submitted 14 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I wanted to get printer photo paper for my printer, a Canon. I went to Walmart, They had nothing. Went to Target, they had one pack of photo paper and it was crazy expensive, so I went to micro center. That one was just as expensive. So finally I went back to Amazon, which I was trying to avoid, and saw the price 25 to 40% lower than anywhere I had been. Literally everything that I was looking for, I could find within seconds. Not even Best buy has even close to the amount of inventory or variety, even when you're shopping online....

Therefore, I think Amazon has a literal monopoly in the tech industry right now, you're literally forced to buy from them, because unless you have the money and financial fortitude to protest with your wallet, you're going to be buying from them. There's no other choice. They have so aggressively and dominantly taken over the supply chain market that no other tech company can currently compete with them in any aspect at all. You will be paying 40 to 50% more on everything by cutting out Amazon, and no one has the money for that anymore unless you're upper middle class or above

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[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 minutes ago

Microcenter price matches amazon, you could've bought it for the same price at microcenter. Also, you can try ebay, I've been buying more stuff from ebay and the experience is pretty good.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Not just tech, all over the product spectrum. They started by selling books.

A large problem is payment system and accounts. I hate going to a new shop and create a new account, a new password, bla bla bla. I hate it. And wiring with online banking is still a pain the ass, you have to enter some password into your shitty phone keyboard and then wait for an SMS... paypal and amazon payment make shopping convenient.

So part of the problem is banks who have been sleeping on the job for decades. At least here in Europe. You finally can wire money so it arrives immediately from your bank account at a shop! (without having to waste some tax on a payment provider either). But 2 factor authentication is still a pita. Where is my online bank with easy to use FIDO2?

There are now alternative popping up because amazon has become so enshittified (high prices for many smaller items and reviews etc). And of course I'm a fan of aliexpress but shipping from China is stupid too.

We definitely need to avoid a monopoly by a corporation like amazon.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Books have always been a tool for power.
Guess even in our times that's true.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 hours ago

And then amazon, a book seller, bought IMDB and eventually burned down the discussion section - which contained so much "secondary literature" about films. I'll never forgive them for that.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 hours ago

I always forget about that. Makes me sad.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 58 minutes ago

Amazon most times has name brand stuff that isn't electronics that you can have delivered very quickly. But seriously, any device, anything with an expiration, shoes, anything that might break in transit, off brand plastic crap, and any other of the useless items amazon carries, just buy a name brand directly from the manufacturers website. You will most likely get a tested product, and when something goes wrong you can talk directly to the manufacturer support. Not amazon. Also, purely anecdotal right now, but check your bank account for amazon purchase totals that don't match you order history... I got 3 charges for $24~ in 3 days when I hadn't ordered for a week, and now I have to fight thru automation to get it fixed.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 4 hours ago

Amazon has very good deals OR very bad ones. I find Microcenter often equal to or even better than Amazon in most tech stuff.

Your experience is exactly why you shouldn't make sweeping judgement on one data point.

  1. Photo paper isn't really tech. It's a supply.

  2. It's a low volume niche item.

  3. People that are buying it are less likely to care about cost (older) or want it right now. So Microcenter feels they can charge more. (IMO)

[-] [email protected] 15 points 5 hours ago

I was thinking about this recently after a frustrating trip to a brick and mortar store that was missing the specific item I wanted to purchase which should have been easily available.

Has it always been this bad and we just accepted it until Amazon came around and carried most everything, or have stores significantly reduced the inventory they carry to the point where they have become practically useless except as a showroom? It extends to things I only want to purchase in store. Why do clothing and shoe stores never have my size in stock of the item I want? Clothing has become so poor in quality (even expensive stuff) and I'm hard enough to fit that unless it is an item I already have and need to replace I only want to buy stuff I can try on first.

As much as I'd like to avoid Amazon, the lack of inventory at other retailers really pushes me towards them. Why would I pay more for slow shipping from the East coast because the local store doesn't carry anything when Amazon delivers in 1-2 days for free?

I've also been really struggling recently when trying to buy items that are less than $15. Amazon often charges double what it should cost for the items, but at the same time, local stores don't carry what I'm looking for. I can find it for the right price online, but then the shipping cost makes it more expensive than Amazon.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 21 minutes ago

The American consumers worship of convenience/price above all else is precisely what got us here. Just like how everyone discusses how toxic twitter is........ On Twitter.

