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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/TheEternalGazed on 2023-08-18 03:00:16+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/HiCustodian1 on 2023-08-18 01:39:44+00:00.

Honestly, pretty good. Most of the team was great, and I like Terren. The sponsorship shit was obnoxious, obviously, but it was a better video than I thought it would be. They laid out a pretty convincing suite of changes, assuming they actually follow through I think they’ll be in a better spot (largely thanks to the GN video, still think they owe them an apology).

The issue is that Linus’ apology was, by far, the worst of the group. Granted, it wasn’t as egregious as his forum post, but god damn does he need a wake up call. Saying “I thought it was important to clarify the details” in regards to the email sent that wasn’t actually received by Billet is insane, since that’s flat out not what he said in the original forum post. I don’t know, I was overall impressed by the team, but the fact Linus’ segment was still self-serving (in more ways than what I previously mentioned) and contained half-truths is a bad sign to me. Maybe that’s the best they could get out him.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/SDG_Den on 2023-08-17 19:07:01+00:00.

EDIT: apparently someone did already make a transcript, i couldn't find one hence why i made one. apologies if this seems to be a repost, i did infact transcribe everything myself. please do go upvote the transcript on the original post so people can find it more easily.

so, for the sake of the discussion going on, i decided to transcribe the entire HR video as the audio quality is pretty bad and not everything is immediately understandable.

context: allegedly this meeting was held very shortly after madison's departure from LTT, effectively this meeting was called to try to address the issues that caused madison to leave.

i've tried to leave the notes to a minimum.

[start of transcript]

*chaotic chattering*

linus: so we called this meeting because it has come to our attention that we need to have a quick chat about the best way to handle HR related feedback and rumors.

we wont be naming any names for what we hope are extraordinarily obvious reasons, but what we can do is go through the following guidelines for problem solving and conflict resolution

linus: sorry that this is all boring and corporate, but.... *small sigh* here we are *heh heh*

linus: number 1: always stand up for what's right, uhm, we're only a team as long as we're all working together (uninteligible chatter) and that's the most important part.

linus: number 2: always reflect on your own personal experiences and use your common sense. few things in life are truly black and white.

linus: number 3: always wait to hear both sides of the story before passing your own judgement, be cautious when you know that one side is bound by legal and ethical disclosure guidelines, when the other is not. carefully consider what it says about the character of someone who would engage in that type of gossip against someone who has no power to defend themselves.

linus: number 4: always encourage openness and transparency. if you have a problem, you need to speak up, we want to fix it. if you receive feedback about somebody else at this company, the first response is "have you spoken with this person" followed closely by "you need to speak with this person". we don't solve interpersonal issues here or really anywhere in your life if you wish to live in a drama free zone by engaging in watercooler politicing, so if for any reason the individual is not comfortable approaching the person they are having a conflict with, we have (emphasis) a chain (emphasis) that they're supposed to follow.

linus: so first: you advise them to take the problem to their manager, followed by me or yvonne, followed by our third party HR firm.

linus: i hope that you all trust that we're here to make this a safe, fun and productive workplace, and we won't tolerate mistreatment of any of our team members.

linus: if you have any reason to believe otherwise, then i refer you again to point number 4, which is to adress the issue with the individual directly, or bring it to me or yvonne, or bring it to our third party HR firm.

linus: since i'm not at liberty to share any details about what occurred, all i can do is ask that you trust me and yvonne. uhm, some of you know us very well, you have been here for a very long time. uhm. some of you have not (emphasis) been here for as long, but i'd like to think that whether you've been here for nine years or nine days, uhm (slight chuckle) you're here for a reason, and you believe we do our utmost to run this company with integrity and compassion.

linus: ehhhm.... we can't solve problems we don't know about though. so on that note, i'd like to invite anyone who has concerns about a fellow team member or about their managers to submit their feedback either (emphasis) by speaking with their managers, me or yvonne directly or (emphasis) if you'd like to provide your feedback anonymously, we have an option for that as well. it's the manager and coworker feedback form. uhm yvonne- (sentence cuts off in the middle here as linus switches to a different sentence) if you're not aware of it, show of hands who is not (emphasis) aware of it?

linus: okay, a lot of people aren't aware of it, good, so now we all know, there's an anonymous form. if for whatever reason you are not confortable either talking to me or yvonne directly about it, then thats fine. we understand. that's why we have (emphasis) these options. yvonne's gonna post it in the general trat, in the general chat (linus misspoke and corrected himself here). it's a... just safe (emphasis) space to provide us ideas for improvement or... if you're consumed by the holiday spirit and you wanna say nice things you can do that too (short chuckle from multiple team members)

linus: does anyone have any questions?

