submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My dog is a borador, with a short double layer coat. In the summer we'd have the air conditioning on and even then she wasn't much of a snuggler because she'd overheat. Now with the colder temperatures setting in I keep a blanket and/or a sweater on me at all times. She can't even snuggle for 5 minutes without needing to leave and sprawl out on the coldest spot on the floor.

How can I make her more comfortable? Would she appreciate a cooling bed, or are there doggy ice packs?

[-] [email protected] 57 points 1 year ago

Ugh, I used to follow a wildlife channel. The head of their YouTube had a kid, and then every other video was her repeating "can you say jackal?" over and over and OVER. I'm here for wildlife videos, not to watch your kid ignore the camera getting shoved in their face. But everyone was super positive towards the first kid video and she thought it was encouragement. For shame.

[-] [email protected] 52 points 1 year ago

Being a teenage girl in the 50s must have been awful. I've also seen a lot of ads from that era for girls that are too skinny and need to gain weight. The acceptable "pretty" range must've been really small.

[-] [email protected] 111 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Accounting is a goddamn mess. There's lots of mistakes in accounting, finance, banking, etc but we're supposed to act to outsiders like they never happen. Publicly traded companies (US) get audited every year, but no audit company would give a paying customer a failing grade. New grads are funneled into working for public firms - the 10 or so companies that cater to the world's audit, tax, and consulting needs. They're supposed to teach discipline, but in reality they only teach you security theater. You're worked to the bone until you either burn out or agree to perpetuate the system to keep your job.

And the only reason it continues to work is society's social contract agreeing that it has to work because we don't have any other options. All it takes is the rumors that the idea is failing - like in the silicon valley bank run - and we're all out of luck. With the speed of information these days all it takes is a few minutes for a situation to spiral out of control. It's bonkers.

I got into accounting because I enjoyed bookkeeping in high school. Now that I'm in it I refuse to work for anything larger than a mid sized, non public company.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For as long as I can remember, I've had the worst periods out of everyone I know. They're straight up debilitating and by the time I finally recover from one, the next one starts. Any possible medication treatment either doesn't work or I'm allergic to it. I've tested negative for cancer, endometriosis, polyps, or any other diagnosable condition. The only thing I was "diagnosed" with is menorrhagia (excessive bleeding) and dysmenorrhea (excessive cramping) - basically symptoms with no underlying cause.

Some of the symptoms I'm dealing with include:

  • cramping for up to two weeks before bleeding starts
  • clots that are the length of my thumb (not my thumbnail, my whole thumb)
  • passing out from pain, which has happened more than once while I was driving
  • passing out multiple times a day from anemia, even with iron supplements
  • an inability to walk some days because my core muscles literally won't support me

I haven't had any luck with my regular doctor because they say I'm too young to decide I don't want kids. Seeing as I come from a long line of died in childbirth, I know for certain I don't even want to try. One doctor said I'd need a history of going to the ER. One time a former boss did drive me to the ER during work because he found me passed out for a half hour in a closet. The ER told me that since I was awake when I arrived there was nothing they could do - then they charged me $400.

So does anyone know of a doctor that might be willing to do the procedure based on this info? I'm in Minneapolis with Health Partners insurance, but I'd be willing to travel and pay out of pocket if need be.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So... During covid lockdowns I pretty much didn't leave my house. I did contract work that required zero human interaction, my groceries were contactless pickup, and none of my hobbies required other people. I recently started a new job and my social skills are downright awful. What are you supposed to do with your hands when you talk? What facial expressions should you make? How is your voice supposed to sound?

I did some internet research and found out I'm not the only one who lost their social skills after being isolated for 3 years. But anything I can find for advice is either generic/unhelpful, leads down the alt right rabbit hole, or is ungodly expensive. I'm hoping to find some basic introductory acting courses - voice training, method acting, improv, etc - that could help me stay flexible in conversations without freezing up. Is that possible? Are there any acting courses available to torrent?

[-] [email protected] 57 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Snow White with the Red Hair is my favorite hidden gem.

