[-] [email protected] 100 points 1 month ago

This just means you'll pay the same price for a smaller house.

Source: am australian

[-] [email protected] 102 points 3 months ago

How about a law stating that the terms of all contracts with corporations be listed in a public registry?

You want the state to enforce the terms of your agreement, you put that agreement out in the open. No secret laws, and no secret laws-by-proxy.

[-] [email protected] 112 points 4 months ago

Your brain is a kindergarten, your executive function is the kindergarten teacher (who had 3 hours sleep and skipped breakfast).

Giving them all a couple of donuts won't make much difference to the kids who are already feral, but it will pep up the teacher and allow them to take charge a bit better.

[-] [email protected] 121 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

If an officer's 'mental health condition' is so severe that they can't testify in court, MAYBE THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE A FUCKING GUN.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

dear god I love this game

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm going to assume you've heard the stereo-panning version of the record player song that did the rounds.

However, searching for more like this, I can only seems to find shitty low-effort remixes of songs with someone swiping the entire audio track back and forth, without timing it to the actual notes of the song or putting distinct elements in their own space or any of the actually cool counterpointy stuff you could do with this.

Has anyone found any that don't suck?

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not sure if this counts as politics or not; let me know.

One major brick in the toilet tank of the rental market is apparently investors just 'parking their money' in properties and leaving them vacant longterm, with an eye to selling them later at an inflated price - with rental income being not worth the hassle.

Some people have suggested a tax on vacant properties to give more incentive to rent them out.

Good idea, but I say we go one better.

  1. Put a hefty tax on all properties that aren't owner-occupied.
  2. Give a rebate for renting them out, proportional to the percentage above or below the average rental for comparable properties.

If you charge above-average rent, you get a small rebate.

If you charge average rent, you get a medium rebate.

If you charge below-average rent, you get a large rebate. This could even exceed 100%, using the funding from the other categories.

People chasing the large rebate will drive the average down over time, ate viola, we have a race to the bottom and the consumers reap the benefits.

There's probably a dozen reasons why this wouldn't work, but I like it anyway.

[-] [email protected] 110 points 7 months ago

All your basic staples: salt, flour, oil, sugar, pasta, pasta, milk, eggs etc. There's literally nothing to do better or worse, so for god's sake don't pay for the label. Fancy olive oil is nicer, and fancy butter for actually putting on bread is nice too - but for cooking, cheap the hell out.

Get your spices from an Indian / Asian / etc grocer - you can get a huge bag for the price of a tiny supermarket jar, and because they have so much turnover, they'll be plenty fresh.

Store-brand laundry detergent and dishwasher tablets work just fine for me (and dear god you can save a lot on those).

[-] [email protected] 99 points 7 months ago

Reading this thread variously - honestly, your relationship sounds exhausting.

It's taking more from you than it's giving back. Regular blowups followed by patch-ups that leave you back where you started, with nothing but fallout and pain to show for it.

She fucks up, but is simultaneously too fragile and yet too able to hold you hostage to be held accountable; somehow you're the one that has to earn your way back into her good graces, and you dare not upset the apple art by trying to change the dynamic or, god forbid, assert some boundaries along the way.

Rinse and repeat until it leaches the calcium right out of your damn bones.

Look, I get it. Anxiety disorders are no fun, mental illness isn't the fault of the person who has it, and I have no doubt that she's a wonderful person overall.

But you're not getting paid for this. You're not her carer, you're not her parent, it's not your job to clean up after her your whole life.

Would you take on that role for someone with stabyouintheface-itis, a condition that caused an otherwise lovely person to stab you in the face every month or two, entirely outside of their control or intent?

Hard pass, am I right? Not their fault, but not your job, so no. The impact of this one is lesser, but the principle is the same.

And yes, people can change and adapt and do better. Supposedly, at least - I haven't seen it myself.

In the meantime, you deserve better things in your life than just pissing it away down someone else's crazyhole.

Be by yourself, or be with someone who doesn't take all your emotional resources just to break even. If your gf eventually manages to turn it around and get in better control of it, such that you can both benefit from the relationship, then great.

But until then, it's just wearing you down and not filling her up. With the best will in the world towards her, you should go elsewhere.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It must be a tsunderestorm

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

tl;dr: something with the murderbot / hexarchate / locked-tomb kind of vibe

I'm after something sweet but astringent to bite down on; this is the general tone I'm almost always looking for, and I've mined out most of the obvious seams of the stuff.

I don't mind whether it's fantasy or SF, I just want a chunk of emotional intelligence mixed with harsh conflict - with a modern, progressive take if possible.

LGBTQ-themed stuff tends to be good at this in my experience, but I'm not fussed either way. I'm not after romance/smut for its own sake, but it's fine as part of a bigger picture.


[-] [email protected] 133 points 8 months ago

third party cookies != cookies

Unless they've invented a stateful http, cookies aren't going anywhere.

[-] [email protected] 129 points 8 months ago

The disclosure isn't complete, it's only the people who haven't been excluded in previous orders.

As all the perpetrators are rich and can afford fancy lawyers, that mainly just leaves the victims.

