To be honest, I love the sound they make. Also: I work in a library.
I have a nice widescreen monitor standing unused at my desk and I work sitting cross legged in my armchair with a laptop on my lap.
And ruin both of them.
Shouldn't the earth be flat? Must be a mistake in his calculations.
Mun verovaroilla tehdään paljon hölmömpiäkin asioita, en vastusta.
No kyllä se DRM esimerkiksi ennen kirjastojen käyttämän Ellibsin kanssa on toiminut jo vuosia. Ne oli epubeja mitä sieltä sai ulos.
Ai ihan samalla tapaa kuin pettivät myös Juha Sipilän hallituksen aikana? Persujen äänestäjiä se ei tuntunut haittaavan silloinkaan, tuskin haittaa nytkään.
Well, in the Netherlands they also have toilet paper with pictures of puppies on it. So once you're done sharting on a cockatoo, you can wipe your ass on puppies.
Are you sure you remember it right? The time of 386 was years and years before Windows 98 or even 95. More likely it will have been running something like DOS+Windows 3.0/3.1(1) maybe? At least that's what my 386 was running. 95/98 were Pentium era operating systems.
I doubt that this would comply with European privacy legislation.
Why the would the FBI have anything to to with protests in France? FBI has no business doing anything in France. France is in no way under U.S. jurisdiction.
Probably semen, though.