In @[email protected], we provide a set of search engine choices. It differs a bit from country to country, but generally we have a nice set of search engines to choose from.
I would advice that you select one of the smaller search engines. They are generally better when it comes to privacy and you are supporting an alternative to Big Tech, although most of them get their search feeds from either Google or Microsoft at this time. That also means that switching from Google or Bing will allow you to get similar search results, while stepping away from Big Tech, so the switching cost should be lower.
So what is your favorite search engine?
#Windows #Macos #Linux #Android #iOS #Computer #mobile #search #BigTech #Vivaldi @[email protected]
@[email protected] @[email protected]
Currently none. I've used Startpage for a while, but they seem to have problems (not responding or select the road sign garbage, maybe under DDOS?), so right now it's Mojeek when I'm feeling lucky, and Google when that doesn't give me anything useful.
I would probably go back to Google if they would stop pestering me with consent nag screens.