submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edward Zitron has been reading all of google's internal emails that have been released as evidence in the DOJ's antitrust case against google.

This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for killing it.

The story begins on February 5th 2019, when Ben Gomes, Google’s head of search, had a problem. Jerry Dischler, then the VP and General Manager of Ads at Google, and Shiv Venkataraman, then the VP of Engineering, Search and Ads on Google properties, had called a “code yellow” for search revenue due to, and I quote, “steady weakness in the daily numbers” and a likeliness that it would end the quarter significantly behind.

HackerNews thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40133976

MetaFilter thread: https://www.metafilter.com/203456/The-core-query-softness-continues-without-mitigation

top 30 comments
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[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long for Google to kill its main product over profits. This is in every big company's textbook.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

As an programmer, I want to think out loud about possible technical solutions.

I would have kept the understandable / hand-made algorithm as the core of search results. If you want to do fancy machine learning, do it on the periphery and we can include the machine output in our algorithm and weight its importance by hand. This would allow us to back out of the decision, because we could lower the weight of the machine learning output as needed.

It sounds like Google jumped strait to including the machine learning in the core algorithm though, and now with a decade of complexity in the core algorithm they are no longer able to go back without huge effort.

In general, it's important to consider "is this a decision we can easily back out of?".

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The amount sadness for the loss of Google Search accuracy due to ad infiltration the author writes here shows how much of a corporate brand dick rider a lot of people are.

These corporations do not give a fuck about you, so mourning their loss is so pathetic.

No one cares Google sucks now. If you do, go get a fucking life. Move on and use something else for fucks sake. They won't care if you're dead, why do you cry when these corporations die?

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Right, so with all me very specific troubleshooting questions I should go where exactly?

Ecosia? Very limited search results

Yandex? More obscure results, probably not what I'm looking for

Bing? Ok on general stuff, not great on very specific questions

Yahoo? Never tried it, heard the enshittification has become bad

Duckduckgo and similar? Proxying Google

Edit: apparently it's proxying Bing and not Google. Idk if that's better but I got that wrong.

There is no way to get around Google. Everything else is either highly specialized, very limited or unusable in general.

Also feel free to chime in with your experience, I'm so down to hear what everyone has to say.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

I've been enjoying Kagi, although it also proxies google and others, and you have to pay for it, and I was dismayed to read on Lemmy recently that the CEO may be a sea lion. So yeah, the search for good search continues I suppose

[-] [email protected] -2 points 4 months ago


For folks not understanding the sealioning reference.


I think this is petty and sad behavior from the CEO of a company and I think this is a man that does not understand boundaries at ALL.

And you know what I truly believe? I already thought this before based on seeing his responses to feedback, but I believe it a thousand times more now that I've been on the receiving end: I think it genuinely eats him alive that someone doesn't agree with him or doesn't think he's doing great work, and he also truly believes that if he can just keep explaining himself to them they'll OBVIOUSLY see it his way. He cannot accept that someone might think Kagi sucks, to the point where he has to reach out to someone like me to try to argue them into Thinking Correctly.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

Google should have improved the search with more powerful tools instead of chasing numbers and greed.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

But that's not how capitalism works!

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago
[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

In this rare case, I would totally suggest you read the article. It has the perfect amount of humor mixed with shocking facts (revealed via email evidence from the Google antitrust case) and it wraps it all up in a way that's easy to understand.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Hey, I follow up your suggestion - come back and read the article. No doubt, a very engaging read. Thx.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Based on this particular comment chain and your decision to come back and read the article, i decided to read it as well. Very engaging, indeed! Learned quite a bit, def worth the time. I even subscribed to Ed's newsletter, lol

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Google internal politics ousted the last of the OG Google guys and replaced him with the same person who killed Yahoo, Prabhakar Raghavan.

