say smash to.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I saw more aplatonic hate today, and while I discussed it on my tumblr, I want to talk more about it.

The supposed invalidity comes from the same place of people who think 'sexuality' is a synonym for 'physical attraction' or use it interchangeably with 'orientation' in just a general sense. However, the proper definition has nothing to do with general orientation (or even genitalia, for that matter, sorry superstraights). It is quite literally just a specific desire for sex, with a target of attraction: "I would like to have sex with this."

With this it becomes pretty clear Online Exclus Queers have oversimplified attraction. Which, on another note, this sort of stuff is awfully detrimental to friendships as they are portrayed as 'lesser' relationships... There are so many forms of attraction, and while many of them are labeled with useless rigid rules placed on them... Some people will not experience them all.

There is no attraction that is more fulfilling in every circumstance. Some people will not experience or enjoy some kinds of bonds or relationships. These things do not take away from their value or their ability to enjoy life.

Now, for a personal note, friendship is draining for me. I am an extremely physical person. Physical affection with partners has been the refill of my battery, the strength of my bonds. And so often it's seen as shallow of me, and I'm tired of that. I cannot express how draining and unfulfilling the concepts of or attempts at friendship have been for me. Once I really do feel a bond, it's usually somewhere in the realm of domestic, sensual, and mental attraction. I desire to give my services and help to those I adore. With this, I'm romance favorable in my Aromantic orientation, since these behaviors are often very close, and I do like to be affectionate. I find time spent watching movies in the same room pointless and unfulfilling, I'd much rather build an entire giant cat bed for a partner and gift it to them than just SIT. My physical gifts and physical affection are my love more than my time or compliments. Friends are just another level of draining, worse than respectful socializing in general for me. Partners and chosen family are ALL I want. ( I love my wifey and my son Lucas. Shoutout to Lucas.)

With that, I don't understand how others are just, expected to have these attractions like most of society has normalized them to work and exist. "You have to want friends, You have to have familial bonds, If you don't want sex with your partner you're depriving them."

It's gross.

I'd like to shoutout my AroAce Hypersensual self, and give a biggggg middle finger to aplatonic haters.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

That is the most vague dogwhistle I have ever heard... Like I feel like that's a common phrase outside of MAP or Radqueer??? Or am I tripping myself out?

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

I love this story. Thank you for sharing. I don't know if this means anything, but around 13/14, I was pretty active in MAP circles, and while I felt safe and respected, adults in my real circle were entirely heartless in their response. I was a stupid child to them after it and they forced me into isolation from practically everyone! When I read peoples stories about realizing their love wasn't wrong, I just wish people understood that, so I wouldn't have ended up alone. You're so very valid, and I know your openness is really important and valuable. You're loved.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

they hate to see a fashionista winning

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

You can accept it and still struggle. Acceptance is a loopy roller coaster process just like any self-improvement or healing process. You're incredibly valid and I hope time helps you grow to accept yourself as such. (Much love <3)

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I've been thinking on this, I was originally going to vent about how weird people used to be about me being a lipophile. But ~ no ~ I've decided on ~ love. ~ I love being an oddball lil lipophile. I'm proud of it. Fat! Fat! Wahooooo!!!

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm going to try and re-save them as jpegs, but I currently can't add a banner or icon for this group?? Tragic.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Look at me, on a roll. I'd like to kick this off by validating ALL of you for whatever or whoever you love. And I mean it when i say ALL of you. Anywho, welcome. Gush about whoever or whatever, or complain about the alloromantic norms of society (I feel you). This is a place for all sorts'a relationships and orientations. <3 Love!!!

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It's been done! This is THE ~ TransID Plurality Space ~ ( Sending love to all the transplurals, transdid/osdd, transorigins, and every other plurality transid'ers out there. )

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, I want to use the term... But I don't see myself as 'supposed to have autism' nor wanting to develop it. I grew up with an autistic sibling, and developed a lot of their habits and speech patterns. I, because of that, feel safe with other autistics more often than I do with non autistics, and also especially with low empathy autistics due to my ASPD. It's a really big part of my identity and how I socialize, so I'm wondering if using the term in that way would make any sense, or if there is something more fitting.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Would there be any interest in an Orientation and Relationships community? I'd prefer it avoid any discourse and be a good place to find terms, especially for those who's orientation or relationships are affected by being transid or a paraphile in some way. I think it's a good idea- but I'd like to know if anyone would actually have any interest in it.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, I know I'm TransHeight, but I don't really know what height I want to be. Logically with the way I wish I could change, I would just be fluid, but honestly... I wish even more I could just decide and settle on one, and I know it wouldn't be my current height. I don't know! Does anyone else feel like this ever?

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