It's always the ones you most suspect
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From what I heard, most of the fans were actually pretty hospitable. Hopefully these shitbags get banned from campus for a long, long time, if not permanently.
Edit: I'm a Texas fan and alum, so don't think it's just Bama fans saying this.
don’t think it’s just Bama fans saying this.
Yeah, pretty much any school, and definitely any older school in a former Confederate state has this element to their fanbase, and not just among the T-Shirt fans. You hope it's small, you hope it's dwindling, and you HAVE to attempt to drown them out, but universities and athletic departments that aren't being proactive about creating an inclusive culture are whistling past the graveyard.
Or they're universities in Florida which have been banned from creating inclusive cultures.
"The worst part of being a fan for my team is my fans"
Glares at Northwestern No kidding. I wonder how long it'll be before an athletic director's inaction causes a lawsuit that nukes an athletic program from orbit. Betting it won't be more than a few years before a school screws up badly enough.
How much do you think seats that close during a big time game are? I live in the south and see a check ending whatever you just said really quick.
I would love to say you're wrong...but I can't. I agree with you completely. Sigh...
We expect all attendees to act with class and respect toward others
invitations must have gone out to the wrong folks or something
Welcome to the Souwth Yawl
Honestly, nice to see them lay out a plan of action with some teeth. Good for them!