The general consensus is that all of the changes to Google since 2019 were driven by profit instead of trying to find things, like a search engine should. And those decisions were spearheaded by Prabhakar Raghavan, who used the training of a data scientist to run Google into the ground for short term financial gain. Sundae Prichai hired Prabhakar Raghavan directly and then promoted him from Head of Ads to Head of Search after firing the guy who had been helping guide Google Search since 1999.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

replaced him with the same person who killed Yahoo, Prabhakar Raghavan.

Pulled a Boeing

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

I haven't read the article at all (I plan to) but this basically confirms everything I have assumed as an outsider for years now.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

and replaced him with the same person who killed Yahoo

Proof that everyone can fail upward.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

[Warning: "ideas guy" tier babble]

It's somewhat clear that search engines are too prone to go to shit, either due to malice or something worse (like stupidity).

Based on that, I wonder if a user-run, free-as-speech and open source decentralised search system wouldn't work. Roughly in the spirit of torrents - where anyone can use the system but if you're using it you're expected to contribute with it too.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

You just described the categories pages many search engines had before Google. Or proto Web 2.0 bookmark sharing sites like del.icio.us. Sites like Metafilter also existed as a kind of Internet index before everyone was adding reddit.com to their Googling. It's a laudable idea, but these systems all seem to fall prey to market manipulation in much the same way that SEO helped kill Google.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It's interesting that you mention MetaFilter, because they're literally in the process of transitioning fully to a non-profit organization.


They're the only aggregator that still isn't flooded with ads and has pretty decent moderation policies.

There's absolutely a reason I linked to the discussion over there: because it's quality, and it's the first place I saw the article pop up.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Wow, that's really neat.

Thanks for letting me know about MetaFilter and its transition to NPO. This really seems like a great move for the site.

I've heard of the site before, but haven't had the chance to try it before. Guess a bit late is better than never, right? :D

[-] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It overall seems like a good article but this is why I kind of hate Ed Zirtron's reporting:

For those unfamiliar with Google’s internal scientology-esque jargon, let me explain. A “code yellow” isn’t, as you might think, a crisis of moderate severity. The yellow, according to Steven Levy’s tell-all book about Google, refers to — and I promise that I’m not making this up — the color of a tank top that former VP of Engineering Wayne Rosing used to wear during his time at the company. It’s essentially the equivalent of DEFCON 1 and activates, as Levy explained, a war room-like situation

Overall the reporting is interesting, but weird comments like this show his naked disdain for everyone and everything in the tech industry which does not make him a particularly trustworthy source.

Like "oh my god, how dare a company choose an arbitrary alert system based on a quirky influential engineer's practices, what crazy psychos!"

If he sees the code yellow tank top thing as some crazy ridiculous thing that no company should do, then I can't really trust his interpretation of the rest of the emails and documents etc.

Later in the article, he boils everything down to literally "Heroes vs Villains", and maybe in this case both of them are archetypal representations of those roles, but based on his appearances on behind the bastards it feels more like he always needs to boil everything down to black and white, good vs evil, bastard vs non bastard, with nothing in between, which again, makes it hard to trust his overall interpretations of what he's read.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Overall the reporting is interesting, but weird comments like this show his naked disdain for everyone and everything in the tech industry which does not make him a particularly trustworthy source.

I'd disagree - what this shows is only disdain for everyone who's fucking up technologies for the sake of profit. And I'm with him there, I found it refreshing to read an accurate account of what pieces of shit work behind the scenes in the industry. Not that I am surprised, but the account of what seems to have happened in detail and in that sequence was new to me.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I'd disagree - what this shows is only disdain for everyone who's fucking up technologies for the sake of profit.

Well you can disagree all you want but I don't see how you can read his snarky comments and think that.

His criticism of the code yellow is not because anyone involved in the code yellow procedure, invention, or naming deserves anything. He just hates everyone in tech so much that a whimsical name must be a bastard move, and not just people at their job trying to make the most of it.

