I want to see Fat Joe rationalizing this all the way back to 1922.
It's just the sheer, utter disinformation where it's objectively demonstrable that they just make up shit about us and then all believe it.
Reminded of how Hitler had documents forged implicating his enemies prior to the night of the long knives, and then getting angrier and angrier when he read them.
I recommend listening to 'Hopeless' by the Wrens
Oh sorry it was a joke old movie plus it was labeled a synopsis. Premise was it wasn't really a spoiler.
Spoiler tags please!
What if it was a Care Bear tummy symbol?
I used to carry so much anxiety as tension in my calves, then one day I popped a tendon. Make sure to stretch.
Didn't have "MTG saved Biden's election chances" on my megalib bingo card.
Saw a tweet about Monica Lewinsky and tried to imagine what it's like to see Bill Clinton's O face.
Was the DeSantis campaign just a ruse to get campaign donors to provide his family with an all expenses paid dream vacation to every county in Iowa?
It just occurred to me that in a couple years I will search for "flying dog monkeys" on YouTube and if it doesn't exist YT will offer to create one for me, if I have YouTube Premium Gold.