[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

If an adult is a suspected victim of human trafficking the police will be alerted despite their consent. Sexual abuse victims will be contacted by police and social workers as it is their job, not the doctor's, to offer assistance and determine the consent and course of action to take. Same thing happened here, the doctor is not qualified to make the judgment call, so they call someone who is qualified and authorized to make such decisions. For doing so, the doctor is permitted and expected to partially disclose patient information, like identity and anything they saw or heard that prompted them to call social services or police. As they did in OPs case. This is not the violation of rights you think it is. It's actually a sensible compromise to try and protect the most vulnerable members of society. Adults can be vulnerable too.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

It's usually strictly regulated what is allowed and what requires consent. Like I said, life saving is usually the intended criteria. That's how child molesters are caught. Are you gonna ask diddler daddy for consent to put him in prison for giving his daughter HPV?

[-] [email protected] 13 points 14 hours ago

You'll flip when you find out that there are circumstances in which they are mandated by law to share your personal information. That stuff is regulated to hell, and rallying resources to help people sleeping rough is a good thing in my book. Maybe OP doesn't need the help but the other 99% of the people living on their cars are at huge risk to life. Starvation, hypothermia, malnutrition, human trafficking, prison, just to name a few.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 15 hours ago

Counterpoint: masturbation is genocide and menstruation is murder as it is a failure to bring a life to the world. Therefore everyone beyond puberty is guilty of murder by default.

[-] [email protected] -2 points 1 day ago

Still by that standard, there are larger sail ships today. Just not cargo ships, but cruise ships. It's still a manipulative statement.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 day ago
  1. Yes, you can share location, the widgets aren't as fancy as Google integration with everything.

  2. Not feasible without the constant data harvesting in the background, which it doesn't do. It doesn't log your every move as Google does. Privacy vs surveillance, will always be at odds.

  3. Depending on the area. In my country public transportation is way better on OSM than on Gmaps. Oftentimes Gmaps won't even have large structures like train stations or bus terminals. It depends on users and contributors.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 1 day ago

It's also not the largest. During the age of sail one of the largest shipping boat was almost 8 times larger than this one. They are just playing the technicality of being wind powered and not a sail ship to con startup investors out of their money. But there have been even larger sail cruise ships. It's just the game tech bros play, reinventing the wheel but coming up with a catchy marketing name that looks like disrupting the status quo to bait capital injection.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 1 day ago

It's a crash log, not an error log. It's probably dumping the entire memory stack to text instead of a bin dump every time it crashed. I would also suspect the crash handler is appending to the log instead of deleting old crashes and just keeping the latest. At several dozen gigas of RAM it would just take a couple of game crashes to fill up the 300GB.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

The obvious answer is that Facebook should not be used by anyone, ever. The model is cancer, whatever FB does of value for the user can be accomplished without a social media platform.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

The insult is the implication. “I wouldn't tell a backwoods country to be like us, [but we should]. So instead I will tell you that you are not like US [because I actually think that you are backwoods], and you should be like us to [so you aren't like those backwoods countries anymore].”

[-] [email protected] 65 points 2 days ago

The gall of saying, that entirely different culture that's been around for longer than our country, they should have our same values, right after calling them backwoods countries. The extreme narcissist egoism is palpable and disgusting.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Probably logistics. They had hacked the smartphones, so Hezbollah decided that they would turn to older tech that was harder to hack or intercept. But of course this presented a great opportunity, as there aren't that many maker of pagers left in the world. So the Mossad probably interdicted the delivery process to tamper with them and insert explosives.

Lithium batteries don't explode, they fizz really quickly into a flame. The incidents reported included an explosion, and in several occasions they injured not just the user but several people around them. EDIT: apparently they didn't even have Lithium batteries, just use regular alkalines. So there was no way to make them explode without inserting an explosive and rewiring the device. Alkalines also just tend to leak when they overheat, not explode. To make them explode you have to feed them with high current, which the pager doesn't have space or circuitry inside to induce that, and it is still very rare even when you do overcharge them.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/18188737

Venezuelans are ready to throw off the dictatorship. Will the international community support us?

