submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We, the mods of [email protected], are writing because we have alerted the users of our community that we will report their accounts should they explicitly identify that they are under 18 years old in a comment or post shown on Lemmy World to enforce the Lemmy World Terms of Service (ToS). In said post, several users have brought up arguments and hypothetical situations that we would like discussed by the Lemmy World admin team and other mods to get clear guidance on expectations of our moderating actions and help clarify the concerns of the users in our community.

Basically, the main argument we see is concerning the federated organization of Lemmy and the Fediverse in general. The ToS state that:

4.0.2: You are at least 18 years of age and over the regulated minimum age defined by your local law to access Lemmy.World.

4.1: No one under 18 years of age is allowed to use or access the website.

That clearly states that anyone under 18 years of age cannot access any of the site. However, users are arguing that if a user that is registered on another instance is under 18 years old and posts in a community or comments on a post that is originally from Lemmy World, that user is technically not accessing the site directly. Instead, they are interacting with their instance, and that instance interacts with Lemmy World through the Fediverse protocol. That user did not directly interact or access Lemmy World. The information from Lemmy World was forwarded to them, and the information they shared was forwarded to Lemmy World. This brings up some nuances with expectations for moderating in Lemmy World in general.

Are mods expected to report or ban a user of another instance that explicitly identifies themselves as under 18 years old through a post or comment that is federated into the community that we moderate? Another situation that will likely arise is that of a user of another instance making a post on their instance.

If their post is cross-posted to a community we moderate on Lemmy World, are we to delete the cross-post?

Who would be in violation of the ToS because of the cross-post: the original poster or the cross-poster?

Yet another situation that could easily arise revolves around a Lemmy World user engaging with other websites or internet services.

Suppose someone on another website or service strikes a similarity to a user of the actual Lemmy World instance and identifies as under 18 years old, are mods expected to investigate and enforce the policy of reporting and/or banning the user from Lemmy World based on a judgment call? We want to be clear that the purpose of our post is to clarify the expectations that the Lemmy World admin team has of its mods so that we can conscientiously and dependably comply with the policies that are set to help manage the instance.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know about a little change we are making in how we mod.

As you may or may not know, the mod tools are sparse, for the time being, at least. So we only have a few options.

That's why we will be rolling out a new thing from this point forward. Call it a 3 strikes rule if you like.

This is meant to be an inclusive and friendly community. We work hard to keep it that way. There appears to be an uptick in issues with breaking Rule 5. In case you are unfamiliar, that's the be respectful rule.

In light of this, we have chosen to implement a system where the first offense of the rules (any rules) will be given a chance to reword or remove the offense. The next offense receives a 3 day ban. The third offense (again, any rules) receives a week ban. The last offense is a permanent ban.

Your community is what you make it. If you aren't safe here, we aren't doing our jobs as mods and as members of the community. We all need to work together to keep this place safe for ourselves. That is why Rule 5, in particular, is so important.

Please, think about what you are saying before you post. There is a human on the other side of that screen, and just because you are anonymous doesn't mean what you say has no impact. Everyone has bad days, but we don't need to take them out on each other.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

E: Updated to reflect the nature of those in the community. Thanks for the input!

Finally! (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I got my diagnosis this morning!

[-] [email protected] 10 points 10 months ago

My guess would be that with the huge amount of American males (it is a big country after all) people just assume. And women are known to care about animals more, whether that is true or not.

I've been called a guy before and my name doesn't exactly strike people as male. I am female. I've been on the internet long enough not to care.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago

Back when I had this issue, it was because I had a stressful job, and all I want to do is go home but you get people on these winding ass country roads who don't know them so they go 20 under!!

Now I just get mad if someone is stupid and almost hits me.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 11 months ago

They know me so well! 😭

My husband wakes up 5 minutes before he has to leave, and if he's going 15 minutes away, that means he GETS UP 20 minutes before he has to be somewhere.

The only exception to that rule is when I need to be somewhere, because he will ask me what time I need to leave, and he will actually get up 30 minutes before that time. Essentially, he only makes sure he's awake enough to drive when I'm in the car. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about that because I'm happy he's accommodating my needs, but that also means he values my life more than his, whereas I worry about his safety.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago

Or you could just become a member of their channel. I look at it this way though. If a youtuber I'm watching has lots of subscribers, one more member in that community probably isn't going to make a difference. If a youtuber I'm watching doesn't have the subscriber numbers they deserve, I will become a member. I always choose the highest tiers for them too. And join their patreon and do the same there. If I do that, I will actually listen/watch on patreon then put both YouTube versions in my watch list for when I need background noise and just upvote both videos.