In regards to twitter - Of course it's where everyone is, nobody will leave.

In regards to Amazon - Of course everyone else is struggling, nobody will pay $3 more to buy it from them instead of Amazon.

I'm not saying there aren't times it does end up having to be amazon or that you can't be lazy and use amazon occasionally. I have prime myself and do use it on occasion (probably wouldn't if I didn't split it with my ex though.) I AM saying nothing will ever change so long as people REFUSE to even consider their habits for a second.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 38 minutes ago

It's a mix of both. When Amazon came around, stores got less traffic and had to get rid of niche products, and because shelf space was so important, there could only be so many products carried by a store.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 hours ago

the shipping cost makes it more expensive than Amazon.

There is a lesson there folks

[-] [email protected] 7 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

That lesson/related lesson:

We cannot accept capitalism’s conception of economic relations as “free and private,” because contracts are not made among economic equals and because they give rise to social structures which undemocratically confer power upon some over others. Such relationships are undemocratic in that the citizens involved have not freely deliberated upon the structure of those institutions and how social roles should be distributed within them (e.g., the relationship between capital and labor in the workplace or men and women in child rearing).


[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Have you tried buying from aliexpress? It's the same products as on Amazon, but directly from the supplier. Imagine Amazon, but everything's 50% off.

Source: I'm cheap as heck and buy random trash from them

[-] [email protected] 5 points 3 hours ago

OP wants to support the US economy more - funnelling money directly to Chinese sellers definitely won't do that and is arguably even worse than supporting Amazon (who at least employ Americans).

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 hour ago

“OP wants to pay an American middleman to import the Chinese junk for him”

[-] [email protected] 6 points 4 hours ago

Walmart online is eating Amazon they don't have a monopoly

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Walmart online is pretty good for most things. Not everything. But if I can get it on Walmart I do.... Walmart plus is pretty good. It currently comes with Paramount Plus, which doesn't show ads with my pi-hole (so far, Roku), and compared with Amazon Prime showing ads.....

Anyway fuck Amazon.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 2 hours ago

It's pretty amazing to me that a company hasanagednto become so reviled that Walmart is the better and more ethical option.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 5 hours ago

You’re listing all of the reasons it’s not a monopoly - you can go almost anywhere else and buy the same good.

Therefore, I think Amazon has a literal monopoly in the tech industry right now, you're literally forced to buy from them

You literally weren’t and literally aren’t, so they’re literally not.

They have so aggressively and dominantly taken over the supply chain market that no other tech company can currently compete with them in any aspect at all.

If nobody was in competition with them, they’d be raising their prices.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 4 hours ago
[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 minutes ago

This article literally proves their point. When Amazon doesn’t need to compete (because other sites are indexing off their prices) they raise their prices. When they do need to compete (like in the examples OP mentioned) they keep their prices low.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 4 hours ago

“Essentially” is the load-bearing weasel word here that allows this story to blame Amazon for their competitors choosing to offer the same goods at higher prices.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 34 minutes ago

"Competitors choosing" is usually considered to be price fixing, which is anti-competitive and/or monopolistic. Amazon et al aren't the only US companies guilty of this or other anti-competitive behaviors, even if they're a notable example.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 9 hours ago

Remember that time like 10 years ago, when some local news station was doing a story about Amazon having all the best tech deals, and then the one co-host butts in and says "You know why they have a monopoly, right? RIGHT??? SHE KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT!!!"

And everybody was giving blank looks, like "Uh....no? What ARE you talking about?"

And he's like "Because they sell all the sex toys, and deliver it right to your house! Ladies? Right???? IT'S CONVIENENT!!!"

And everybody just had their mouth open in shock like "WTF ARE YOU DOING???"

and then he goes on and on about dildos, as his cohost continually tries to move on, but he keeps talking about dildos. And she's looking like she wants to strangle him.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 6 hours ago
[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 hours ago

That look on her face is priceless.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 hours ago

Not as bad as promised. I mean he has a point.

[-] [email protected] 22 points 8 hours ago

No, but I enjoyed your retelling.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 7 hours ago

You should watch news bloopers on youtube. There's so many classics.