*nothing happens*

linus: not a single question? wow, that must have been a really good speech.

james: you gonna dance on that table or just stand on it?

linus: thats it! so uh, 'vonne, do you have anything you wanted to add?

yvonne: (authors note: had to turn up the volume a lot to hear this, it was very quiet) somebody sent to me an *uninteligible* (probably some cleaning product, this was during covid.) so if you guys want to sanitize your hands, help yourself

*the call bursts into laughter*

linus: yeah that was actually just.. totally random timing, it came up the stairs a moment ago.

yvonne: yeah

linus: dennis is on it. alright.

*the call bursts into laughter again*

linus (loud): take care everyone, have a wonderful and uh... productive rest of your day. and weekend.

[end of transcript]

personally, there's a couple observations i've made from this.

#1: people have been arguing that linus genuinely wouldn't have known of what was going on with madison, because he's the CEO. this video (and the transcript of it) shows that the company's protocol for dealing with interpersonal issues at the time was: talk to the person > talk to yvonne or linus > talk to the independent HR firm. linus is an integral part of the interpersonal issues protocol here.

#2: linus's third guideline looks like a way for him to be "the victim" in this scenario. he's the one bound by legal and ethical disclosure guidelines. it's not mentioned obviously but this vibes as if it's an attack against madison's conduct in the matter.

#3: the "just talk to the person you have a problem with" method does not work in various situations. sure, if you are simply having a disagreement you can talk it out. but "just talk to the person that keeps inappropriately touching you" is a terrible action plan especially in the case where that person may hold power over you (which we do not know is the case but that could be a scenario)

#4: the fact that a lot of people weren't aware of the anonymous report form is.... pretty damning.

#5: linus opens by making a *joke* about how this is a very boring corporate meeting, as if this is something he has to check off a list. the little laughter at the end really makes it vibe like he takes it quite lightly.

#6: in general, the choice of words here feels VERY dismissive of the situation. "HR related feedback and rumors", "watercooler politicing", "use common sense",

#7: james's only contribution here was making a joke. that's... pretty yikes.

note, these are my personal observations and are obviously biassed by how i see things, you are free to disagree.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/wootwoo0t on 2023-08-17 17:25:45+00:00.

The problem with LTT is in the name. Every criticism feels like a personal attack to Linus, impartial or otherwise. So Linus responds in a personal manner, not something you should do when you're responding as a representative of an organization.

This will happen again. And if the backlash was this strong the first time, the next one won't be so merciful to LMG.

The permanent solution would be to remove the L from everything LMG.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/coolpotatoe724 on 2023-08-17 11:44:04+00:00.

this shit storm might end the streak

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Curthbert on 2023-08-17 11:29:56+00:00.

In my opinion, most of the people watching LTT for years knew what kind of person Linus is. And honestly I'm not surprised that he became self-centered that he stopped noticing some very visible bad things happening around him, it's basically very common with people that got some kind of public recognition in short period of time and are very busy. It's also very common that bigger companies have internal problems and their CEOs are often blind to most of problems on personal level, that's why they hire other people who are not that busy and can take care of these problems (or friends, who can tell you, let's hope).

I also don't think that anyone was ever portaying Linus as ultra-loving tree-hugging person. We had his personality in front of our eyes for long years, we knew he is not type of Saint Theresa, most knew who he is and what to expect, nevertheless, everyone subscribed to all of it, kept buying merch, kept sending money, kept visiting expos, kept sending likes and kept enjoying the show.

Now, suddenly, everyone started pointing fingers and hating this guy like he suddenly turned into super villain we didn't know existed. At this point, I feel bad for Linus that nobody told him what they think about him but then started cowardly throwing rocks at him. Yes, a lot of hate on this forum is pretty cowardly and if you knew some bad behaviour that happened in the past maybe you could talk about it long time ago.

[Sorry, English is my second language and I'm also a bad writer, but hopefully it will all make some sense]

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/TheNoGoat on 2023-08-18 05:02:14+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Fortune_Cat on 2023-08-17 21:03:15+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/q_bitzz on 2023-08-18 06:55:56+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/q_bitzz on 2023-08-18 06:55:56+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/RongoNZ on 2023-08-18 06:41:28+00:00.

This is the thing that started all of this. Not bad ethics, to employee mis-treatment and not rushing to get videos out. This is Linus STILL whinging one year later about being properly called out by GN over the backpack. Without this 30 second tantrum GN would not have responded.

Retire this man-child so the great and talented people who work at LMG can get past this and get back to doing what they are good at.

