[-] [email protected] 22 points 5 months ago

Sorry for writing copious amounts of text and treating this kinda like a journal, i know im pretty self centered right now, sorry.


I went on a really nice date to some gardens with this wonderful woman this past weekend.It was magical and felt so perfect. Shes also trans and idk if its that or just her but like she gets me in a way that I doubt cis people ever could. We had hooked up a couple times before this, and it was really nice to be in a more romantic/nonsexual setting with her. Gosh i feel intoxicated when Im with her, like theres gotta be something wrong with me right? She makes me feel such wonderful things, shes smart and passionate and strong and really fucking attractive and shes pursuing me of all people, i just feel so lucky. Idk where its going, if it'll last a month, a year, who knows, but im here for it.

Its also shone a light on my insecurities and fear of abandonment, and given me a really fucking good reason to get those managed. I mean, theyre mostly managed, kinda, and partially managed on a bad day, but still i want to have them completely managed. Idk, she just makes me want to be the best version of myself.

I guess thats all to say: yall, im falling hard for this woman and its at a time when I dont have the bandwidth for a serious relationship. I guess happiness comes when you least expect it? Im taking her to the movies this friday, and thinking to cook up a desert themed for the movie (but its a ton of work and im kind of dying right now, housing instability and all that (side note fuck landlords, housing should be a basic human right))

I just want to snuggle up with her forever, lay on her couch wrapped in each other, talking about nothing and everything. And kiss her, like a lot.

On the less wonderous side of things, ive been realizing the extent of my mothers codependency/fucked-up-edness and it shifted how I view her and made my discomfort relating to her more understandable. Im tired of being responsible for her emotional state, of being there for her in situations where I shouldnt have to be. For example, shes set a hard boundary about me leaving her house after 3 months, which is fine, but when I express anxiety around my housing instability and frustration with not being able to find a place to rent, she gets very upset and distraught that Im facing homelessness, and then I have to take care of her and soothe her and take care of her emotions when she is the one contributing to/forcing that situation in the first place! You cant tell your daughter to get out of your house and then turn around and be distraught by your daughter not having a place to live!? Make it make sense, please.

Ive got a great monster of the week campaign going on that im continuously excited for, its really fun :) plus everyone is trans and its great.

Anyway, life is life, and life is wonderful and terrible.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Life is going really well this week (well, big asterisk, cause ill probs be homeless come end of march) and ive been connecting with people and like having a lovely time being social. Idk having people who you like being around is really nice. Went to the local t4t night at a bar that is i think a socialist bar, which was fun. Went with some friends and just hung out and talked, which was really enjoyable, even if my anxiety was through the roof the entire time.

Life is just wonderful right now, even if I have no job prospects and all the housing ads i respond to say nah.

I also started P a week ago, which has been really nice and stabilized my mood a bit. Ive also been debating compounding my own P, but im afraid of ordering a kg of white powder to my door lol.

Its also my birthday soon which i have such mixed feelings about.

[-] [email protected] 10 points 7 months ago

Ohhh you have no idea how much I want to do this... It would be a gamble that probably wouldnt pay off tho, and I really need a job (my housing situation is over at the end of march and I need to have a job to be able to find an appartment that will rent to me, been turned down time and again because income verification).

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

How do you write a cover letter for a job doing very basic tasks? I feel like Im either shmoozing and being way over the top, or being realistic in a way that will keep me from getting the job. For reference the job is to package coffee and make other products. I guess i just dont understand. I need a job, they need a worker. This work can be done by most people, its not some field thats relevant, its putting beans in bags and brewing coffee, how can I say "i really want to work here" when in reality any job will do, this is just the one that vibes best with my social capacity and is offered by the least offensive corporation. Like what am I gonna say, "I love brewing coffee, i spend every day constantly brewing coffee and moving my coffee beans from one bag to another, because I just like handling coffee"?

I have also been studying or doing self employed things like tutoring for the past 10 years and my cover letter skills were shit before this and have only gotten worse.

