Orcasubmarine at 2023-08-16 14:19:58+00:00 ID: jwfo9yy
Whichever is closest.
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Orcasubmarine at 2023-08-16 14:19:58+00:00 ID: jwfo9yy
Whichever is closest.
Orixil at 2023-08-16 13:37:01+00:00 ID: jwfmrtk
In my town we have a Netto, Rema 1000, Superbrugsen, and ABC Lavpris.
I prefer Netto. Their selection of goods is more to my liking. Excellent vegan choices and interesting "spot" items. Prices are fair without being crazy good.
ABC Lavpris is 90% meh, but then their fruit and vegetable section is the best of all, and then every week they have that one thing that's crazy discounted, so you go there once a week to just buy that one thing in bulk.
Rema 1000 used to be my favorite, but their selection of goods has really dropped in quality I think. Their fruit and vegetable section is crap, their miscellaneous section is a mess of mostly unappealing items that I feel zero impulse to buy, and their vegan choices are limited. Plus they've gotten generally more expensive.
Superbrugsen I never go to unless I want to be ripped off. I know what everyday things typically cost, and in Superbrugen they're consistently 10% higher - for the exact same things! Once in a while they got something unique, so I bend the knee and go there, but otherwise I stay away. It's for people who have too much money and who likes wine and cheese, I guess.
I wish we had a Lidl in my town, it's the one supermarket I am envy of other towns and cities having. I think the ideal is to have at least one German supermarket, if only because you get a selection of stuff that Danish supermarkets don't carry.
aagaardlol at 2023-08-16 13:32:59+00:00 ID: jwfmtun
Sorry, all supermarkets in Denmark suck.
LazyDawge at 2023-08-16 14:53:38+00:00 ID: jwft0hp
Yes ICA! Idk how they do it, but even stores just 20% bigger than your average Føtex have 5x as much variety
ZealandRedSquirrel at 2023-08-16 14:20:20+00:00 ID: jwfv3kd
Lidl, Netto, and Rema 1000 are all much worse.
LogicsAndVR at 2023-08-16 14:54:27+00:00 ID: jwfseuy
Daily: SuperBrugsen and Rema Regularly: Bilka and Lidl
Netto sucks. It always feels messy to me, and their produce is somehow worse (like their raspberries looks the same but somehow goes bad very fast compared to superbrugsen), the lines are long, and items don’t have prices. Self checkout solves the last two issues though.
angelsontheroof at 2023-08-16 15:12:04+00:00 ID: jwfj95u
I shop mostly in Lidl. I find the deals and what they have on the shelves fit our household needs the best.
I used to shop more in Super Brugsen, but it just seems like they are getting worse items for a higher price.
FullPoet at 2023-08-16 14:07:59+00:00 ID: jwfnlpt
I dont know if there's others, but super Marco is the best.
Ironically Italien.
Shalrak at 2023-08-16 14:39:29+00:00 ID: jwfqpru
Føtex is my favourite but out of the smaller local ones I prefer Rema for daily groceries. When I need Asian specialities, I go to Coop365.
Netto was decent a decade ago, but nowadays it is shares the bottom placement with Aldi.
PseudoY at 2023-08-16 14:25:15+00:00 ID: jwfopgd
Føtex. Larger selection, not as cheap as the smaller discount stores, but cheaper than the other large store supermarkets.
BelthazorDK at 2023-08-16 14:41:26+00:00 ID: jwfs3xl
My favourites are:
Lidl for most things
Rema1000 for the rest, but I dont like how almost everything is small packs because we buy for 4 or 5 people at a time, unless someone has something on sale or it's a quick need like out of milk or something, then I go to the local Coop365.
TheGhettoKidd at 2023-08-16 15:03:17+00:00 ID: jwfvcyw
neonxaos at 2023-08-16 14:45:01+00:00 ID: jwfsk95
Meny is by far the best, especially now that Irma is gone. It's not even close. The bigger ones have an incredible assortment of fresh, interesting produce, many kinds of meat and a large range of good wine and craft beer. It's not cheap, but it's quality. You get what you pay for.
Coop said that there will supposedly be a new chain just called Coop (not 365), which will apparently carry some of the product lines that Irma had, but I highly doubt that this will actually happen, because I have zero confidence in Coop at this point. It's all either bog standard goods or the saddest discount imaginable with them, and it is just depressing. I prefer Lidl and over anything that Coop has, because they are at least a little bit different and interesting in their own way.
Guffy2403 at 2023-08-16 14:59:13+00:00 ID: jwftitt
Netto, then lidl.
KrazyKaas at 2023-08-16 14:56:27+00:00 ID: jwfteuv
Lidl or Rema1000, hands down.
christian4tal at 2023-08-16 15:01:44+00:00 ID: jwftnrp
Meny is good, Irma is great but shutting down.
Føtex has a great selection and a butcher+greens department.
Netto is the best of the cheap but depends A LOT on who is running it. I have three closeby, 1 great, 1 good and 1 mediocre.
Big_Ad_6645 at 2023-08-16 15:21:59+00:00 ID: jwfxcl4
Lidl er klart det mest veggie-venlige. Rema er også ganske ok med udbud og gode priser. Jeg bliver derimod depri af at gå i Netto. Det er så rodet og beskidt som en kammerats singlelejlighed.
HeisenbergDKK at 2023-08-16 15:35:43+00:00 ID: jwg1ufh
Rema 1000, then Lidl and lastly Netto. Thats my top 3 starting with Rema. Netto is cheap and handy but very unorganised and I often find out of date food, so always check when you go shopping there.
HampeSeglet at 2023-08-16 17:20:25+00:00 ID: jwgkce8
Føtex for the Illest
Futski at 2023-08-16 18:49:24+00:00 ID: jwh93l2
Rema1000 for the basics, Meny for fancier stuff, LIDL for the wacky country specific products. Like, you can buy actual guanciale to make spaghetti carbonara by the book In Lidl whenever they have Italy Week, which is quite often.
Normally you have to seek out a shop specialising in Italian stuff. Same goes for Balkan week, Eastern Europe week and Middle East Week.