[-] [email protected] 1 points 56 minutes ago

Yes. Water doesn’t directly help it go out since the batteries are fine burning in water but if you carry away enough heat then you csn

[-] [email protected] 2 points 8 hours ago

Same with model Y. I’m more concerned with people using that unknowingly instead of the button

[-] [email protected] 13 points 8 hours ago

Feel sorry for y’all missing out. I’ve gone to so many concerts for headliner bands, for $50-$100. Not in decades, though.

The only time I paid hundreds to see a band was y2k new years party at Paradise Island …. And that was three bands and a full day

[-] [email protected] 32 points 8 hours ago

Where’s the tax returns? Where’s the evidence you are a billionaire as you claim?

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

I vaguely remember live tv of men walking on the moon. Not the first guy though, I’m not that old

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I too thought Trumps candidacy a joke in 2016. How could anyone listen to him and still vote for him? After I got over the shock I pictured everyone in flyover states as that bully from Simpsons, “Ha-ha”

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Kumla looks pretty good. Now I really wish I had picked up lingonberries when I was at IKEA last weekend. Unfortunately I decided I didn’t know what I’d do with them. Now I know

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 day ago

Why isn’t this a criminal investigation? I see fraud, lyin to the victims, a coverup, harassing a whistleblower, and abusing government resources for personal reasons. Do they not have anti-SLAPP laws?

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

In my school in the 80’s it was optional. I took mainly as SAT practice, then got an endless stream of recruiters calling me. I was the only one I knew (my group was all college track) who took it, got a 99 and did not find it useful to improve my SAT

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago

So you know which sofa cushion the EarPod is under

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Same here: the t seems the most logical answer. I’m not especially convinced by the arguments in this article, except that they are at least as strong as “man the hunter” arguments so neither changes my mind

[-] [email protected] 67 points 2 days ago

A big problem is things tied unnecessarily to an internet service. We need to educate people that there may be alternatives and we need our purchasing decisions to support that. For example, most home automation stuff should NOT require or use any internet.

The article calls it “software tethering”. If any support commitments encourage manufacturers to stop that, we’ll all be better off. Let’s start with requiring users be clearly notified of software tethering, so they know what they’re buying

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just got back from a 1,200+ mile road trip and Superchargers, especially with the trip planning, made it easy!

However non-Tesla chargers seem to be more common in Connecticut. I went to try one and discovered I don’t have as complete a set of adapters as I thought. What if I need to charge at a CCS charger?

I looked online and the price range is huge. I see a $64 and one close to $300, and several in between. Do you know what the difference is or what I should be looking for? Is there one you’d recommend? Is it even worth it, since Superchargers are everywhere, plus I charge at home, and CCS is likely to go away in a couple years?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just got back from my first real road trip in an EV: over 1,200 miles in nine days! I stayed with my brother most of it, but did not even ask to plug-in. I saw many destination chargers, but filtered them out.

I charged only at Tesla superchargers. There was always one close to on my way, and I never felt too delayed. My first charging stop was at the Meadowlands, which is apparently a huge mall when they’re not playing football. It was a huge surprise to see the pop up to continue the trip before we were able to find the food court. I did follow the pattern from trip planning, to charge up frequently for short periods of 10-20 minutes, rather than wait for a full charge, and it worked very well. Basically each stop was to grab a soda, maybe use the bathroom, and go, and I always had a couple hundred miles of charge available

There was only one spot where I was worried. After sitting in traffic over an hour with the AC running, I was getting worried about reaching the planned supercharger. I exited to try a different brand, but discovered I didn’t have that adapter. Oops. However in the end, we did make the planned stop with a decent amount of charge left, despite the traffic delay and a couple detours

The final leg of the trip was 350 miles through mostly rural are with fewer super chargers. Trip planner recommended 2 quick charging stops, but by the time we ate lunch, the first stop was more than sufficient. Even in this rural area, supercharging wasn’t inconvenient!

No more range anxiety here it, it worked very well …… although admittedly in urban areas in the northeast where superchargers are fairly common. Still, destination chargers were common and I could have plugged in at my brothers.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A few years back at Fenway Park watching the Boston Red Sox

I think this was the game where I was carded and didn’t have my license to prove I’m old enough to drink. Lol, found one of the guys literally half my age to buy beer for me. I guess thanks for the entertainment at stupid adherence to paperwork despite greyed haired reality staring in disbelief

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Finally able to turn off the heat, sitting out on the deck.’c “Shipping off to Boston” with the dog, listening to the Dropkick Murphies with an adult “lemonade”. SUMMMERTIME!!!!

Ok, not so scenic, especially since I didn’t include the dog, but let’s see you do better. Please. Let’s see beer in the Alps and places more scenic than my deck

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I don’t know if this fits the community, but the way ads placement works can lead to some unfortunate results

Just looking for some cooking ideas, and I wish I could forget what I saw

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Yesterday at the grocery store, someone keyed my new car. It’s not like I could have done anything to annoy someone, since there wasn’t anyone parking in the next spot when I pulled in, and I was almost perfectly centered in my spot

I just got the car in November, and it’s that really nice new navy blue. Looks fantastic. And now it’s keyed. I hope it was at least an acciden somehow, because I’ve read too many articles online about people just wanting to see the world burn

For anyone else who had to have the paint touched up, can I take it to a normal body shop? Or does it need something special? Where would I look?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Insufficient tinting, but lens flair got the image at 95%

Seafood feast! (lemmy.world)
submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I hope this is ok to post: cast iron adjacent and has not better home on Lemmy ….

