[-] [email protected] 50 points 5 months ago

lol they think biden isnt genocide at home


[-] [email protected] 40 points 5 months ago

China has more stringent laws against child labor than the USA. In China it is suspected that 10 million children are in the workforce. In the USA it is suspected that 6 million children are in the workforce. China has over 4 times the population of the USA and over the last decade has been restricting the use of child labor more and more. In the USA, regulations against child labor are being relaxed.

China has more stringent laws against prison labor than the USA. In China, there are about 1.6 to 1.7 million prisoners at any given time. In the USA, there are 1.3 million. Yet in the United states upwards of 1 million prisoners must engage in prison labor and an uncounted amount that are not prisoners but as part of non-prison sentencing must "volunteer" at places like chicken packing plants. In China we cannot know exactly how many people do prison labor, because western propaganda says their prison labor numbers are 2 million to 16 million prisoners despite the fact that we know only 1.7 million people are prisoners. American prison labor is used in goods from Walmart to Target.

If you buy "Made in the USA" goods you are support a regime that exploits children and slavery. If you shop at Target or Walmart or many other chain outlets you support these things. I'm not even being facetious.

[-] [email protected] 52 points 6 months ago

a forced famine is genocide

okay now lets recognize what weve done to cuba

[-] [email protected] 41 points 6 months ago

i made my wife dinner last night and i didnt even charge her for the service. isnt that just a bribe so she will continue to love me and snarf my dong?

[-] [email protected] 41 points 6 months ago

I'll die charging the hill.

So you can "earn" the stuff in-game: so what? That doesn't excuse it at all and I don't know why people repeat this. They aren't mad the item can be earned, they are mad it is sold. These seem like the same issue but they are not. Conflating them as the same issue is a poor attempt to deflect the justified frustration of the people who paid for this game. Their frustration is a basic part of human psychology. It is why we do not allow steroids in sports. It is why we separate boxing matches by weight. There is a fundamental understanding of "fairness" that every leftist should understand and this encroaches on that understanding. As a leftist you should understand how this is indicative of a greater inequity between what is accessible to those with wealth and those without in our society and you should be upset that it has not only consumed our working lives but now consumes our leisure as well.

In so far as your comments on the Rift companions being gated; I'm afraid you've put the cart before the horse. They are selling the solution to a problem they designed. This is the exact kind of toxic gameplay elements that people criticize the very existence of cash shops for. We aren't talking about some cosmetics here. The fact that you are trying to pass that off as a good thing shows just how lost in the sauce you are.

All these systems that must be interacted with in this way are things that must be programmed and tested. It hurts to see a game get blasted for performance issues when those same programmers may have been working on this garbage instead. Would their time have been better spent making sure the game ran nicely? Absolutely. But hey, at least they got the rift crystals and character editor token working right in the cash shop and isn't that what really matters?

You mentioned that it's not a big deal to have pay-2-win in a single player game. "Who cares," you say? Well, uh, a load of people. Why attempt to invalidate their concerns? Very toxic behavior in service to the greedy corporation, comrade. Do better.

[-] [email protected] 48 points 6 months ago

they reduced poverty so heavily that the world bank would not include them in their worldwide reports because they skewed the data so hard

something like 1 billion chinese were lifted out of poverty in a 30 year period

[-] [email protected] 48 points 6 months ago

"Lesser of two evil" voters are unironically evil.

There is no obligation to vote for a candidate because you think they are more likely to win if that candidate is unambiguously in support of evil policies like genocide, brutality against immigrants, and so on. In fact, there is a moral obligation to vote for someone better should you have the opportunity. There can be a moral case to be made for other actions as well.

Now, many liberals will try and argue that whatever alternative candidate you propose cannot win. This is just a form of DARVO; Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender, a strategy of master manipulators. They are the reason the good candidate does not get the votes. They are the ones refusing to vote for the best candidate. They then try to blame you, the person making the moral choice, that your moral action is a waste and their immoral action is the only legitimate one. It only seems so because of their carefully crafted sophistry. Do not fall for it.

They will try and use the consequences of their compromised candidate losing as part of their argument but it is irrelevant. Consequences are a result from any action or inaction. Consequences are not a barrier for the moral person to moral action; they are an excuses of immoral actions of immoral people. Besides, whatever argument they can present here is an argument in favor of the more moral third party candidate anyways.

Lastly and most importantly, voting is not gambling and therefore does not follow the same rules. In gambling you bet on a result you expect to happen. In voting this is an overall losing strategy and anyone who has paid attention to politics for more than a decade or two can see it transparently. The only path forward is to support candidates, policies, or actions that further your morally driven social and political goals. Anything else is a distraction at best and at worse, something that actively injures those goals.

As always, fuck liberals and death to America.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 6 months ago

Imagine seeing a protest, any kind of protest, and thinking to yourself, "ah, but they just want ATTENTION."