Cant I just write "job. Me need job. You have job. Me need money for survive. You need worker for labour. You give money, i work. I work good." and be done with it?

[-] [email protected] 10 points 7 months ago

Nah if they aint givin me Gowron eyes then i know it isnt serious

(We should get a gowron emote of him just staring at you)

[-] [email protected] 12 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Thank you for your overtime cat-trans

-- depressed trans girl

[-] [email protected] 27 points 7 months ago

Been having a rough time of it lately.My brain doesnt work good; i cant fulfill the prerequisites for existence in this world. Im trying to find a job and housing, but it just doesnt work in my brain.

And how can i live with other people? "Hi potential roomie, i would love to live with you! Oh and btw i might get random intense mood swings, see things once in a while and then insist we have no standing water in the house cause thats how she gets in and I dont want to experience her right now, but wait an hour and everything will be fine again. etc. etc." like who tf wants to live with a crazy person whose only tangentially connected to reality?

And even beyond that, my brain doesnt work right. I know I have to do things, but i cant do them. Whether fun things or not, i think about them constantly, feeling terrible im not doing them, and still dont do them. I just dont function. I have housing until the end of march, but after that im not sure what will happen. I was confident I could find somewhere to live by then, but the people in my life are saying ive already failed at it, and tbh theyre not wrong. Im just not capable. It took me 1ยฝ months to fix my social security and drivers license. It should have taken a week, max. Idk, im just kinda done trying. I try and I fail, if i dont try i fail, all roads lead to rome.

Anyway, idk how thats related to being trans, aside from that im trans.

Besides all that I have some friends who are nice, they keep me sane. Gonna hopefully expand my social circle a bit this week, but might crash out at the last second cause of the aforementioned brain not working right.

I hope everyone else is having a better time of things. Sorry for bringing everything down ๐Ÿ˜“

[-] [email protected] 10 points 7 months ago

Hear me out, a distributed dating app, so that everything happens without needing a server.

Assume 1gb of free storage per device, distribute gzipped text-only profiles such that any given profile is constantly "on the network" (i.e. distributed via someone elses device if youre no longer connected, idk like distribute to 20 random devices, and then redistribute if the number of active devices drops below 5?), but have images hosted from your device so theyre only available if your device is currently connected. Have everyone set a "home location point" to avoid distributing via a device thats across an ocean or something.

Basically, by using the app you're contributing processing power to run the network. Idk ive never done or looked at anything like that before, but it sounded cool in my head. Plus text only profiles take so little space, you could store a lot of them in 1gb, especially if theyre like gzipped tarballs or something similar.

Messages could be peer to peer. If someone messages you or likes you or matches with you, it forwards that info to your device or stores it on one or more devices in order to forward it once youre back on the network.

Goal is to remove any profit motive from the app, so users instead of paying money pay with device processing power.

Ok random thought over now. Ive never done distributed systems before so its probably a pipe dream or something impractical.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 7 months ago

Good thing someone developed a new type of woman that has fewer side effects. Many doctors still perscribe the old type of woman, but some will perscribe the new type if you ask nicely. cat-vibing

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Had a convo with my mother last night. I kicked it off because she had been misgendering and deadnaming me the past couple days. She always caught herself, but I wanted to see why this was happening and make it stop happening.

She insists that she doesnt see me as a man, that she sees me as me (funny, she doesnt use the word woman to describe how she sees me during this conversation lea-think). Shes says that its all just the automatic processing her brain does, but doesnt think that automatic processing is actually how she sees me. So i guess what she thinks isnt representative of what she thinks??? Like I get it, its hard to recontextualize ones view of another, but the automatic responses are the most telling, they show how you automatically gender me, and those responses are meaningful, not "oh just automatic so we dont need to worry about them and theyre not representative of how I see you". Guess my mothers an idealist and a LIB, but we knew that already.

The conversation took an upsetting detour where I had to hold space for and take care of her emotions. I mean, I asked her multiple times during the whole convo how she was doing, if shes ok, but that same care doesnt get extended to me. Im just sick of saying "hey ive got a problem with how youre treating me" and it getting turned into me taking care of the other persons emotions.