Seafood feast I made for the kids last night. That fried rice started as 2c dry rice and would have been tough to make without the space of this griddle top! Or maybe it’s just me, I can’t seem to make it without spreading out and making a mess

It’s all an experiment

  • only the second time cooking tuna steak
  • only a few times trying to sear shrimp
  • fried rice - ok, hot sesame oil was new, gave it a nice kick without being hot

Probably use it for a massive number of pancakes tomorrow

So this is also a cry for help: what can I replace this with?

  • I’m getting an induction glass top, which doesn’t support griddles of any kind
  • I don’t want to go back to Teflon, that all stand-alone electric griddles seem to be
  • I don’t know how big to consider: during the week it’s just me and a skillet is sufficient, but kids do come home from college
  • I considered getting a Blackstone or similar, but the weather here is not friendly to outdoor cooking half the year

Anyone have ideas what to look for in a stand-alone griddle that’s not Teflon, and is cast iron or cast iron adjacent?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Can I just say, I’m really happy how successfully my kids appreciate a huge variety of foods, and I’ll pat myself on the back for part of it.

We had a bit of a rough start with one kid allergic to everything and the other just not eating. Now they’re teenagers and not only know how to eat healthily, but enjoy a huge variety from many cuisines (and are almost at my level for hot sauce)

Today one kid was home and he thoroughly enjoyed:

  • breakfast: cilbir
  • lunch: pupusas with avocado mash (and when I offered my hot sauce selection, he picked ghost pepper sauce!!!!)
  • dinner: tuna steak and halloumi over salad in a sesame dressing with nori

At my house: dinner around the world!

Edit: or maybe I need to rephrase …. As Americans with no other cultural heritage and whose families eat “American” food, my kid in one day had food inspired by Mediterranean cuisine, Central American, and Asian. Polished his plate and asked for more!

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I use extra virgin olive oil for some cooking - where taste matters, but never knew what to look for.

Several years back, we did a taste test of brands and styles found in my grocery, and settled on one that was good, but they no longer stock it. Now I need to look for a new one but still have no idea what to look for, so what do you look for?

I used “Philipo Berio” brand robusto. I don’t know if that’s considered good but it tastes good to me and has a reasonable price. My grocery still carries the brand but not robusto and the other styles don’t have as much flavor.

Apparently robusto is not a thing, since no other brand uses that nomenclature, so what can I look for to find one with a strong flavor? How can I find a “good” brand without spending a lot? Is there a price sweet spot, like with wine?

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I can talk the talk, but this is really going to test that ……

I live in a fairly walkable town outside one of the most walking and transit oriented cities in the US. I’ve always been a transit and walkable communities advocate.

My town is centered on a train station/bus/taxi/scooter/bicycle hub and we have a traditional walkable “Main Street” with shops and restaurants that we pedestrianize for the summer. We have a new rail trail that will eventually connect to a statewide network, a riverwalk and even kayak rentals in the middle of downtown

Higher density housing is centered on the downtown, dominated by 4-6 story apartment/condos, including residential over commercial. Works great. Surrounding that is a belt of 2-3 story multifamily houses, townhouses, and small apartments. I’m the first street zoned for single family, but I can still walk to the town center, and take the train into the nearby major city.

I even spoke up in favor of new statewide zoning, requiring “as of right” zoning for large apartment buildings near transit …… maybe you see where this is going …..

When I was out walking my dog this morning, I saw construction …. apparently there are a couple huge 6 story apartment buildings going in just a couple blocks away. It all seemed like a great idea until it was my neighborhood. It was a great idea when things were grouped by size. But now it’s a behemoth towering over three deckers and the like, and even looming near single family housing.

I’ve “talked the talk” but really don’t know if I can “walk the walk”. This really seems excessive for the neighborhood.

What do you think? Could you still support higher density housing when it means something twice the height going into your neighborhood, hundreds of tenants where now it’s 3-10 per building? What would you do when you get what you were asking for but it’s in your neighborhood and way out of scale?

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I currently have no use for spatial photos, can’t justify the price of the Vision Pro headset, and really don’t have a reason to have strong motivation.

Looking back at old family photos, I see sepia from my parents, faded from when I was a kid, and low rez/faded even from when my kids were little, looking across that timeline, the march of technology is clear. Older photos are noticeably older (even when not printed).

However I have a phone that can take spatial pictures and has extra storage, and I just had to raise my iCloud storage. Assuming spatial photos and videos becomes commonplace, it will be another noticeable jump in photo technology. Reviewers of the Vision Pro rave about them

Do you think

  • spatial photos will become common/normal, or are just a fad like 3D tv?
  • is there a standard format or is it Apple specific?
  • it’s worth getting a jump on the technology for personal photos, even without a use yet? Presumably I will have a use at such time as I look back on personal photos
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