[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago

What the fuckery fucking witchcraft is this

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Lieber ungeprüft Nachrichten verbreiten als irrelevant sein hmm..

Naja wenn dass hier der spirit ist... Müsst ihr wissen

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

Spotydown.media worked for me, but sometimes it gets stuff so wildly wrong that i am guessing he pulls the stuff from another library and takes the closest match for the name. Doesnt seem to be YouTube though, never had intros, outros or music video noises

[-] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Hast du nicht vor 2sec neun post gemacht, dass es keine Daten gibt?

[-] [email protected] 46 points 3 months ago

Beating the far right? Dude they are second strongest here in Germany, had massive gains and I live in fear I will see the second German fascism soon.

What the guck do you mean beating them?

[-] [email protected] 32 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I was imagining something like this in hexbear or lemmygrad, as people there seemed quite dogmatic at times, but even on Lemmy.ml? Sad to see this, as I had mostly positive interactions there till now

[-] [email protected] 29 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

If you want to be sure you cant be tracked, monitored, spyed on, and calls can't be intersepted:

Don't ever connect it to WiFi and don't insert a sim card.

Graphene or not, your ISP can still share your position or other meta data with government and stuff (in the us they can also be forced to not tell you) - in some countries they legally sell to third party's, in some probably illegaly

Calls are normally not encrypted so the os doesn't matter as much if its the government who can force your ISP or if someone is skilled enough for a Man in the middle attack.

Android is a highly complex system, it will never be 100% safe.

If you just want to decrease spying by companies and less powerful people:

Use neo store or fdroid (no google play or aurora) as all apps there are Foss

Don't install gapps or any other google services/packages

Use shelter for less trusted apps

Use netguard to block apps from accessing the internet

Physically block your cameras

If you want to be absolutely sure no one is recording audio: destroy mics with a needle and connect headset only when you need it

To only use communication apps which are encrypted and you hold the keys should be not needed to be said: matrix, signal, element, xmpp are good, (telegram (normal chats), Facebook, WhatsApp etc is a no go)

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey guys n gurls, I was wondering if it is smart to disable my VPN connection for casual browsing.

Reasons: when having VPN constantly running it may be possible to track me via browser fingerprinting.

Szenario: the connection coming from the VPN which hypothetically downloaded a torrent, tries to watch capitalist propaganda while living in China, etc.pp has this screen ratio, this locale, this addons etc. And (more important) the YouTube login cookie we know belongs to this physical person/telephone number etc.

So I am wondering if I should only use the VPN when "needing" it (read articles not available in country, Netflix, read information government doesn't like, things like that.) Or if I'm missing something here and I could obscure my causal day to day browsing as well without decreasing the security of the VPN.

For reference, the VPN doesn't log anything (for more than a day) to my knowledge

EDIT: From what I understand from the comments: switching the VPN has little to no impact on widely used tracking and if at all makes it easier to corelate data. People emphasize the general lack of full privacy if you are wanted by entities willing to spend enough resources. But for the general need of privacy in normal usecases it makes more sense to just leave the VPN running.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


Edit: got told by the kind folks in the community that this is expected and the sentence "can access position while in background" actually just means: will ask you for the permission to access the position from the background but only does so, if you allow it" - that's what I figured, but now im sure. Thanks for the clarification everyone!

Hey guys n gurls,

I recently learned about exodus, and installed it to check my apps. While exodus shows some apps (like bike computer for reference) are allowed to track my position (quite logically).

The strange thing: in system settings it says seeing position is not allowed.

Does this mean that the app wants those permissions but I don't granted them? Or are my system settings bricked? Is this because of lineage? Is this expected?

Would greatly appreciate someone who understands this a little bit more to explain :)

P.S: Is (the tracker part of) exodus even useful when i already use neo store which shows known tracker? Is this maybe even the same database?

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hallo liebe Wiener, ich bin über Ostern in der Stadt und wollte mal fragen ob ihr Gedanken habt was man sich als alternativer Mensch hier anschauen könnte/sollte. Bin zum ersten mal hier, es gibt also keine falschen antworten ;)

Ob ein schöner Park, ne nette Kneipe, ein gutes punk Konzert dieses WE, ein sehenswertes museum oder sonst was, ich würde mich freuen von euch zu hören, was ich gesehen haben sollte bevor ich am Dienstag wieder fahre :)

[-] [email protected] 27 points 9 months ago

Captain disilusion

If you are lucky you get one video a year, but it will be good

[-] [email protected] 29 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Leute das ist n rechter troll. Ich bin auch erst drauf reingefallen und hab ernsthaft argumentiert, aber der schreibt Sachen wie:

"Migranten begehen viel mehr Straftaten und sind deswegen ein Problem"


Und doubled noch down https://lemmy.world/comment/5007576

Dass das vlt. Daran liegt das arme Leute immer krimineller sind weil sie es nötiger haben als Südstadt SUV Fahrer, oder weil Migranten nicht arbeiten dürfen kommt ihm nicht in den Sinn.

Dieses "die Ausländer kriminell" Argument wurde schon so oft widerlegt, wer sowas heute noch benutzt tut das aus Kalkül, nicht aus Naivität.

Opfert nicht zu viel Zeit, der versucht bloß Kapazitäten zu binden

[-] [email protected] 21 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Ja das gleichzusetzen wäre Quatsch Aber Satire dahingehend zu machen ist nicht das gleiche wie das ernsthaft zu behaupten.

Und zu dem "das ist Volksverhetzung, ihr habt keine ahnung, ich muss euch mal bilden":

Die afd ist in Hessen mittlerweile Oppositionsführer.

In meinem Wahllokal ist die afd zweitstärkste kraft, es gibt immer wieder Übergriffe durch Nazis, ich traue mich mittlerweile als alternativ aussehender Mensch nicht mehr alleine abends raus zu gehen, weil Freunde zusammengeschlagen wurden (von rechten/Nazis/afdlern, nenn sie wie du willst, es bleiben gewaltbereite autoritäre Faschisten.)

Mehrere Soziologen sehen zunehmend faschistische Merkmale in der deutschen Politik, auch bei den ampelparteien.

Ja, wir sind noch nicht da wo wir 33 waren, aber die Entwicklung der letzten Jahre zeigt aus Politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht beängstigend viele parallelen zur frühen nsdap Zeit.

Klar, Scholz ist nicht Hitler, natürlich nicht, dass weiß auch jeder der das satirisch behauptet.

Es ist aber leider auch nicht so, dass diese satirische überspitzung völlig aus der Luft gegriffen ist.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 11 months ago

So seither i embaress myself everytime i shit or nothing happens?

[-] [email protected] 54 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm German and that is bullshit. Never heard of mäusespeck, everyone just calls them marshmallows and they are labeled as marshmallows in the store

EDIT: I was made aware that the Problem seems be that im not a boomer. 30 years ago, when i wasnt alive, they seemed to be called this. In my WG there are people over 30 though and they also never heard of this (hessen)

rule (discuss.tchncs.de)
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rule (discuss.tchncs.de)
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rule (discuss.tchncs.de)
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Offtopic: can anyone tell me how to post/ crosspost in multiple communities at once?

tja (discuss.tchncs.de)
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migrating memes from reddit (discuss.tchncs.de)
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migrating memes from reddit (discuss.tchncs.de)
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