In summation, i desperately need a job so I can move out again.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 8 months ago

Uhhh yeah id like some materialism with a side of dialectics. But no Marx! If its Marx or his dialectical materialism, i send it back!

[-] [email protected] 12 points 8 months ago

Wait what happened?

[-] [email protected] 40 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Theres a url, say peepee.com. So far this is the routing portion of the url that says how to find the web server, basically saying "ask .com how to find peepee", and that gives us the ip address of the server.

Everything that comes after that, is information for the server itself. So to navigate to a resource, say poopoo, that lives on the server, they would navigate to peepee.com/poopoo.

But sometimes you want to navigate to that resource and also communicate some bit of information to the server, say a login token so the server knows who is accessing that resource. This is communicated via a URL parameter, and looks like ?userid=abcd1234, or in the full url: peepee.com/poopoo?userid=abcd1234. So the user is still accessing the same resource, but has provided additional metadata to the server.

These parameters can be abused to identify who knows who and who communicates with who by attaching a tracking id parameter to the URL, so when you share a link it includes that tracking parameter and anyone who clicks on it, well now the server knows that the originator of the tracking ID (well, the first person to be assigned it) shared it with this other person. This can be combined with other collected info to build a map and social graph of actual people, e.g. we know dave is at this ip, and jane is at this other ip, and we put a tracking parameter in daves url and we saw jane use that same tracking parameter in her url, so we know that dave shared this url with jane.

So to answer your question, a canonical link is a link to a resource without the unneeded url parameters.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Why bright red is a transfem story

Ok so like im durnk and wrote this up so like fuck you dont judge me but also judge the shit out of it idk fuck. I'm just writing and like i wrote this in one go and havent edited anything so idk it may be hot shit or it may be a hot shit. have fun i guess. Its pretty fucking binary, but like im pretty binary and idk like how the fuck could i even pretend to speak to/for a nonbinary experience?

(Edit: i cant ~~descide~~ figure out if this is a shitpost or an effortpost so like idk you tell me)

also like CW for abuse/dysphoria/just the shitty aspects of being trans i guess idk pull this down if its not appropriate or anything idk.

Did she fall or was she pushed?

did the little girl fall down? or was she pushed down by patriarchal systems? With this line Laurie Anderson speaks to the early age emotional neutering that young boys and presumed-boys go through. The young girl is falling, but is she? or was she pushed down by patriarchy, cisnormativity, and the refusal to acknowledge her as a girl?

Your shirt on my chair
Your shirt on my chair

These lines speak to the idea of another persons clothing being on ones own self. Wearing another set of clothes, keeping them on the chair, but not in the closet. They are here, and in use, but they are not her. They are foreign, perhaps protective in the way that a 'boyfriend-shirt' is protective. Protective in that they keep her safe from the beatings, the mocking, the derision and abuse, the calls of 'just kill yourself'. It is also threatening - theres another person here, and all you see is their shirt. This speaks to the dissociation and depersonalization that so many trans people go through.

I'll be with you. I'll be there

This line reinforces the above, that the shirts owner, a fake person built to protect her will be there, protecting.

I'll never leave you

This line speaks to the experiences of growing up as a closeted transfemme person never being removable from ones being. They will never leave her, they are a part of her.

Your shirt on my chair

and we return to the idea of the shirt on her chair, there, but not in her closet. Present, used, but not hers. protective but oppressive. dissociated.

Come here little girl. Get into the car
It's a brand new Cadillac.
Bright red.
Come here little girl\

The little girl is getting into the car, the western cultural symbol of masculine obsession. Of the freedom to go wherever you want. But only if theres a road. This represents the priviledge associated with being male presenting, the ability to go wherever you want, that freedom, but its predicated on there being a road to drive on; true freedom in that sense comes from ones own two feet. This speaks to the way society tells men that they can be everything, as long as they stay on the road.

