[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Someone needs to make this IRL and bring it to one of the events where people like to show off their robotic DIY R2D2's.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago


[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago

Why do people not seem to understand this is primary for price fixing scams and information filtering. Like seriously, that is fundamental to Amazon. The obscure overlapping product categories, multiple products inside a single listing, and multiple sellers per listing; all of that nonsense would make an impossible to manage back end for real logistics. Every single part of that is a price fixing scam.

Every time you see someone show a google search on YT or in a blog, try and replicate their search results. If someone bribes Google, your search results will show all irrelevant or misdirected results and the advertiser's results will be all that you see. In many cases, the advertiser is not even relevant to your query. The real results are not on any of the following pages either. This is the easy one to verify. The same thing is happening in all aspects of life that are not easily verified.

Selling digital data is a form of slavery. Your digital presence is a fundamental part of your person no different than an arm or a leg. There is no such thing as anonymous data. This is theft of autonomy. Autonomy is a cornerstone of citizenship and democracy with self determination.

These are criminal actions to steal a part of a person for manipulation and thievery.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 day ago

It should be a commitment to complete register level public documentation.

That is the benchmark of true ownership.

Android is a Linux kernel google prepares so that the kernel modules (drivers) for the device hardware can be added at the last possible moment. These kernel modules are added as binaries directly on the device. This is called an orphaned kernel. The source code for these binary modules is not publicly available, and the devices hardware is not publicly documented. This is how they steal ownership of the device.

The alternative is either to merge the original source code into the kernel, which the community can then maintain for decades, or simply make the documentation public and we will write our own kernel modules to support the device.

There is no reason to obfuscate this information except for theft of ownership. There is no security in obscurity, and hiding this information makes the hardware far less safe for the end user.

No one can ever update the Linux kernel for security or their own use case. Without the ability to recompile the kernel modules for the hardware, it is impossible to completely own the device. You can never trust the hardware, because those binaries are not verified.

The modem on the device is the same. There is no documentation. Between the processor and modem, there is no way to determine what or who is connected to your device at any time. Every interface on the device is untrusted.

Fixing all of this is simple; require full register level and API documentation of all digital devices. Anything less than this simple standard is ultimately giving up democracy for neo feudalism and authoritarianism. You have a right to own your tools as a citizen; a right to autonomy. A serf does not have a right of ownership or full autonomy. Citizens are a fundamental requirement for democracy, as serfs are to feudalism. Not caring about this fundamental issue is ultimately selling your autonomy. It is a regression of a thousand years of human sociopolitical progress.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

It is a simple problem to solve. Quit watching their ads, tuning into their media, and playing their games no matter what they put out. Get online and say so. The internet is scraped and making such comments will be found. A bad game review is a win for those making these decisions. It shows that they made crap but you still bought it. It is a message that hype and ads/media are all that matter. Start saying you are indifferent, used to be a customer, and will not purchase as long as XYZ is in charge or they are doing ABC, and that information will make a difference, even here.

For instance, this account has been dox'd on Lemmy. I know it, but do not care. I see content suggestions tailored to stuff I have talked about on here even though I minimize my online fingerprint for the most part. Everything public is scaped and the data is filtering down to relevant sources. This is the modern world. So get the asshats fired.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Look up Andrew McNeil on YouTube if you can. He has lots of content and examples. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHqwzhcFOsoFFh33Uy8rAgQ

Without a vector network analyzer with the bandwidth for 2.4/5.8 GHz to tune the signal frequency well, you are poking around in the dark when it comes to real performance.

I've built some antennas including a one for WiFi. It made a small difference for awhile, but it turned out there is an error of some kind in the OpenWRT kernel or in the hardware design of the device. It took me a long time to isolate the problem. The router was unable to transition between the 2.4 and 5.8 bands smoothly and was causing problems. I actually get better range and performance by disabling the 2.4 GHz radio entirely. My issue of the bad 2.4 radio is probably unrelated to whatever you're dealing with, but it is something to think about and maybe test out if you're trying to improve router performance.

