[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit für eine Antwort und dein AMA genommen hast.

Ich finde deine Ansichten stark. In deinem Alter immitierte ich noch Dinge aus der Popkultur.

Zu den Hausaufgabengrupppe möchte ich anfügen: Man kann dort sicherlich auch unheimlich viele, andere Ansichtsweisen zum aktuellen Thema erhalten. Gerade im Studium ist soetwas sehr lehrreich, wenn vorhanden. Leider gibt's da vermehrt Leute, die ab Immatrikulation die Ellenbogen ausfahren oder vermehrt opportunistisch agieren.

Vielleicht kommt das auf den Studiengang und die eigene Art an.

Wünsche dir aber, dass du die Erfahrungen selber sammeln kannst!!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

In welchen Wörtern darf noch das scharfe S benutzt werden? "Wenn ich dir ein Photo von unserem letzten Fußballabend schicke" <- Ist für dich so eine Nutzung altmodisch/negativ behaftet?

Wieviele Leute haben auf deiner Schule dieses Jahr den Mofa-Führerschein gemacht?

Schickt ihr euch in der Klasse die Hausaufgaben untereinander zum Abschreiben per Smartphone? Gibt es sogar vielleicht Gruppen, die ganze Fächer anbieten? Wenn ja, was ist deine Meinung dazu?

Werden verlegte/verlorene Smartphones in der Fundkiste abgegeben? Oder sind diese automatisch als geklaut zu betrachten?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

In the last recently use of this meme somebody told us that the guy to the right is a school shooter.

Google - to me - introduces smartphones to children which is a similiar fraud (?). And since the face is anonymized, I upvoted.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Even if, we are talking about the Linux kernel. Our entire ecosystem builds upon C. People choosing C for new projects because it is the common denominator.

If Rust should be adopted in the kernel faster, patches should be send which comment how each line addresses issues of memory management solved and elaborations for rust specific patterns unfamiliar to a C dev.

Lurkers will pick up Rust that way as well.

Each Rust dev had to pick it up and therefore should be able to enable other - probably more experienced - Linux kernel hacker to provide reviewable patches.

It shouldn't be the other way around, else you are just stepping on the efforts the other human provided to that project.

submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Which - to me - is a good thing.

Do not know what downvotes are.

// image title: a lemmy post which shows a multiple of comments in regards to its upvotes/downvotes

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If I am reading the messages of my inbox, I get prompted with the post in collapsed state (A). If I want to visit the referred Reference I have to expand your Notification (ViewGroup B). At the bottom I am able to go to the comment posted.

Please add this Button (from bottom of (B)) to the left to the expand-Arrow on said view (state (A)) to avoid scrolling.

You should even be able to restrict the context of a scroll of such notification so that one can get the opened post scrolled to the clicked action (since you elected to context perfectly already). Though that may be inconsistent to clicking the name, instance or (not implemented) comment of the post.

It depends on the Context (when comparing A or B). If we are all PowerUsers, Implementation elected is obvious... Hard to document. Still requestiong a duplicate button bound in collapsed RecyclerView.ViewHolder :- )

I would be able to elect a suggestion more carefully if I could test it locally on my devices. I feel like you have engineered the most capable app. So thanks for this..

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hopefully you are not tracking my direct messages. Can't judge due to licensing ;).

For the Views of comments and posts you explicitly bound the [email protected] to its own onClickListener. You didn't implemented that within anything in our inbox. Therefore I ask you to bind the nested RecyclerView when opening a inbox message - as well as its message itself - to the same interactions.

Sincerly, a happy user.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/18697261

I find it extremely difficult to articulate what I mean. I've gotten this feeling throughout my entire life, even when I was a child, and I'm sure there must be many others who've experienced it; I just can't find any mention of it online.

I'll give you an example. Sometimes you might be going from place to place, doing your own thing. When you're done with whatever you were doing, you just... stop ... and take in your surroundings. Suddenly the quietness around you seems to give you a tingling, comforting feeling that's quite honestly a beautiful feeling.

I'm 22, and I've been getting this throughout my entire life; and heck, I even get it when playing videogames (particularly open-world games), if they're immersive enough. The most common place I get this feeling in the real world is when I've been travelling in a car for a while (I don't drive currently, usually it's my mother driving me), and we reach our destination: The car stops; the engine turns off; the music on the radio goes silent, and I'm in no rush to hop out. For some reason this feeling rushes over me; it feels similar to butterflies and goes through my upper legs and stomach; even in my upper arms for some reason, but is all very comforting.

My earliest memory with it (although I know I had it years prior to this), was one day when I was 7-9 yrs old. I remember it quite vividly, actually. I don't remember where I had come from (probably school or something), but my Mum had been driving me for what felt like quite a while. She pulled into our front driveway and stopped. The engine shut off; the radio went silent. It felt calming, and I didn't get out of the car because I was just appreciating and enjoying the feeling of sitting in the quietness, with the subtle ticking sound coming from the cars engine you tend to hear when turning it off, just outside. My Mum said to me, something along the lines of "Why aren't you hopping out, Liam?". I don't remember what I said in response, but I definitely had no idea how to explain the reason to her; I find it difficult to even explain now as a young adult.

