
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 15 hours ago

As far as I understand, they don't want to publish new releases there because there's nothing new to release, and they don't have resources to maintain it

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

It's not a cell phone, y'all.

That also doesn't really need annual updates. I'm guessing the only reason phone manufacturers do that is out of fear that otherwise users will go and buy something else from those who do annual updates.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Except for the countries that have anti-hate laws that are deliberately vague and specifically used to jail anyone who is disliked by the government. China and Russia come to mind as examples, but I'm sure they aren't the only ones.

Besides hate-speech, I'm not sure how much should be censored really. China does a lot of censoring to 'protect' their citizens from everything, I'm not sure this would be a good thing even if that really was a goal.

And protecting children from traumatising content looks like another good thing to do, but under that banner I usually see governments doing whatever they want without caring about children past using their image.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

With that I agree

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (3 children)

What's the joke about? Does Ireland block everything that comes from the Netherlands?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago (1 children)

You don't need to use and learn everything, just pick what you need.

I used to think the same, but now I think you should at least skim through everything. Reason being otherwise you may reinvent the wheel a lot, and there are many use-cases where you really don't want to do that (but C++ makes it so easy, I was constantly tempted to just do what I want and not look for it being already available)

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago (1 children)

A lot of computational heavy tasks for science were done in Fortran at least ten years ago (and I think still are). I was told that's mainly because Fortran has a good deal of libraries for just that, and it was widely taught in academia so this is a common ground between the older and newer generations.

I think it may be gradually superseded by Python, but I don't know if it is

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'm unfamiliar with bitwarden's licence and skimmed through the issue and my understanding is:

  1. To use bitwarden API you must use SDK
  2. To use SDK you are obligated to be the official application, otherwise you violate the licence
  3. The official application is GPL but since SDK is somehow 'separate program' it is considered OK to couple with a more restrictive license

However, our goal is to make sure that the SDK is used in a way that maintains GPL compatibility.

This is something I completely fail to understand other that mental gymnastics to bend the truth enough to not look like they are not quite right

Edit: is my understanding correct? It looks like this is not the first project that becomes 'source available' after being FOSS in the past, as of lately

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

However you define it, a central nervous system or other type of similar central unit would have to be a requirement, because that is what would actually be sentient

Without CNS there would be something else sophisticated enough to show sentience that would have been sentient. So to me it looks like this is not really a requirement, albeit it's simpler to say that it is.

As a side note, I think that given how human-centric humans are (which is to be expected, really) even if we were living with another sentient species on the same planet we would argue they are not sentient for whatever reason we could come up with, and change sentience definition accordingly

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

lectured on semantics rather than responding to the meaning

this is ironic

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

not even all vegans who don't use honey agree on whether or not a vegan can use honey

Exactly this, veganism is ethical choice, and ethics is not science. You can't 'prove' that something is acceptable, nor vice versa. There are guidelines and discussions but that's pretty much it.

So this is really not about whether bees are animals or not.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

But you can ignore the response if you decide to not deal with it


Dystopia in the books has stark contrasts, great oppression, heroic moves. A boring real-life dystopia seems to mainly consist of tired people trying to cope with life while half-believing the propaganda and not upsetting themselves too much on one side, and equally tired people doing their best to rebel however they can on the other.

If the billboards in Ivanovo are to be believed, Russia’s really going places.

“Record harvest!”

“More than 2000km of roads repaired in Ivanovo Region!”

“Change for the Better!”

In this town, a four-hour drive from Moscow, a giant banner glorifying Russia’s invasion of Ukraine covers the entire wall of an old cinema. With pictures of soldiers and a slogan:

“To Victory!”

These posters depict a country marching towards economic and military success.

But there is one place in Ivanovo that paints a very different picture of today’s Russia.

I’m standing outside it. There’s a poster here, too. Not of a Russian soldier, but a British novelist. George Orwell’s face stares down at passers-by.

The sign above it reads The George Orwell Library. George Orwell library in Ivanovno The small library keeps books about totalitarianism and dystopian worlds

Inside, the tiny library offers a selection of books on dystopian worlds and the dangers of totalitarianism.

There are multiple copies of Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four; the story in which Big Brother is always watching and the state has established near-total control over body and mind.

“The situation now in Russia is similar to Nineteen Eighty-Four,” librarian Alexandra Karaseva tells me. “Total control by the government, the state and the security structures.”

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Party manipulates people’s perception of reality, so that citizens of Oceania believe that "war is peace" and "ignorance is strength".

Russia today has a similar feel about it. From morning until night, the state media here claims that Russia’s war in Ukraine is not an invasion, but a defensive operation; that Russian soldiers are not occupiers, but liberators; that the West is waging war on Russia, when, in reality, it was the Kremlin that ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“I’ve met people who are hooked on TV and believe that Russia isn’t at war with Ukraine, and that the West was always out to destroy Russia,” Alexandra says.

