Everything is sicker in texas
You’re not dumb!
I think I stole it from somebody else tbh, but I’ve been posting a LOT less since getting a job that actually requires me to work. It makes the time go by faster at least.
We have so many Che emotes lol (never enough, we need every picture of him).
It’s just a regular gate though/sarscsm
Man who can’t forget is a banger
God I fucking hate the wheel of time show for how it butchered the source material, but their version Merrilen has tunes
Lagging because of his genocide in key states, wouldn’t be So sure tbh
A good rule thumb when it comes to food in general: create contrasts. That stack would have contrasts
I want one
But they killed the epic goon squad shitposter!
Awesome pic! Thanks for sharing it.
If you ever get a chance to go to the aquarium it’s worth it, it’s the best one I’ve been to, and also does more to be humane than other ones cough cough, Atlanta and their fucking whale shark abuse
He looks like a dog from an old painting, in a good way! Good on you for rescuing, I be he loves his new forever home.
So long as he doesn’t send the ass inspectors to make me wipe, that would be bridge too far….assuming the hypothetical isn’t in Baltimore at least.