Can you elaborate why do you consider this service that I offer a scam? It seems to me that if I was able to get to the level of 10/10 life satisfaction then at least I have some competence that I could share with other people for their journeys!
No ja trochę sądzę, że on o dziwo ma rację. Nasi najbliżsi kuzyni to bonobo i "zwykłe" szympansy. Bonobo miały dobrobyt a szympansy rzadkość relatywnie ujmując no i bonobo są raczej biseksualne, kooperatywne, względnie egalitarne płciowo zaś szympansy są agresywne, terytorialne, patriarchalne.
Nie widzę problemu, byś cross-postowałx tam.
We did some research on Warrenite economy and now we plan to research ancom economy.
A bardzo fajnie, ja jakiś czas temu dodałem, że Albert Camus wspierał anrchizm, zdaje się, że to odrobinę legitymizuje tę ideologię w oczach pewnych ludzi.
Climate catastrophe and burnout and want to get into politics to maximize my impact on the world. Then I searched over most ideologies, finding anarchism the most compatible with critical thinking.
That's okay as your perspective, I would like you to consider that Motion Twin is not remote so those are different project ideas. I would say it depends on how you approach those types of projects. Realistically the scope of what I can accomplish solo is different to the one even in a small team, and the vision that I create solo certainly will not be the same as the vision that would get created from a collaborative process utilizing methods like Sociocracy. I already got some interest from 2 other people, in practice from my experience even between 2 persons team and a solo team there is an enormous difference, that's why I am searching for some hypothetical collaborators. I agree that this is a very competetive market, I think that in practice almost everywhere there is some competition and I would rather work on things that interest me. I think every moment that I don't murder myself I risk that I will die of more painful death than what I could give myself through picking the most appropriate form of suicide, so I am personally fine with risk and if someone is not then that's fine.
Thanks for the feedback concerning the linebreaks, I will try to improve that in future posts. And good luck to you with your FOSS projects!
Read on black army.
Yeah, anarchism is about deconstruction of our current societal structures and about creating a new world in the shell of the old - and this indeed helped me get to 10/10 life satisfaction. I wonder what inconsistency do you see here, could you elaborate?