I found it refreshing to read an accurate account of what pieces of shit work behind the scenes in the industry

Yeah, cause you're accepting his characterizations of everyone as bastards at face value despite not knowing them and despite knowing that Ed Zirtron thinks everyone is a bastard because it makes his world simpler. Yes it is "refreshing" to stop thinking about complex chains of actions and consequences and just think "he's an evil bastard man and it's all his fault".

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

"[considering] everyone as bastards" is a strawman argument. Furthermore, the people described are assholes by the evidence provided, assuming the evidence is noy falsified.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago

Furthermore, the people described are assholes by the evidence provided

No, far from it. Noone involved with the naming of the code yellow name has any evidence of bastardry presented at all.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Hunter S Thompson wrote a scathing eulogy for Richard Nixon, which I think is relevant here:

"Some people will say that words like scum and rotten are wrong for Objective Journalism -- which is true, but they miss the point. It was the built-in blind spots of the Objective rules and dogma that allowed Nixon to slither into the White House in the first place. He looked so good on paper that you could almost vote for him sight unseen. He seemed so all-American, so much like Horatio Alger, that he was able to slip through the cracks of Objective Journalism. You had to get Subjective to see Nixon clearly, and the shock of recognition was often painful."

(Non paywalled link: https://web.archive.org/web/20150213034115/https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1994/07/he-was-a-crook/308699/)

Sometimes, you need one or two journalists who are in a position to say "you know what? These people suck, and I'm sick of pretending they don't". It doesn't need to be every journalist, and it probably shouldn't be, but someone needs to say it.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Yeah, I mean that's kinda of the whole conceit of Behind the Bastards, the host is explicitly and inherently calling everyone they cover a bastard by default, but if you listen to Ed Zirtron's appearances, he always just immediately wants to boil them down to a bastard as the root cause of their actions, when the literal entire point of that show is to examine what factors and backgrounds turn someone into a bastard.

Or again, I just can't understand why he would be flabbergasted by a company naming their alert system after an early engineers' tank top colour. Does he think all quirkiness and whisky should be outlawed from the workplace?

Yes, there's value in calling people bastards and scum and villains, but Ed Zirtron does it immediately, every time, which makes his judgement of them untrustworthy. There's the old adage that "if everything hurts when you poke it your finger is broken", in Ed's case given that everyone is always a bastard or a hero, it seems more plausible to me that he has some pathological need to boil everything down to simple binary systems.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

There's quirkiness and [whimsy?], and there's needless obfuscation. 'Code Yellow' meaning 'Code Red' is dumb. Like I get it, it probably started as an equivalent to 'Code Wayne' and subverting expectations is funny, but it's a punchline from an old adult swim show more than anything. I get that Google HQ isn't a Hospital or the military, but sometimes clarity is important. More now because they're actively doing contracts for governments and militaries, not a scrappy startup. They became a trusted resource and are now cannibalizing themselves for short term gains.

Whimsy at the top of a company while their workers are protesting their actions isn't great.

[-] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

There's quirkiness and [whimsy?], and there's needless obfuscation. 'Code Yellow' meaning 'Code Red' is dumb. Like I get it, it probably started as an equivalent to 'Code Wayne' and subverting expectations is funny, but it's a punchline from an old adult swim show more than anything. I get that Google HQ isn't a Hospital or the military, but sometimes clarity is important. More now because they're actively doing contracts for governments and militaries, not a scrappy startup. They became a trusted resource and are now cannibalizing themselves for short term gains.

If someone at a company tells you "code yellow" do you stop what you're doing and follow your drilled into memory code yellow training from school, or do you say "hey, what does code yellow mean?". They're not obfuscating anything, they've just got a company procedure with a quirky name.

Shitting on that just shows that you are looking for things to shit on them for, rather than being a thoughtful critic pointing out valid flaws.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

If I hear code yellow, I assume I need to grab a mop and bucket.

this post was submitted on 23 Apr 2024
8 points (100.0% liked)


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