submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just found this. Helps me a great deal moving my files. :)

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi folks!

I‘m currently setting up a „fediverse vps“ so to speak but federation is no joke so far.

I got lemmy, mastodon and matrix running pretty stable now (in docker and behind nginx proxy manager which seems to be very rare).

The next step is enabling federation and so far it’s brutal. I broke matrix by changing up the .well-known stuff and now nothing works.

I think my knowledge is just lacking at this point. Does anyone have experience with a setup like this and wants to help? I basically need the npm config and/or other changed configs for federation.

Thanks for reading. Have a good one.

Edit: Since some kind souls wanted to help and need to see configs, here they are.

Let me know if you need anything else! :)

Edit2: Here is the synapse config

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi folks! I just came up with something, no idea if its good but you judge that:

TL;DR: Can we make a browser extention or something that gives us a button to copy an entire comment chain with crucial, niche advice to a lemmy post or is that gone since the API went down?

I often google things for work and hobbies, code snippets, log entries, ways to make my insane docker setups work. For example, I got a lemmy instance working in docker with this.

Very often, I end up on reddit. If the post or comment in question is helpful, I'd like to upvote or ask a follow up question. For that I still need my reddit account.

But for the "praise helpful comment" I could also do that here. Some people link to the comment/post which also brings back traffic to reddit (which I dont like).

So I'd probably just copy the post (and/or comment chain in question) to a new post on lemmy.

It would go a little like this:

  • User1: "Post describing a topic"
  • User2: Helpful comment nr 1
  • User1: Follow up question
  • User2: Helpful comment nr 2

For that, I'd need some kind of automation. Since the API is gone, I don't know if that is possible but the option to "copy entire comment chain up to this comment" would definitely be awesome.

Feel free to tell me otherwise.

Edit: If this isn't obvious: It would accumulate the most helpful stuff from reddit on here without it being blindly crossposted by bots and would push google results (because its niche!) and most likely not a copyright issue because it is so few things that it should fly under the radar.

[-] [email protected] 54 points 11 months ago

Maybe that shouldn’t be possible.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Basically the headline. I‘ve been told by a colleague to not upgrade ubuntu immediately but wait for a couple months for bugixes and such. Is that correct?

I‘m currently on 23.04.

[-] [email protected] 37 points 11 months ago

I get that you‘re frustrated for more reasons than a freshly released game has bugs but this is literally the first time I hear of bg 3 being not completeable. What specs are you running on?

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi folks, I have recently changed my daily driver to ubuntu desktop and I use thunderbird quite a lot. Works good for me. I've seen that it has a matrix client (which doesnt work that great for me yet). Do you think it will get a lemmy/masto client as well? Would make sense imo. Have a good one.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Recently I read through the comments on a post and someone suggested OP should „just read the room“.

I have been told this since I was young and it triggers me every time.

Being unaware of social dynamics in a situation is a thing a lot of autistic people I know struggle with. „Reading the room“ in my understanding means „becoming aware of the unspoken things in a situation“.

Collins dictionary says: If you say that someone reads the room, you mean that they understand their audience and adapt what they say to suit it.

I think, although not on purpose, saying this is massively ableist and making fun of someone for „not reading the room“ is harassment imo.

Feel free to give an opposing opinion as well. I would like to hear them.

[-] [email protected] 51 points 11 months ago

Reading this really troubles me. I don’t like the implication that using lemmy is pushing authoritarian ideology.

If I was born 50 yrs earlier I would literally have been put in the gas chamber. I tick several qualifiers for it.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: I solved this using the command gsettings reset org.gnome.Settings last-panel

And it turns out I have the exact problem of this user: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/2017498 I just didnt know because everything in gnome control center didnt work. After resetting, I deliberately clicked on the mouse settings and it went bad again. Reset again and it works again.

Old Description (out of date, just for reference):

Hi! I'm trying to find out why my display settings are not showing when rightclicking or using gnome-control-center display.