“That’s like Nineteen Eighty-Four. But it’s also like Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451. In that story the hero’s wife is surrounded by walls that are essentially TV screens, talking heads telling her what to do and how to interpret the world.”

Alexandra Karaseva thinks Orwell's novel is now the reality in Russia

It was a local businessman, Dmitry Silin, who opened the library two years ago.

A vocal critic of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he wanted to create a space where Russians could “think for themselves, instead of watching TV”.

Dmitry was later prosecuted for “discrediting the Russian armed forces”. He’d been accused of scrawling “No to war!” on a building. He denied the charge. He has since fled Russia and is wanted by police.

Alexandra Karaseva gives me a tour of the library. It’s a treasure trove of literary titans from Franz Kafka to Fyodor Dostoevsky. There is non-fiction, too; histories of the Russian Revolution, of Stalin’s repressions, the fall of communism and of modern Russia’s failed attempts to build democracy.

The books you can borrow here are not banned in Russia. But the subject matter is very sensitive. Any honest discussion of Russia’s past or present can bring problems.

Although not banned, the contents of the books at the library can bring problems

Alexandra believes in the power of the written word to bring change. That’s why she is determined the library stays open.

“These books show our readers that the power of autocratic regimes is not forever,” Alexander explains. “That every system has its weak points and that everyone who understands the situation around them can preserve their freedom. Freedom of the brain can give freedom of life and of country.”

“Most of my generation had no experience of grassroots democracy,” recalls Alexandra, who is 68. “We helped destroy the Soviet Union but failed to build democracy. We didn’t have the experience to know when to stand firm and say ‘You mustn’t do this.’ Perhaps if my generation had read Ninety Eighty-Four, it would have acted differently.”

Eighteen-year-old Dmitry Shestopalov has read Ninety Eighty-Four. Now he volunteers at the library.

“This place is sacrosanct,” Dmitry tells me. “For creative young people it’s a place they can come to find like-minded citizens and to get away from what’s happening in our country. It’s a little island of freedom in an unfree environment.”

As islands go, it is, indeed, little. Alexandra Karaseva is the first to admit that the library has few visitors.

By contrast, I find a large crowd in the centre of Ivanovo. It’s not Big Brother people have stopped to listen to. It’s a Big Band.

In bright sunshine an orchestra is playing classic Soviet melodies and people start dancing to the music. Chatting to the crowd I realise that some Russians are more than willing to believe what the billboards are telling them, that Russia’s on the up.

“I’m happy with the direction Russia’s heading in,” pensioner Vladimir tells me. “We’re becoming more independent. Less reliant on the West.”

“We’re making progress,” says a young woman called Natalya. “As Vladimir Putin has said, a new stage for Russia has begun.”

But what about Russia’s war in Ukraine?

“I try not to watch anything about that any more,” Nina tells me. “It’s too upsetting.”

Back at the George Orwell Library they’re holding an event. A local psychologist is finishing a lecture on how to overcome "learned helplessness" and believe you have the power to change your life. There are ten people in the audience.

Pro-invasion propaganda is a fact of daily life in Russia now

When the lecture ends, librarian Alexandra Karaseva breaks the news.

“The building’s been put up for sale. Our library has to move out. We need to decide what to do. Where do we go from here?”

The library’s been offered smaller premises across town.

Almost immediately one woman offers her van to help with the move. Another member of the audience says she’ll donate a video projector to help the library. Others suggest ideas for raising money.

This is civil society in action. Citizens coming together in time of need.

Admittedly, the scale is tiny. And there’s no guarantee of success. In a society with less and less space for “little islands of freedom,” the library’s long-term future is uncertain.

But they’re not giving up. Not yet.


Image with a text, an image is of a blue top, white bottom pill laying on a red background.

The top text reads: "This is a placebo meme".

The bottom text is: "Studies show placebo Memes are still reacted to even when users know they are a placebo"

me irl every time (

It seems that the web UI treats spoilers without a space after ::: the same as the regular ones, while Thunder ignores those as spoilers. It looks like the closing spoiler marker may be entered without whitespace but it consumes extra text after the spoiler, and overall acts weird

I can create an issue if that's needed, or this post may be referenced in an existing issue to be used as a test

no whitespace Content
whitespace present Content
one-liner no whitespaceContent
one-liner whitespace present Content
Extra text in the end
one-liner whitespace present Content
Second extra text


no whitespace


whitespace present


one-liner no whitespaceContent

one-liner whitespace presentContent

Extra text in the end

one-liner whitespace presentContent

Second extra text


It's going to be her first New Year 😅

We don't erect a new year tree but there was a storm that broke lots of branches off trees, so we used one of those to create a holiday air


I can't seem to find a definition for different kinds of icons Sync uses for special users, e.g. I know how OP and my account are denoted, I have seen bot accounts marked, also I guess that I have seen a mark where a user blocked me.

Is there a place where I can check what each pictogram means and what are the possible ones?

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