"........I so pale......." *You're on!" Immediately goes into news reporter mode as her cohost giggles

Also, a woman talking to the weatherman: "How bout that 69, huh? I know you're excited about the no rain, but how bout that 69???" Rest of the news crew stonewalls.

Or the woman doing an on-location report about a guy who grills hamburgers for his resteraunt.

"Now, can I try one of these?"

"Absolutely. I would LOVE to see my meat in your mouth!


There was the cohost who was in a grape smashing competition to make wine, and she yelled "WAIT!!!" and then started stomping extra fast herself. Basically cheating. And then she slipped and fell face first off an 8 foot drop right onto her face. And she starts groaning in pain.

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[-] [email protected] 45 points 11 hours ago

Amazon's pricing I not deterministic. You were likely tracked and information collected to know this was a key item for you. Amazon will market loss leaders to you in an attempt to get you to default to buying on Amazon.

As a former Buyer for a chain of retail stores, the loss leader is effective marketing. I sell you a popular item at or below my typical cost because statistically, a large percentage of customers are making a special trip to my store to buy that product and will make additional purchases at margin. On the wholesale Buying side, these are tools to get past bulk buying tier discounts for seasonal ordering with smaller scale retail.

Amazon is using a convoluted front end system of overlapping product categories and a supposed multi seller listings (despite collectivized logistics and warehousing) on the website you see. This is how they perform price fixing where you do not see honest or straight forward determinism. When you repurchase that same item later without making comparisons, the seller will shuffle so that a higher price is presented.

If you have a well isolated network where device history for social media and internet browsing is totally partitioned from e-commerce you'll likely see even more of the scam. If you see anyone online show the search results and pricing on Amazon, then try to replicate those search results and product price on a device that is totally partitioned from your viewing of the item/price elsewhere, you're likely to find it is not possible. If you then go back to the original device and do the same, you'll magically find the same product and lower price. It is a scam market. This is why they are collecting and paying for all that data about you. We are in an age when automated individual targeting and manipulation is possible and happening. This is why data mining stalkerware is insidious. Scam markets are only the tip of the iceberg and what can be uncovered if you go looking for it. Anyone that has done database or logistics management should have major red flags flying when looking at how Amazon's website is setup. The front end is absolutely untenable garbage for effective logistics. The only reason it is convoluted and search results are terrible is because it is a price fixing scam. The logistical efficiency proves that there is no connection between the front and back end of the site.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago

Did 39 people really believe this enough to upvote this? This is easily proven false. Amazon is convoluted because it's old as heck and they hire subpar engineers. Like me. I used to work on the team that made the search page. It sucks because most of us were fresh out of college and had never made a website in our lives.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 6 hours ago

How much does it say these beans cost?

How does CamelCamelCamel display a price history if the price is different for everyone? Perhaps it’s inaccurate for some (Just hasn’t been for me the handful of times I’ve “had“ to use Amazon.)

And Amazon doesn’t price discriminate if they put something on a nationwide sale? So the bloggers can advertise that AirPods are at their lowest price ever?

reporting on their bad biz practices

They definitely get accused of other unsavory stuff:

Amazon “tricks” customers into buying Fire TVs with false sales prices: Lawsuit

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

If you see anyone online show the search results and pricing on Amazon, then try to replicate those search results and product price on a device that is totally partitioned from your viewing of the item/price elsewhere, you're likely to find it is not possible. If you then go back to the original device and do the same, you'll magically find the same product and lower price.

I noticed this on Walmarts website when asking chat GPT to find items for me. I was wondering why it was happening. Some of the price differences were extreme too.

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[-] [email protected] 146 points 14 hours ago

I put some of the blame on retailers as well. Retail stores just don't want to carry inventory anymore, especially tech-focused ones with many of those just turning into glorified showrooms. I don't know how many times I've heard some version of: "Sorry, we don't have that in stock but we can bring it in for you."

We needed a short length of garden hose here for the house so I went to two hardware stores and one garden centre looking for one. Nothing. Not even in their dedicated gardening sections. I had to order it off Amazon. A goddamn garden hose.

Amazon has done a lot of damage for sure but retail is suffering from several self-inflicted wounds too. Home Depot, for example, is a multi-billion dollar corporation and even they have a weaker retail presence now. That's not Amazon's fault.

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this post was submitted on 22 Sep 2024
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