@[email protected] I was a long-time Opera aficionado, only dropped it when they switched to WebKit (and then Blink) and the last Presto-based version became obsolete (TLS-wise, mostly). Switched to Firefox, with which I'll stick as long as it maintains Gecko. Would love to jump to Vivaldi, but we need more independent rendering engines for the health of the web.
@[email protected] TBF they had started going to shit already a few years earlier, but AI has just made it worse.
@[email protected] I've said it before but I think it bears repeating: my only issue with Vivaldi is Blink. I even care about that even more than Vivaldi not being FLOSS. I fully understand the reasons for it, but still it would be better if it offered at least WebKit and/or Gecko as an alternative.
@enzoesco ma soprattutto non si perde tempo ad “argomentare” con i troll. È tipo la prima regola di internet
@anarchiversitario @politica politici MORTI peraltro. Ci sarebbe da ridere se non ci fosse da piangere
@TootSweet this reminds me of https://github.com/philipl/pifs, the filesystem based on the normality of π
@mrdk @mathematics @[email protected] @[email protected] also this might explain why @mau saw some relation to Gray codes in the binary case.
@mrdk @mathematics @[email protected] @[email protected]
oh, interesting. It's definitely related, although we allow different substrings to start at the same place, and this has a huge impact on the lengths (also it's not cyclic in our case, but that probably makes things worse).
@[email protected] oh they really mean porcelain in the toilet sense, judging from the logo, LOL