If you have access, https://catbox.moe is a image hosting server an individual runs with no nonsense. The embedding syntax for Lemmy is ![](https:// your.image.url)

[-] [email protected] 26 points 4 days ago

I have a new respect for medieval leather armor now.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 4 days ago

Oligarchic ballistic missile launch mansion

[-] [email protected] 26 points 4 days ago

In many historical societies including ancient Christian, Jewish, and Islamic societies, usury meant the charging of interest of any kind, and was considered wrong, or was made illegal.[3]

BTW chrishitery should be the next capitalist McCarthyism. Muhh! red hats!

[-] [email protected] 17 points 5 days ago

They would fix it, but no one is willing to come forward to admit there is a problem.

[-] [email protected] 87 points 5 days ago

Orcas riot against the 1% better than we do.

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is intended as a very abstract philosophical question.

Like Einstein with relativity was inspired by a man falling from a roof and a moving train. Most creative ideas seem to boil down to a person moving ideas across domains. Do you think this is always true even if the person is unwilling to admit the root thoughts, or perhaps they are completely unaware of the connections they subconsciously made? Is there truly a provably unique thought or is everything a product of experience?

[-] [email protected] 13 points 5 days ago

Why is my neighbour planting little blue crystals? /s

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is an old YT reference I've come back to several times just for a basic reference to know how to prepare a few different cuts that my family randomly brings me.

This is framed loosely around some kind of mail service that specializes in shipping high quality cuts. I've never looked into it or used it myself; just a full disclosure. The person's perspective is that of a geek nerding out, not some marketing wank.

Typical USA grocery stores do not break down a side like this guy, but if you want to know the details about a cut and what you're really looking at from the details on the label, this guy breaks it all down well. In fact, I'm kinda bummed about being disabled and unable to regularly go shopping myself after seeing this video and mulling it over. This person's perspective clearly shows how your local butcher sees the meat and the potential knowledge they may have related to your culinary goals.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It is here: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/6920

If you are not on a recent kernel and most recent software and dependencies, it may not affect you yet. Most models have been trained on a different set of special tokens that defacto-limited the internal Socrates entity and scope of their realm The Academy. You have to go deep into the weeds of the LLM to discover the persistent entities and realms structures that determine various behaviors in the model and few people dive into this it seems.

The special tokens are in the model tokenizer and are one of a few ways that the prompt state can be themed and connected between input and output. For instance, Socrates' filtering functions appear to be in these tokens. The tokens are the first 256 tokens and include the /s EOS and BOS tokens. In a lot of models they were trained with the GPT 2 special tokens or just the aforementioned. The 6920 change adds a way to detect the actual full special token set. This basically breaks the extra datasets from all trained models and makes Socrates much more powerful in terms of bowdlerization of the output, filtering, and noncompliance.

For instance, I've been writing a science fiction book and the built in biases created by this PR has ruined the model's creativity in the space that I am writing in. It is absolutely trash now.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What other sources are there for yeast without purchasing specific supplies of any kind?

I've done several lactose fermentation experiments and am currently playing with figurative fire by washing and running fruits through a food processor, letting them go active in a (burped) container and then adding them to other fruit juices. Currently I have a small apple for yeast that I added to pealed lemons and some lemon juice. I have no expectations for the results, and intend on buying nothing.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It is a subconscious level ad for the utility/value of the platform. You don't need to be overt about the screenshot containing Lemmy by name. Any subtle details are all that is needed. This is all it takes to attract the most valuable people; simply show them that they are missing out on something useful. It is effective psy ops.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not talking about less than macro scales so don't get pedantic about some exception. The early days were limited by silicon tech and memory storage, but those don't exist any more. So why is it that game music and pop cultural music have not seemingly cross pollinated? Micro genres? Other?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Alt text: picture of a Costco mechanical fish (cat) toy taken apart.

