Absolutely. Quality instant coffee tastes as good as a regular brew, when prepared correctly: dissolve in cold water, ONLY THEN add hot water.
Der leistet seit langem gute Dienste.
Ansonsten einfach ein Victorinox Taschenmesser kaufen und lernen, wie man den dort verbauten benutzt. Der geht immer und ewig.
True. I tried some other rather light-weight distros but no other gave me a comparable polished experience.
Tried it out as a last resort on an old ThinkPad … and had it running for some 5 years. This is a seriously good daily driver!
Die Zentristen (aka. Konservative) waren schon damals die Steigbügelhalter der Nazis.
Maybe I expressed it a bit awkwardly. The other version has some integrations for syncing with Dropbox etc. and some third-party libraries. Strongbox zero is stripped of all of that.
I really like Strongbox on Mac for managing my Keepass-DBs. It is very well integrated and there even is a „no phoning home“ version that strictly runs locally.
Especially agricultural work, as there is equally as much (sexual) exploitation happening!
What I‘ve always wished for in Germany: a new and permanent de-nazifcation office. Let me dream…
CBT for actually getting out of a rut and sitting meditation (zazen) for staying out of it. There are many more things that help, like reducing alcohol and caffeine, regular exercise…. but meditation is what really changed the game for me.
I’d just recommend you start it with a qualified teacher. Or at least read up on it (I recommend https://www.mctb.org/ and “the mind illuminated”).
I used to avoid instant coffee until I read this somewhere and tried it. It definitely changed my coffee game. The rationale behind it is that aromatics evaporate too quickly when the instant powder is infused with too/boiling hot water.