That way they get all the things I can possibly do for them without giving youtube as much as I give the creators. This is my understanding of how that works though. With premium, if they actually give any of that money to the creators (my heart says no, corporations suck), it would be way less than the channel membership would give them. I don't actually know how much premium costs though.

Please do correct me if I'm wrong. At the moment I don't have very many people on my memberships. And I know most people these days probably can't afford to do that, but even a $1 or $2 membership to one or a couple of them can make a difference to the ones you really support and who probably need it more than they'd get from premium.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago

I think they (corporations) really don't understand the younger generations at all. The kids (though many are now much older than that) these days will stand up to employers who treat them badly, boycott things that become unfair, and find better ways to do things.

I think I read somewhere that boomers are the only generation that left the world worse than they entered. The fact that people are fighting back against it says a lot. It may not always be effective right now, but the more people brought up in this ridiculousness grow up, the more people will fight back. Unfortunately, what took one generation to destroy will take many to fix. We won't see it in our lifetime. Our grandkids or great grandkids will get that honor. I hope.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 11 months ago

Same. Out of all my lost jobs, only two can be proven (by me only of course) to be because of some autistic trait I have.

While I don't value my own life as much as I should, I know I have value to others, and most of that is due to my traits. In fact, I'm starting a job today that wants me specifically because of those traits. I never thought I'd work again.

I have saved dozens of kitten lives, who go on to make their new human's life better.

I used to hate myself. I've learned to embrace the way I am and couldn't imagine being any other way. The people whose lives I have made a positive impact on would agree. I don't have to rule the world, but my household is efficient because of me.

Eugenics isn't the answer. I'd bet if we had the right resources available, none of the people in this thread would say that. Everyone deserves a chance at a good life. Corporate greed is the reason we don't have those resources.

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 year ago

It's never a good idea to go near any animal that has just given birth. Since they were vulnerable for a time, they likely kick it up a notch, plus babies to protect. It's even a crapshoot if the bonded person can come close.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm living a nightmare at the moment. I've been trying to curb the last remnants of meltdowns where I start to get irritated and stressed and can't handle what's happening.

So my husband suggested gummies. I already vape, and they started selling gummies too. So I tried it. When I was younger, I smoked a handful of times and it did nothing. My body is weird when it comes to medication, mind altering substances, etc. When I'd drink, it could work one day but the next time the same amount did nothing, then it'd work again, etc. No rhyme or reason, and I tried everything I could think of to find out why. No dice.

The gummies helped so much. I was happier, no stress, no irritation. It was beautiful and I loved it. Then yesterday happened. This shitty state decided to close the loophole on delta 8. Now I'm back to being irritated and stressed and I hate it so much.

Doctor prescribed me klonopin (yes i scheduled an appointment immediately) . Instead of making me feel like I'm light and open, now I get to feel oppressed again, like depression meds I also take do. Emotionally I'm no longer depressed, but chemically I am (I don't make enough of the feel good chemicals), but this med makes me feel almost like I used to. I keep expecting The Voice to tell me what a piece of shit I am. It hasn't happened yet but the anticipation is freaking me out.

Even if it levels out, it's like living in a cardboard box after owning a mansion. I'm disheartened and I've been crying since I found out. We are moving to an adjoining blue state at the first of the year, so there's a light at the end. But why am I not allowed to feel normal even if I'm not? Who did I piss off in a previous life?

New Batch (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Got a new batch of six kittens. For the first time, they had a mother. However, she is feral so they couldn't keep her. Very hard to adopt feral cats. Once she was done feeding them, I got them. New experience, very strange.

We finally got a batch with more boys than girls, so I can use the naming theme I've wanted to use since I started! We now have an Amy, Leela, Fry, Farnsworth, Kif and Zapp. I tried to circle them around the two girls, because one is dark, the other is black and white, and there are three in each category. Split down the middle!

This is coming right off a batch of 4, so it's a lot right now. In fact, I still have the smallest of the previous batch so I could get her to a normal weight. So many cats!

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

No. In God we trust is on all our money for some stupid reason.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 1 year ago

My best friend has an iPhone. I'm a Samsung girl. Any time her phone doesn't let her do something I poke fun at the iPhone, but in reality they are just different versions of the same thing. The only real reason I have to complain is the price tag. I'm not paying double for an item that does the same thing as the cheaper version. That's just stupid financially. It's not a better product because it costs more. I can live without whatever it offers that android doesn't.