[-] [email protected] 49 points 8 months ago

i cant believe china is harvesting the organs of alabama prisoners

[-] [email protected] 57 points 8 months ago

in leftist spaces its best to assume anyone posting materials about illegal shit that the atf would send you to prison for is an actual fed

[-] [email protected] 45 points 8 months ago

This is something every pan-racial (for lack of a better term) movement will run into. Every movement needs its foundational myths (in the folkloric sense, not the "stories that are false" sense) and common beliefs to function. When you're trying to unite disparate peoples whose main reason for joining together is to increase political/bargaining power, you're going to have to either choose to prioritize certain narratives over others or create new narratives whole cloth.

The crackers have to label this as a "pan-racial" thing because they don't want to admit that "whiteness" is a construct and they have no culture.

[-] [email protected] 51 points 8 months ago

the country where the missiles are manufactured only matter to liberals when russia is firing them

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

No, this isn't 1960. 2008-2023 is the date range. Only records were kept for people buried after 2016.

One of the bodies is a man who was hit by an off-duty officer. The PD said they could not identify him. His exhumed body had his wallet in his pocket with a state issued ID and an information card with his home phone number on it and current address. They charged his mother $250 to reclaim his body for a proper burial. That same woman had her brother killed by the same police department when they brutally beat him to death on the side of the road. A pig went to prison for it.

Death to Amerikkka. Fuck this demon cracker nation.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Over 16 years ago I fell in lust with my wife. She was an older woman and family friend going through some hard times in a relationship and I was a young man in my early 20s feeling lonely and getting over the hardest breakup ever. I heard about her troubles and reached out. Misery loves company.

We chatted for a while before she finally cut things off with her ex and I steered the conversation towards romance and sexual talk. Soon we were sexting. Sending nudes. We lived over 1000 miles apart. We would have phone sex regularly. Then, we planned a trip to New Orleans together. It was going to be our getaway. The day we were supposed to fly out everything was cancelled because Katrina made landfall.

Months later I made plans to travel to her and stay a week. My childhood friends that I still keep in touch with and father lived nearby but I was going to see her primarily. I stayed at her place that week. Our time together was AMAZING. Everything was dream. We cried when I had to fly out and I knew we were a thing and there was no returning to normal so I got right to making permanent plans. She was completely on board. We weren't in lust anymore. I loved this woman.

I told my family that I wanted to move back to her area to be closer to my friends and my father. I told them I was going to be her roommate because I had reached out to her and she had an extra bedroom at her place and could use the extra income (all true). Everybody bought it and we kept the charade up for a few years. We weren't roommates and it was almost everything I hoped it could be. The secrecy made it so much more exciting.

There was one problem. She is an alcoholic. Even in the beginning I knew but I never really grasped how bad it was. Her blackout drunk does not seem to be blackout drunk. She slurs words and stumbles around but is otherwise often pretty lucid. You know she's drunk but not in an "I won't remember any of this and will act like a fool" kind of drunk but she was totally that drunk. Often. When she wasn't she would be functional alcoholic drunk. I think in 17 years you could count the days she was stone cold sober on your fingers and toes.

Eventually we told my family of our relationship. It was a little awkward but it went well. They accept our relationship completely. After some years and many struggles (the 2008 crash left us homeless for a while) we were able to build up a life for ourselves. We are barren, so no kids, but after a few health scares for us both we got married. 10 years seems like yesterday and for all our struggles it really has flown by. I love my wife and it has been so worth it.

A few months ago, of her own volition, she got sober. I had tried to help over the years with that but it never worked. It's very hard to watch someone you love so much slowly kill themselves. It had caused a lot of dysfunctions in our marriage and we've gone through rough patches. I'm happy she is sober but the sober her is not who she was for the past 17 years. She is a different person now.

And I'm falling in love with that person. We talk almost every night. We lie in bed as naked lovers and hold each other and build each other up. My sober wife's bedroom preferences are not anything what her alcoholic bedroom preferences were. She is warmer to me in general. She is kind. This is not who I married. I think part of me misses that person but a much greater part of me loves this new person more. It's been 17 years and I'm courting her like we are dating anew. We are rediscovering ourselves and our sexuality together and I couldn't be happier.

I love my wife so much. She is named after a Greek goddess and my heart worships at her temple every day.

Sorry but no TLDR, comrades. If you want to know you have to read.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out.

Add a little teaspoon of your favorite unsweetened gelatin-based pudding dessert powder mix to your protein shake. I put in vanilla or cheesecake or chocolate flavor but whatever you like and then I give it a good blend with a blender or milk frother. It doesn't really change the flavor much at all, adds less than 5 calories, gives you collagen which is good for joints, and makes a GIGANTIC difference on the texture of the shake. No graininess. Just a silky smooth drink even if you are just using powder, water, and a small bit of gelatin. Night and day.

EDIT: One caveat for our vegan/vegetarian comrades - research this. Some flavors of pudding are vegan/vegetarian friendly and some aren't. It even varies within the same brand apparently. I'm not vegan but I don't want to advise you folks to violate your dietary needs. Be well.

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