I have recently disabled a mod I had done to disable pipewire since I couldn't hear anything when using rdp. But probably some of the changed configuration is now breaking parts of my system.

Here's the error message when using the above command:

GStreamer-Play[16682]:   ERROR: GtkGstPlay: 'playbin' element not found, please check your setup
^CTrace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

I tried the following:

  • uninstalling gstreamer (bad idea)
  • reinstalling gstreamer using apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-x gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-gl gstreamer1.0-gtk3 gstreamer1.0-qt5 gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
  • reinstalling ubuntu desktop

I'm pretty much out of ideas as when I google the problem I only get obscure problems on github which don't seem to resemble the problem I have.

Can anyone tell me what may be wrong? I will gladly provide logs if you need them.

Thank you very much for reading. Have a good one.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi! I‘m very new to ubuntu desktop. I‘m a server admin so linux is not new to me but a gui/desktop very much is.

What aesthetic or functional tweaks do you make to your ubuntu desktop?

I have seen a lot of people make it more mac os like. Thats not my thing for some reason. I‘d like to know what else there is.

Have a good one!

Sonos is down… (discuss.tchncs.de)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi folks!

I have a sonos system from my pre self hosting days and it’s much too expensive to exchange for something else atm.

Since today, I can’t use my music subscriptions anymore and I don’t have any music stored locally. Reason is a giant service outage at sonos.

I know, it’s the classic argument for cutting the cord. My question now is, how would you do it? Just pirate music since I have a subscription and am entitled to listen to music?

Btw. the issue is with sonos cloud services so the music services are available everywhere but in sonos. If I had a way to stream music from apple or amazon in my homenetwork, sonos should be able to pick it up.

Also, what do people do with sonos products? Do they get jailbroken/rooted or is that not a thing?

Thanks for reading. Have a good one.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: As of five minutes ago, I am aware that there is no official ui for the elgato stream deck which is a huge disservice to the users of this expensive piece of hardware. I was under the impression that streamdeck-ui was the official (and very outdated) official version, which is false. Those who bothered to explain this, thank you very much. To those piling up on someone who just hasn't as much knowledge as you do: feels bad man. Maybe consider that this is not reddit and schooling someone does not have to be aggressive.

Hi folks!

I have switched to my Linux daily driver this week and after some starting issues, it's working quite well.

But a few bits and bobs are quite annoying, such as streamdeck ui. The windows version looks and feels like a spaceship compared to the barebones version I have on ubuntu 23.04

Here's what the windows version looks like.

Additionally, the windows version has plugins and stuff that pretty much make giant scripts that can do pretty much anything and everything. The Linux version doesn't even have it's own pictures that come with it.

If you're curious I just used apt install streamdeck-ui instead of the complex stuff that is on the web (and doesn't work anymore because outdated).

Am I just using a really outdated version or is the linux version just trash?

TL;DR: Linux version of streamdeck ui looks 20 yrs old while the windows version looks like photoshop.

Thanks for reading. Have a good one!

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi folks!

I got my daily driver to work (which wasn't as hard as I thought) but linphone (VoIP solution) gives me a little bit of headache.

When I try clicking on a phone number in firefox (tel:) it asks for the app, I provided the linphone path but it doesn't do anything.

Now, I went digging. Turns out they have a gitlab instance with my exact issue unsolved for 2 yrs (but they're still active). I tried logging in with my gitlab credentials but it doesn't work. is that because it's self hosted? How should someone provide issues or other feedback if nobody can log in?

The Issue on gitlab: https://gitlab.linphone.org/BC/public/linphone-desktop/-/issues/27

Otherwise the app works great. was even easier to get working than micro sip on windows.

Thanks for reading! Have a good one.

Btw.: I know this is an app specific issue but we don't have a gitlab community yet, feel free to make one. :)

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi folks,

I'm having some linux related problems (but not ubuntu server related so I don't post them here) and linux.org has helped me tremendously in the past so if you have issues, that don't seem to get fixed here, I highly recommend checking them out.

Have a good one.

