Cool. So someone I bailed out of a sticky situation financially after they had a shit breakup and breakdown has shown their true colours tonight. I've blocked her pretty much everywhere, because she's a bit of a terf it turns out. "Trans women aren't women, they don't any have ovaries." blah blah. But she still owes me 500$. I asked a mutual friend to ask her to contact me. Both he and I spent weeks and weeks in 2021 coaching her back from a terrible breakup. He also had a lot of trouble getting money back from her. Now she's saying I'm poison. Sometimes it costs a lot of money to rid yourself of the parasites in life. The worst thing is she'll be badmouthing me now to any other old friends we have in common and possibly outing to me to people I have nothing to do with for very good reasons.
Should I take her to small claims court?