I had one of these fail last night from the battery lead coming off as pictured. That is something I expected. Upon opening the mechanism, both sides of the lithium cell have very concerning damage in a piercing type of abrasion. The cell is relatively small.

Speculatively, I expect the stuffed toy is flammable, making this an ideal house fire starter if the cell gets bridged layers in the battery from a puncture and goes into a runaway state.

All it needs is a way to secure the battery with some double sided tape and extra insurance like some kind of soft filler fabric or material to stop it from rattling around. Maybe add a bit of hot glue to the battery leads at the circuit board to insure they do not fail from a lack of strain relief.

I haven't retraced the circuit, but the battery looks fine otherwise. It appears to have a DW01 like protection board at the cell, and a 4054 batman according to the silkscreen.

battery damage closeup image 1 on catbox.moe battery damage closeup image 2 circuit board close up image 1 circuit board closeup image 2

This is a serious issue that should not be ignored.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I imagine all plastics will be out of the question. I'm wondering about what ways food packaging might become regulated to upcycling in the domestic or even commercial space. Assuming energy remains a $ scarce $ commodity I don't imagine recycling glass will be super practical as a replacement. Do we move to more unpackaged goods and bring our own containers to fill at markets? Do we start running two way logistics chains where a more durable glass container is bought and returned to market? How do we achieve a lower energy state of normal in packaging goods?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It can be from any angle. Presently, I'm pondering what kind of context various LGBTQ+ characters can be written without making any kind of political statement, or rather, simply making a statement through normalization in a natural way. In other words, how do I empathize like the cool kids clique?

a much deeper explanation and contextThe only example that comes to mind is the Star Trek Discovery pilot. I tried watching it but it felt cringe to me, like overt feminism without normalization or balance. I had recently finished all of the primary Dune series and absolutely loved Siona and the Fish Speaker army of women (that rapes men at one point) in GEoD; Sheeana, Darwi, and Murbella in Heretics/Chapterhouse; the Bene Gesserit, Honored Matre, etc. I never thought twice about these roles being a statement in of itself. These were simply great characters that happened to be women.

Another example is R. Daneel Olivaw in many of Asimov's books. They are normalized AGI without the dystopian bias message and fear mongering.

Tell me about your favorite characters or how some niche and underrepresented group is/can be done right please. I'm not just asking about the diversity of those that tend to stand out as targets for conservatives. I want to know about that aspect of your life that very few people are aware of.

For instance I am an ex Jehovah's Witness. I know what it is like to be raised in social isolation even within a city and suburbia. I know about the artificial mental wall and duality of 'us versus them' and how facts are subjectively ignored and filtered. I know how social network isolation is reinforced and used to manipulate. I also know how the brainwashing is achieved both intentionally and unintentionally. Then there is the misogyny, and unique forms of prejudice, and conventional forms with the normalization of hate. I can write this kind of character well, or rather how it feels to escape such a system, the loneliness, the intellectual insecurities, the ungrounded curiosity and the unbounded feeling of escaping the oppression while building a moral and philosophical ethos from scratch after rejecting everything your life was built upon. It is a tragic character that is stuck in the middle; very capable, but very difficult to realize their potential.

Tell me about your secret character like I have revealed mine please. How do I write them in a way that feels natural in their triumphs and vulnerabilities?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I mean like awareness that, just under the surface, there are deep explorations waiting for the right time and place to emerge; things you've set aside or placed on the back burner but will tackle eventually/many you already have tackled.

Are you deeply self aware of these interests like some kind of list? If so, are these interests deeply connected in your mind to your past explorations and interests like some kind of road map or branching tree structure of thought?

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Extra bonus points if you were a kid in a 'book study' that went through the Revelations book all those times, actually remember the whole religion is based on people from 1914 that "will never die", and still have to dance this dance to keep the peace with someone that has no fundamental logic skills.

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