damn immortals, always asking for my bones.
I was trying to book a trip through a travel website, after the 3rd tedious captcha I ended up using another site. I get it, the bot vs captcha war is getting crazy but if your website is unusable then i'm not going to use it.
Brb, need to listen to dethalbum again.
owa is so much better than outlook for me, at least for my work email. There's actual dark mode, the servers seem to do all the heavy lifting so it never seems slow, the attachment preview is better and i can download a message as .eml instead of proprietary .msg format. Probably once a day I have to hit F5 because it starts acting weird. You can also make it a PWA. Seriously if you have to use corporate email give OWA a shot.
fingering it. We tend to be upbeat about it.
C's get degrees, I'm on my 3rd electrical engineering job and i've yet to be asked about my GPA.
lean forward, it's the poor man's bidet.
New EV supercars are using similar axial flux motors. I was hoping someone would come up with this because spinning the axles directly with wheel mounted motors seems like a much easier retrofit than replacing the engine and gear box. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICTi2Z_X5Kw
This is Odo from engineering. He has a meltdown every night.