[-] [email protected] 33 points 3 days ago

I don’t think he’s as far off as they suggest. I remember the whole world laughing every time he spoke.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago

Dpkg is the low level tool for Debian packages.

Apt-get is the original frontend for dpkg. It is a full featured tool that lets the user give commands to dpkg, along with apt-cache, which displays information to the user.

Apt is a high level tool for user friendliness. It combines some features from apt-get and apt-cache, as well as adds progress bars and other quality of life features. It also strips down some features the average user doesn’t use.

So neither is a wrapper for the other. They are two similar tools that do the same job. Apt-get is better for scripting due to being a more rigid tool while apt is nicer for end users.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

Sure you can!

Get a coin, and flip it 100 times. Record each time it lands on heads/tails.

Now get a devout believer, and have the believer continuously say devout prayers petitioning God to make the coin read heads. Then, flip the coin 100 times, and record heads/tails.

Do statistical analysis to see whether there is a statistically significant difference between the control group and the prayer group. Pretty easy to verify if true.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago

They’re not endorsing her because they think she’s conservative. They’re endorsing her because they know Trump is on his last leg and they are trying to distance themselves from him.

Immediately after the election settles, they will start criticizing everything Harris does again while trying to build up their version of the Republican party. They’re looking to reboot it without Trump, and this is the way to do it.

[-] [email protected] 156 points 10 months ago

“While they were being very competitive externally, they were threatening internal equity and internal incentives,” Pollak said. “There needs to be some [salary] growth year after year to keep people around and to keep them engaged.”

Translation: “If we advertise at market rates, our employees might figure out they’re all being underpaid.”

[-] [email protected] 177 points 11 months ago

“I could be a severe bastard,” he writes. “My experiences at the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre had been intense and serious … On the TNG set, I grew angry with the conduct of my peers, and that’s when I called that meeting in which I lectured the cast for goofing off and responded to Denise Crosby’s, ‘We’ve got to have some fun sometimes, Patrick’ comment by saying, ‘We are not here, Denise, to have fun.'”

“In retrospect,” Stewart continues, “everyone, me included, finds this story hilarious. But in the moment, when the cast erupted in hysterics at my pompous declaration, I didn’t handle it well. I didn’t enjoy being laughed at. I stormed off the set and into my trailer, slamming the door.”

Stewart then details how Frakes and Spiner came to his trailer for a heart-to-heart chat.

“People respect you,” Spiner told him. “But I think you misjudged the situation here.”

Recalls Stewart: “He and Jonathan acknowledged that yes, there was too much goofing around and that it needed to be dialed back. But they also made it clear how off-putting it was — and not a case study in good leadership — for me to try to resolve the matter by lecturing and scolding the cast. I had failed to read the room, imposing RSC behavior on people accustomed to the ways of episodic television — which was, after all, what we were shooting.”

In short, he became angry because he was used to theater acting and tried to hold a tv production to theater’s standards.

[-] [email protected] 151 points 1 year ago

Well over 1,000 CEOs have left their companies this year, according to a Challenger, Gray & Christmas report. That’s 33% more than last year and the highest total in the first seven months of the year since the staffing research company began tracking exits in 2002.

It seems like nobody wants to work anymore.

[-] [email protected] 187 points 1 year ago

Attempting a coup = not the good guy

[-] [email protected] 135 points 1 year ago

The study ignored people with addictions, people with mental illness, and street entrenched (chronically homeless with nowhere else to go) individuals.

I think what they did was good and is encouraging, but it kind of dilutes its own message that “Homeless people are not what you think!” by ignoring the people who are what everyone thinks of.

[-] [email protected] 137 points 1 year ago

A social worker’s report attached to the complaint said the couple was asked how they would feel if a child in their care identified as LGBTQ or struggled with their gender identity. Kitty Burke responded by saying “let’s take the T out of it” and called gender-affirming care “chemical castration,” according to the report. She also said, “I’m going to love you the same,” but that the child “would need to live a chaste life.” Both Kitty and Michael Burke expressed hesitation around using a transgender or nonbinary person’s preferred pronouns, the social worker’s report noted.

Michael Burke told the social worker he’d been to gay weddings and would “likely attend” his child’s wedding if they were LGBTQ, according to the report, and the couple said they wouldn’t kick a child out of their home for being LGBTQ or subject them to conversion therapy.

Following the interview, the social worker issued an “approval with conditions, specifically around religion and LGBTQIA++ related issues.” Their application was later denied by the department’s Licensing Review Team, the complaint states.

“If you give me an LGBTQ kid, I’m going to be a horrible parent. Wait, why did you deny my parenting application? This is discrimination!”

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