I know everyone here is talking about how they're all racist turbo reactionaries. That's true but what does it for me is when they'll type out song lyrics to one another, line by line, like they're doing karaoke by mail. Not even obscure songs. There are probably at least five comment threads per day repeating the lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody. Yes reddit I've seen Wayne's World
That's probably what I hate most about reddit. It's how they valorize very well known things but act like they're part of a special club for enjoying it. They will make posts like "Heh, bet none of you will recognize this ancient, forgotten gem of a game: Sonic Adventure 2!" and then they'll all pile in to mention they also remember Sonic Adventure 2 and someone will do a comment thread doing the Live and Learn song one sentence at a time. And they do this every single day clapping like seals at seaworld