Now, I've managed to learn where and when to just "stop", and have this feeling come over me, like second-nature, but I still find that I can't well explain when or how it happens with words; that's why this post is so long.

As I said earlier, I also sometimes get this feeling when playing videogames. One of my favourite games of all time is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (The sequel, too). It's an open-world game where you can travel to almost every single nook and cranny of the land of Hyrule, on foot or by horse. One of the things I absolutely love the most, is just walking around the world, exploring, and taking it all in. I don't care about defeating every single monster in every single enemy campsite across the world, or getting from place to place in the shortest time possible, or finding the most powerful loot or weapons; I just like to immerse myself in the world, like I'm actually there. And that feeling I described: I get it around almost every single corner, especially in out-of-the-way places like the top-edges of cliff-faces, where people in Hyrule never visit. In fact, I can give you an example: I was watching IGN's video of the game from 2016 when it was still in development (video link is timestamped to where I want to show you), and because I had been watching this gameplay video for the past 20 minutes, I was very immersed and relaxed in the game world. As soon as the player climbed up to this rock that was protruding out of the cliff-face, he immediately turned around to stop and take a look at the view in the distance, due to being so high up. I immediately, immersed, had that feeling come over me again, and it felt so nice; as it always does.

Is there name for this? If so, what is this called? There has to be some kind of psychology behind all of this.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

And apparently they are awesome. Metro Goldwyn Mayer - again - did some great filming.

When I initially watched the hobbit parts, I was mad about not respecting the books. They kinda did, I know realize. In HD, and in native language these movies are a piece of art.

I had a very strong opinion about how bad they were - but I reconsidered. Even the lead actor Bilbo I opposed - He did a remarkable act. Anyhow. American influence hits hard, once it does. Started at some safari show with a lion named Clarence. Don't know the name but I loved it - as fair as I can remember.

Love all, but Some.

Rq: How to Mastodon (lemmy.sdf.org)
submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Be me.

Wanted to use the mastodon app instead of browser.

Sign up, everything smooth.

Later: Read Lemmy.

See a mastodon link.

Disagree with post, post my critique.

Want to see how my post is rendered.

Post list can't be sorted and has a weird order.

Scroll and realize that the majority is in agreement.

Post list so long, no way anyone can be expected to read up upon for context.

Feels like random thoughts dumping: Fire and Forget.

Is this how such platforms work? The author prompts something and random people interact with eachother - without a consens at the end of the post? Or am I missing something?

[-] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago

It appears in the release notes, though. Previously you would have been tracked. Now they try to anonymously return data to the tracker. So I do not see a reason to uncheck that flag.

Admittedly I am interpreting this feature from my gut. And you provide the sources I would have asked for. Appreciated.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi Lemmy.

I would like to get hands on some SIM for my laptop. I reside in Germany so roaming would be required.

Anyhow, I do not want to pay some amount x every months or four weeks. Instead I would like to have some old school SIM where I can use my data until its gone. 4G speed and 5 GB would be plenty.

Anyone knows of such a SIM from within your country?


Flagged ads ? (lemmy.sdf.org)
submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Feature request: Place a checkbox next to the currently selected sort which sets "hide read posts".

This way I do not have to issue two requests and two button clicks, if I switch the sort order. This should make the sort-mechanism more convenient.

Additionally one could either shortly show a toast that "automatic hide read posts" was set.

Alternatively a succinct icon could be plaed next to it.

My workflow via XFCE (lemmy.sdf.org)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I attempt to write a desktop env like xfce. I would like to discuss, if xfce could ditch GTK+ on wayland.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My last CD was destroyed in my current car. I need to skip 60% of the tracks. And I know the fade-ins. I want to buy an original copy. But there is no possibility here in the EU.

2007-2010 it had each year 10x the amount listened to in comparsion to any album. For my first CD I even made a copy to save the original. But I used to smoke weed and I fucked it up.

So, any recommendations for me? I want to buy it from an official vendor! And I pay extra for anyone willing to forward.

Have fun with the best album since 2004.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 5 months ago

Open up ticket first, please. Thanks Codemonkey.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 5 months ago

Wer ist dieser Junge?

[-] [email protected] 25 points 5 months ago

Congratulations to all involved!

[-] [email protected] 22 points 6 months ago

For EU citizens: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32019L1937

The states shall provide a secure and anonymous channel to enabling safe whistleblowing. A software for this is globaleaks.org

A state should provide a channel to anonymously blow the whistle. Then, this information is forwarded to the correct authorities.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So I got the thought that american football incorporates any type of physique.

Say I would restart in america, which position may I be trained in given I joined an american football team? Post your physique and let passioned footballers answer it.

I am 6'3", good sprinter, physically resistant, average at about 190 lbs and can't throw things.

What position I am good for (and what does it do)?

// edit: I could have been a receiver but I am a safety (sounds wrong tbqh).

[-] [email protected] 20 points 10 months ago

Came here to say this. They earned their success. Hopefully their current values remain.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It is an opportunity to bind with your child. Make them face their fears playfully. Probably will strenghten its braverity.

Also, any matress needs air circulation ~beneath~ below it. Otherwise it will get warm, stinky and very dirty.

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