[-] [email protected] 48 points 1 year ago

I feel like it's more important to know why these defederations happened than how many there are. Well beehaw just screams their reason with their number but that's a separate thing.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 1 year ago

This is what happens when you grow up with boomers in your ear, yelling at you to get a job and make a family. They insist that's what life is about. But it's not. Life is about being happy. When it boils down to it, that's all we really want. Even terrible people do what they do because it makes them happy.

I'm only just taking my baby steps out of this mindset. I learned I can do things no one else around me can. Some may not be marketable skills, but that's not always necessary.

I don't work. Thanks to autistic burnout, I'm a shell of my former self. But in that time, I have saved 11 kitten lives and given 3 very short lives happiness they never would have seen otherwise. I've brought kittens from the brink of death by starvation to stocky, healthy kittens who now have loving homes. It takes time and effort to do that. One was so sick from starvation he barely moved, and I got him strong enough to get up and play.

It's not worth any money to have this talent. Not to me anyway. They are all attached to a shelter that makes the money. They make me happy.

It's not about "pacing up" as you say, or making a mark in history. We need those people, but you don't need to be one of them. If everyone made breakthroughs, they wouldn't be as important. The bar would just get set even higher. You make a difference to the people around you. I don't value my life, but I learned to appreciate that other people do value my life, and that's good enough.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

I mostly fit that description. While I understand what you're saying, we all have other interests on top of this. That's what makes it diverse.

Personally, I feel like a more mature audience is needed. I have never liked the feel of places like Facebook, tiktok, etc. Let me have one place where I can pretend the world isn't overrun with stupidity. There is actual conversation on topics to be had, and people aren't jerks to others for no reason.

The fediverse is somewhat complicated to understand. Maybe like usenet or other such places.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I ask, as fireworks go off nearby. Loud enough to make my teeth and chest vibrate.

Hiding in my room only goes so far, since I get it from both sides of my house.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Oh, hi, Mark!

This girl is at the end of her rope. Recap of previous post: my mouse pointer got unusably slow. Next day PC wouldn't work. 1 long beep, 3 short.

Changed the graphics card, nope. Just changed out the motherboard, nope.

So I did a lazy research because it takes a lot out of me (back problems) and I was tired. Turns out if you don't put the company in the search all kinds of stuff pops up that says gpu or insufficient RAM problem.

Why, if nothing changed in those 6 months it worked, would it suddenly need more RAM?

I have 2 sticks of 8GB but the original motherboard only recognized 1 stick. I don't recall having a limitation the 10 or so years ago I built my last desktop. This motherboard apparently only recognizes 12. Am I crazy thinking a gaming motherboard should not have a limitation like this?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I like being able to spend literal hours focused on one thing. It makes the time I'm able to be productive longer.

Right now the worst part for me is the rejection sensitivity, especially trying to be active in a brand new place.

Raised and Running (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The kittens have all shipped off to the shelter. They are all happy and healthy, and I hope they all get adopted before I go to see them!

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This batch came to me skin and bones. I felt like I was going to break them.

Two of them are now very sturdy, and the other two are well on their way. They are actually all going to the shelter tomorrow to get adopted (hopefully soon) and I am going to miss them!

When I have kittens at the shelter, I go up every Thursday to see them and any other cats there. Then I bring my babies home on the days the shelter isn't open so they can get used to family life and the shelter doesn't have to use their resources on them. It's a small shelter and people have to volunteer to go in on their days off to clean/feed all the animals. Gives them extra time to finish early or spend more time on some of the other less cared for residents there.

I have attachment issues, so they have to go to the shelter as soon as they are ready. This setup helps the kittens and my poor husband who is overrun by cats!

Graphics card help (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I built my computer 8 months ago. 6 months later, the mouse pointer started lagging so bad it was unusable. I tried some fixes but nothing really helped. The next day, my computer didn't work. POST says it's the graphics card. Okay, I got a new one. It arrived today and I put it in. Nothing has changed. The fans on the old one worked, so it had power. Did I misread my beeps or do something else wrong. I know enough to build a pc, but not enough to troubleshoot it.

This is my motherboard. It doesn't have onboard graphics.

This is the old graphics card.

This is the new one.


As requested: 1 long beep, 3 short. No unusual flashing. It powers on fine and everything appears to be working inside, but it does the beeps and doesn't show anything on the monitor. This is the power supply.

Special Interests (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Got a special interest you want to talk about but don't think it needs a whole post? Put it here!

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