  • main character is a strong, independent, brilliant woman. She isn't abrasive or obnoxious, just confident in who she is. Her success in the story is entirely from her own efforts.
  • love interest is a well rounded character, not an Everyman stand in. His own strengths and weaknesses are plot relevant and he grows independently of the mc.
  • the romance progresses at a steady pace and isn't a will they/won't they for two seasons.
  • romance is one of many plot lines, not the only one. It's also slice of life and medieval politics.
  • and of course, everyone's adults. Everyone has normal body proportions and healthy personalities.
[-] [email protected] 39 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hey, Abigail here. I just want people to know the reason this guy got banned is likely because of a deleted comment not included in that thread. OP called me autistic for not liking politics. THAT kind of behavior is not acceptable on lemmy.blahaj.zone, so I reported the comment and let Ada handle it. Ada tried in good faith to reason with OP but it was clear they just wanted to fight. So yeah, they got banned. Ada's a fantastic lady who's been great at keeping the trolls at bay.

[-] [email protected] 99 points 1 year ago

At my org, edge for all outlook links rolled out last week. Not only does it not let you use your default browser, half of the screen is taken up with a popup asking to make edge your default every time!

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I recently adopted an adult dog. She's sweet, affectionate, and well behaved. But it seems like the only thing she cares about is scritches! She's either sleeping or shoving her head into your hands for attention. She doesn't care about toys, or food, or anything else I give her. I can't teach her games since the only thing she wants is to please me. Any time I can't pet her, she sleeps just until I'm available again - she's great with a crate so I don't think it's separation anxiety.

So is there any way I can teach her to entertain herself? I worry that encouraging this codependency will lead to her feeling unfulfilled.

[-] [email protected] 180 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've had two major issues with these guys. While not necessarily worth defederating everyone, I really don't want to deal with hexbear because:

  1. ALL of their content is political. When they first showed up on my feed, I watched what posts/communities came up and how their users interacted on non hexbear posts. I've done my best to remove all politics from my social media. These guys only talked about politics and would go to other communities to turn a normal conversation political.
  2. Everything was extreme and obnoxious. I don't understand why everyone keeps calling them polite. There was a constant "you're with us or you're against us"/"my beliefs are always right" behavior that was really annoying, especially in a public space that wasn't polarized before they got there. It reminded me of this one girl from middle school who would walk into a room and loudly talk about whatever she wanted until all the other conversations petered out.

They're more than welcome to behave like that in their home, but they can't go to a public space and expect everyone to cater to their beliefs.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 1 year ago

My roommate is big into magic, but he refuses to spend a lot of money on it. He makes counterfeit cards of whatever he wants and gets a deck custom printed for $40. He's also part of a discord group that makes cool fake cards or changes artwork on existing ones.

They're not allowed to have the official back but since he uses sleeves no one can tell. He's really up front about it and talks about how he couldn't get into the hobby or make the decks he likes if he had to pay for real cards.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
She SCREAM (youtu.be)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 30 points 1 year ago

There was some pseudoscience going around a while back about people can be left brain or right brain thinkers. Supposedly it came down to your dominant hand - meaning lefties are artistic and righies are logical. It's been thoroughly debunked but people still say it to me fairly often.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Or at least, can the delete button get a confirmation? I'm not the best typer and edit most of my posts 3-4 times. I've also deleted a ton of them by accident.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been going back and watching earlier seasons, which - I thought - had a smaller budget and less recognition. But after taking a closer look at the credits I realized there's a lot of celebrity heads that are voiced by the actual celebrities. The star trek episode actually had the full original cast - and those weren't bit parts! I get that the show's a social commentary, but wouldn't it have been easier to get sound alikes? Is there a story behind the show's giant special appearances list?

[-] [email protected] 30 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'd change everything! Women's fashion has so many different sewing techniques and styles - maybe 10% of those are in men's fashion. Give men lettuce hems and dropped waists! Princess seams and tulip sleeves! Make fashion unisex!

[-] [email protected] 96 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Can I just say thank you to all of the journalists protesting against reddit with the tools they have available? Most articles I've seen are pro reddit community or barely neutral. Dozens of news sites are involved, from left and right news sites, to finance magazines, to explainers like Reuters and NPR. Multiple articles a day are keeping this at the forefront of everyone's mind - especially spez and potential investors - as well as ensuring the whole thing stays transparent. I've seen a few articles that link directly to lemmy and kbin signups too 😊

[-] [email protected] 40 points 1 year ago

Absolutely! A lot of people seem to think a protest is shooting yourself in the foot and complaining about it. No, a protest is causing a ruckus so that everyone - protestors or not - get frustrated with the target of the protest. The point is to screw up search results on Google. The point is to make the "front page of the internet" an empty shell.

I went on reddit briefly to see if anything I subscribe to is polling to extend their blackout. r/DCcomics had a poll filled to the brim with "stay open, I'm slightly inconvenienced!" comments. These guys have clearly never been a part of or needed to protest for their basic rights before.

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