So yeah, the victims are the ones that will get fucked over. Again.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

As per title. I very, very rarely drink, and I generally just want to buy a single of something for a rare treat, however most beers/ciders/etc are sold in multipacks.

The pricing on the shelf is usually per-pack only, yet sometimes I see random products with single cans/bottles missing, and sometimes random products will have a little section of unpackaged singles, despite not having a separate price showing.

Is it generally OK to split an unopened 4- or 6-pack, or is that as weird and inappropriate as doing the equivalent in a supermarket? What even are the rules around this?

[-] [email protected] 101 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

That's the second time in about a month I've seen it described as sexual assault / molestation / predation when it's a woman doing it.

Usually news outlets bend over backwards to call it a 'relationship' or a 'romp' or otherwise put a positive spin on it.

Colour me impressed.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

You ever see a dog that's got its leash tangled the long way round a table leg, and it just cannot grasp what the problem is or how to fix it? It can see all the components laid out in front of it, but it's never going to make the connection.

Obviously some dog breeds are smarter than others, ditto individual dogs - but you get the concept.

Is there an equivalent for humans? What ridiculously simple concept would have aliens facetentacling as they see us stumble around and utterly fail to reason about it?

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There's an emergency at the Facility down the road, and everyone in a six-mile radius is very likely fucked.

What is the sound that announces your fate?



  • dyOOT! ... dyOOT! ... dyOOT!

  • Something else? (please spell)

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not counting Choc Ripple, which are horrible.

You can get any number of chocolate-coated biscuits, but dammit I just want a simple chocolate shortbread or near offer. Hell, I'd settle for a giant Tiny Teddy, though those too are a bit industrial.

Just give me a pack of bourbons without the cream in, that'd do fine.

Is this some terribly rare niche interest all of a sudden? Am I really the only person in this country who would buy such a thing?

Yes I know I can make my own, it's just tedious - and the lack of demand for anything like it confuses and enrages me.

[-] [email protected] 154 points 10 months ago

I mean, it won't let me. Windows Update inists my PC doesn't meet the minimum spec, and I'm not inclined to argue with it.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

... or do they just make up for it with sheer unrelieved quantity of greenery, perhaps?

[-] [email protected] 108 points 11 months ago

Israel has been a huge crybully virtually since it was founded. It's been annexing Palestinian land from the beginning, running a shitty apartheid state, committing ongoing slow genocide on the Palestinian people, then crying the innocent victim whenever they hit back - and guzzling unlimited billions in US military aid to do so.

Hurt people hurt people, and oppression breeds radicalism. Hamas are not nice people, but they're from a place where nice people don't live long enough to matter. As with any abusive relationship, there's going to be toxic coping mechanisms as a result, and it's important to acknowledge that it's not okay to do those things.

But Israel (the country, not the people) sure as hell rakes in a lot of money and influence from being constantly under threat from the mean nasty baddies that they just have to keep oppressing and killing and oh look more money.

Hamas is awful. But still and all, fuck Israel.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Okay, so this is weird.

I seriously don't do loud environments. My speech discrimination goes to shit with a bunch of background noise, and if I get into overly-spiky crowd noise (eg. loud bars / parties, with everyone yelling over each other and echoing off the walls), I rapidly overload and need to GTFO before I break down.

So why in the purple fuck is frantic glitchy breakcore the most soothing thing in the universe?

I've been listening to stuff like femtanyl recently, and the more IYTGKIUFUYGLICGXJYUGJTYUFLIHFUYGKJKHJGHYTFTJGHFDYGFDJHCHTRF it gets, the more it feels like my brain is sinking into a warm bath. It's like brown noise, but moreso.

Tha heck is going on?

Anyone relate?

[-] [email protected] 145 points 11 months ago

It's whinge, pronounced winj.

UK / Australian English thing. It has a slightly different connotation.

Whine is what a dog does when it wants to go out.

Whinge is what a 14yo does when they don't get their way. It's salty whining.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, I had an incredibly fucked-up childhood in a toxic abusive environment and never really learned how to people.

When I was younger I was... abrasive, let's say. Or possibly just an insufferable prick. I would argue with people on the internet a lot and generate a lot of conflict - not from a desire to troll (as many assumed), I was just raised in a test-to-destruction environment where loud table-slapping debate was just how you learned things - kind of cage-match debugging sessions kind of thing.

This didn't make me many friends, understandably.

Anyway, decades passed and I learned to mellow out a bit, to go along to get along, and to develop some soft skills like y'know, tact, and... compassion for people's emotional investment in their intellectual position, if that has a name.

Well and good, the people I talk to don't generally want to strangle me, chalk it up as a win.

But increasingly of late I've been hearing disparaging talk of 'people pleasers', which as best I can tell seems to refer to people who do all the things I was yelled for not doing half my life: going along to get along, valuing other people's needs and emotional sore spots, taking a cooperative, defensive-driving kind of approach to social ineraction - and I am confuse.

I lack a proper framework to parse this all intuitively; I had to build my social skillset manually by trial and error, and things obvious to others remain somewhat mysterious to me.

I'm not actually ASD (just ADHD), but my lack-of-intuitive-grasp on certain things presents a similar profile. Can someone give me a longhand explanation of the border between not-an-asshole and people-pleasing?

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