By Maria Corina Machado

I am writing this from hiding, fearing for my life, my freedom, and that of my fellow countrymen from the dictatorship led by Nicolás Maduro.

Mr. Maduro didn’t win the Venezuelan presidential election on Sunday. He lost in a landslide to Edmundo González, 67% to 30%. I know this to be true because I can prove it. I have receipts obtained directly from more than 80% of the nation’s polling stations.

We knew that Mr. Maduro’s government was going to cheat. We have known for years what tricks the regime uses, and we are well aware that the National Electoral Council is entirely under its control. It was unthinkable that Mr. Maduro would concede defeat.

We Venezuelans have done our duty. We have voted out Mr. Maduro. Now it is up to the international community to decide whether to tolerate a demonstrably illegitimate government. The repression must stop immediately, so that an urgent agreement can take place to facilitate the transition to democracy. I call on those who reject authoritarianism and support democracy to join the Venezuelan people in our noble cause. We won’t rest until we are free.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Venezuelans are ready to throw off the dictatorship. Will the international community support us?

By Maria Corina Machado

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

La doctora en filosofía e historia y docente Corina Yoris será la candidata sustituta de la Plataforma Unitaria Democrática de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, anunció María Corina Machado desde una conferencia de prensa realizada este viernes 22 de marzo en Caracas.

¿Quién es Corina Yoris, la candidata sustituta de María Corina Machado?

Crónica Uno

Caraota Digital

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

El comandante estratégico operacional de la FANB, Domingo Hernández Lárez, detalló que de esta zona protegida se han desalojado 301 mujeres; 839 hombres; 49 adolescentes y 82 niños.



submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

La Sala de Apelaciones de la Corte Penal Internacional acordó rechazar este viernes el recurso presentado por el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro el año pasado ante la Sala y que buscaba parar la investigación por la presunta comisión de crímenes de lesa humanidad en Venezuela.




submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Courtesy of @RaoulDook.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

El gobierno de Nicolás Maduro anunció la suspensión de las actividades de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de la ONU en Venezuela y les dio plazo de 72 horas a sus funcionarios para abandonar el país, bajo el argumento de que “se inmiscuyeron en asuntos internos”.

Caraota Digital

Crónica Uno


submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Este viernes 16 de febrero se cumple una semana de la detención de la activista de derechos humanos y presidenta de la ONG Control Ciudadano, Rocío San Miguel, a quien apresaron agentes de seguridad cuando se disponía a salir de Venezuela, junto con su hija, desde el aeropuerto de Maiquetía el pasado 9 de febrero.

Caraota Digital

Crónica Uno


submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

La candidata María Corina Machado, de Vente Venezuela, obtenía 552.430 votos que representaba el 93, 13% del total con el 26,06% de las actas escrutadas que la dan como ganadora de la consulta interna de la plataforma unitaria demócratica, anunció la madrugada de este 23 de octubre el presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Primaria, Jesús María Casal, al dar a conocer el primer boletín del proceso.

Después de denunciar un bloqueo en sus servidores, que impidieron transmitir los primeros resultados, la favorita del proceso sumaba 552.430 votos, de 601.010 mil de los que se habían totalizado hasta el momento.

En segundo lugar estaba Carlos Prosperi, candidato de Acción Democrática, quien durante la tarde del domingo dijo en un video que no iba a reconocer los resultados al sostener que hubo irregularidades durante la jornada.

Fuentes alternativas:

United Press International

El País

CNN en español: En Vivo

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

La selección venezolana de fútbol goleó a su similar chilena, tres goles a cero, en la cuarta jornada de las Clasificatorias Mundialista Canadá, Estados Unidos y México 2026.

The games industry sucks (www.youtube.com)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Same title as the video. Game dev writer Alanah Pierce offers her POV on the recent layoffs from Epic Games.

This is one of the few industries that consistently and continuously posts record profits while also firing everyone who put in the work to make the success possible.

view more: next ›


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