This symbol, so associated with the husband neglecting his wife for his car. It represents the chains that come with a gender identity that one does not have, that is forced upon our protagonist. Not only the husband neglecting his wife, but the woman neglecting her womanhood for the safety of masculinity.

The Cadillac is bright red, the color of blood, shed metaphorically in the pursuit of staying safe in a deeply cisnormative transphobic world, and literally in the form of beatings and assaults designed to punish her for not being a cis man, and additionally also the literal blood spilled during surgeries. Come here little girl, you will be harmed, you will be driven away in the bright red cadillac.

Hey! Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
Your despair in my heart. Bright red
Your words in my ears
I'll be with you. I'll be there. I'll never leave you\

These lines speak to the realization, the internal confrontation of seeing onesself and knowing and accepting that one is trans. The despair of knowing that initial panic of 'oh fuck im trans'. The recognition that its been this way all along. haven't I seen you somewhere before? yes, as a child, before she was forced into hiding, before the femininity was beaten out of her. The recognition of all that blood, bright red, metaphorical and literal, that was shed to get to this point. The whispers and words in her ear, telling her what to say, how to act, which person to be.

Somewhere along the way there is an inversion, it is no longer the man saying he will be with her, to protect her, but it is her saying, that no matter whether she embraces her transness or not she will always be there, she will never leave.

Wild beasts shall rest there
And owls shall answer one another there
And the hairy ones shall dance there
And sirens in the temples of pleasure\

The wild beasts, representing the untamed and unbridled emotion and turmoil of existing outside of the societal scripts and in such an incredibly wild way. The owls answering one another, trans people reaching out to each other in the night, in the dark, where the burning eyes of hateful society cannot see. The hairy ones dancing, unashamed. And the sirens of the temples of pleasure, calling one towards them, towards the pleasure of knowing onesself, of being whole, of being able to engage with the world and with yourself as you were meant to. And of the pleasure of being able to have sex without dissociating. It is a temple, a prayer process. How many trans women have lain awake at night praying to god that they turn into a girl come morning? And the process of transition, it is a prayer, a prayer to ones own body, ones nerves and fat and muscle. The body once dissociated slowly knowing pleasure. Not in a sexual manner (although also that) but in the manner of just being able to exist without it hurting, without needing to numb everything to the point of non existence.

Your shirt on my chair
I'll be with you. I'll be there. I'll never leave you
Your shirt on my chair\

Finally we return, to our protector, who will always be there in some way or another. Whose experiences and guidance have shaped our protagonist, and helped get her where she is today. He will always be a part of her. Your shirt on my chair. Here, but not permanently. The shirt is all thats left, a reminder of what was, but not permanent, not put away in the closet, in the dresser.

She can protect herself now. She doesnt need him, and so all thats left is his shirt on her chair.

Ok thats the whole thing idk i maybe remove cause embarrass like most things i do when drunk i regret so maybe this one tooooooo????

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Its just so exhausting and upsetting.

excerpt from a conversation from yesterday (CW transphobia)Transphobe 1: its too tall!

Transphobe 2: what is?

Transphobe 1 gestures at me

Transphobe 1: that thing

The conversation continued with additional transphobia.

And like i get it okay, im not a person, not even a human, but can we just skip the whole conversation? Or is the whole dehumanization and inflicting pain thing the enjoyable part?

I guess a positive is that it shows who the fake and fairweather allies are, like i was surrounded by people i thought were allies but no one said a damn thing. It was transphobe 2 that actually called out his friend cause 'you just cant say that stuff anymore' ๐Ÿ™„. Transphobe 1 proceeded to try and defend his actions by claiming he was using gender neutral language cause he didnt know how to gender me. Like, no motherfucker you fucking werent! Gender neutral language isnt dehumanizing language! Now i get to go organize an event with these same "allies" who said nothing. I demand that you shoot me now, so i dont have to do this.

Im not sure why im so upset about this. Its not that bad, really just par for the course. Not like he was beating me or anything. And allies should be assumed to be false unless otherwise proven. Its just so tiring. So damn exhausting.

Thanks for listening to me

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