That disclaimer looks hilariously terrible, but it's pretty standard. For all his bluster about the SEC, Musk speaks securities law compliant hype fluently. Listen closely and you'll notice all his future hype statements are carefully hedged and thoroughly fall within the bounds of "forward looking statement".
Robobuses running down the Vegas Hyperloop, forever
i believe @self is writing one in Nix
there's a ton of 'em
the sticking point will be a plugin or theme you depend on
third-party WP dev is extremely widely available, but not so much for other CMSes
yep. Even if WP Engine disintegrated into dust tomorrow, Mullenweg would still be the guy that fucked with the open source alleged charity that everyone relied on for a business grudge. Undoing that requires getting rid of the dependency on or getting rid of Matt.
their loss lol
Scott Adderall
You Give Adderall A Bad Name
it is impossible for a Wikipedia editor to write a sentence on Wikipedia procedure without completely tracing the fractal space of caveats.
lol i assure you that fidelitously translates to "kill it with fire"
as a warning to others
my god