[-] [email protected] 46 points 1 year ago

Yes, indeed. This is so obvious and my frustration is immeasurable when hearing that people are too ignorant to understand why this is really bad.

[-] [email protected] 46 points 1 year ago

Another ex redditor here. The issue seems to be that a lot of people created communities but never bothered to post something. Even my little ubuntu server community has nearly 90 subscribers by now.

We should work on more visible „you‘re here, what to do next“. Something like „go to communities tab, all, subscribe to each one you like“, missing any? Make them yourselves, but dont forget to post on them since very few people will subscribe to an empty community. 10-20 posts over a month should be a good start. Generally avoid bots since they dont boost interaction at all (my personal impression).

Or a reminder for people who have made communities but no posts. That would stress them a bit I suppose but I thought I‘d bring the idea to the table.

Anyway, have a good one. :)

[-] [email protected] 37 points 1 year ago

Probably stating the obvious but „are in no threat of being deleted“ is an absolute joke.

A company holding the IP can just make it unavailable tormorrow. A big chunk of us is here because reddit somehow is allowed to delete our posts because the law is idiotic. At least european people are allowed to get their data but the cooperative works of thousands of people is threatened due to those laws.

The concept of IP needs to be reformed.

[-] [email protected] 93 points 1 year ago

I think it’s sad. All of it. Linus projected an image of a friendly geek when the channel was smaller. The first cracks I saw in that image appeared after covid in which I assume the channel (just as the rest of youtube) grew extremely.

Since then I noticed „slip ups“ where he went edgy and kind of lost part of his friendliness. I assumed it was because he was overwhelmed with his job as ceo since that job takes a heavy toll. I know from experience.

But the fact that he (and his wife and the new ceo) didn’t do anything against the obvious transgressions that were carried out under his watch (against this vendor as well as former employees, some of which have posted on youtube) is his (their) responsibility.

It’s just sad to see them making the same mistakes (being careless in the wrong department) as others before them.

[-] [email protected] 38 points 1 year ago

Can someone please post this stuff on lemmy world in its own thread? This needs to be brought to attention.

The people responsible for this need to then either concede that they have done wrong, leave or otherwise be made to leave.

[-] [email protected] 40 points 1 year ago

Google stans are ignorant as hell.

[-] [email protected] 48 points 1 year ago

What a shitfest. Reddit is now a true autocracy and people are gobbling up their disinformation. It’s sad, truly.

[-] [email protected] 136 points 1 year ago

Quick correction: website scraping and ad blocking is not unlawful. It both is a means to make the web more accessible and the latter also reduces CO2 emission through reducing electricity usage from irrelevant ads. The same case could be made for web scraping as a user can make their own feed of news without having to sift through hundreds of pages. This as well can be done in a way that does not disrupt the pages‘ normal function.

That is where the two larger issues come in:

  • people can argue that you need to pay for viewing a page/getting information through apps And
  • branding powerusers as criminals („unlawful“) is unfair and false

The „pay for information“ is largely a phylosophical problem. It is no problem to pay for someones book or online course but the blanket statement that one has to pay for it is false. As an open source developer I give my work freely to others and in turn receive theirs freely as well (if they use the appropriate license of course).

We really have two sides forming. The „open internet“ crowd that works together for free or maybe accepts donations and the proprietary crowd which is having a huge influence right now.

Google putting in web DRM will cement that situation and make it possible that you can only use vanilla stuff on your browser and ultimately even shutting down any access to open source things completely by making it impossible to run on ubuntu since google will only accept windows clients (this is a possible outcome, not a guaranteed one).

All in all, we are unable to perfectly anticipate the outcome of this but if we see great harming potential, it is fair to weigh it agains the potential benefits (which is the lofty goal of weeding out bots and scammers). I think the cost benefit relation is heavily tilted here.

TL;DR: Tinkering with your browser is not illegal and should be allowed to continue. The cost of (potentially) weeding out bots and scammers is not worth potentially ruining the open source community.

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