I used to love watching Emilys knowledgable Linux stuff, James often Hilarious takes, the cool projects Alex pushed through, hell I even grew to like Riley :)

Let them be them again!

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/the_mashrur on 2023-08-18 06:36:47+00:00.

I keeps seeing near-unanimous praise for Steve and GN, as if he's some sort of benevolent saint that truly wants LTT to improve and move past this.

But that's just not true at all.

  1. Linus and Steve were meant to be friends. If a friend fucks up in a big big way, do you go to them in private and say "bro you fucked up. You need to fix this and take accountability" or do you immediately go and publicly shame them? So when people criticise linus for wanting notice, and they say "oh, but what about not notifying X company about criticising their product", that's completely different, as Linus is likely not friends with that company. You just don't treat friends like Steve treated Linus
  2. With the creation of the Labs, LMG is now a direct competitor of GN. It is in their best interests to make this exposé of LTT as damning as it can be. Which is fine on it's own, but don't then go and claim "this video was tough to make". It wasn't.

As for the rest of my points, I think a comment I saw sums them up best, so I'll paste it here

"That GN video really rubbed me the wrong way. I appreciate most of his criticisms, because they WERE mostly valid, but calling out LMG for having a conflict of interest is so startlingly hypocritical.

GN and LMG are competitors, and LMG are trying to move into his space of doing in-depth tech review/analysis. Want an example? Steve revealed a few weeks ago they invested 250k into building an anechoic chamber to perform testing. Labs is also building an anechoic chamber. So the fact that he has this massive conflict of interest, and was spending time putting together a critique of LMG and calling them out for conflicts of interest, yet decided to not reach out to Linus for comments/clarification makes it smell like he's trying to do maximum damage to a deep-pocketed competitor moving into his niche.

It was Steve, not Billet, that planted the seed that a competitor bought their block. Had he reached out to Linus, maybe he'd figure out who bought the block instead of throwing in guesses to spike the drama. Steve also conveniently left out the fact that Billet had originally told LMG that they could keep the block, before changing their minds afterwards, which would explain why LMG's inventory management system flagged it as LMG property, resulting it mistakenly being selected for the auction in the first place. Point is, the guy could have reached out to Linus and obtained much needed context to his video, yet decided to jump the gun. If I was as cynical as Steve, I'd almost think he did it on purpose."

I think Steve's integrity issues are just as bad as Linus, and is an even worse "friend". I don't think he should get to claim any high ground here.

This all is not to say that I'm trying to absolve linus and LMG of what they did. They fucked up big.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/the_mashrur on 2023-08-18 06:36:47+00:00.

I keeps seeing near-unanimous praise for Steve and GN, as if he's some sort of benevolent saint that truly wants LTT to improve and move past this.

But that's just not true at all.

  1. Linus and Steve were meant to be friends. If a friend fucks up in a big big way, do you go to them in private and say "bro you fucked up. You need to fix this and take accountability" or do you immediately go and publicly shame them? So when people criticise linus for wanting notice, and they say "oh, but what about not notifying X company about criticising their product", that's completely different, as Linus is likely not friends with that company. You just don't treat friends like Steve treated Linus
  2. With the creation of the Labs, LMG is now a direct competitor of GN. It is in their best interests to make this exposé of LTT as damning as it can be. Which is fine on it's own, but don't then go and claim "this video was tough to make". It wasn't.

As for the rest of my points, I think a comment I saw sums them up best, so I'll paste it here

"That GN video really rubbed me the wrong way. I appreciate most of his criticisms, because they WERE mostly valid, but calling out LMG for having a conflict of interest is so startlingly hypocritical.

GN and LMG are competitors, and LMG are trying to move into his space of doing in-depth tech review/analysis. Want an example? Steve revealed a few weeks ago they invested 250k into building an anechoic chamber to perform testing. Labs is also building an anechoic chamber. So the fact that he has this massive conflict of interest, and was spending time putting together a critique of LMG and calling them out for conflicts of interest, yet decided to not reach out to Linus for comments/clarification makes it smell like he's trying to do maximum damage to a deep-pocketed competitor moving into his niche.

It was Steve, not Billet, that planted the seed that a competitor bought their block. Had he reached out to Linus, maybe he'd figure out who bought the block instead of throwing in guesses to spike the drama. Steve also conveniently left out the fact that Billet had originally told LMG that they could keep the block, before changing their minds afterwards, which would explain why LMG's inventory management system flagged it as LMG property, resulting it mistakenly being selected for the auction in the first place. Point is, the guy could have reached out to Linus and obtained much needed context to his video, yet decided to jump the gun. If I was as cynical as Steve, I'd almost think he did it on purpose."

I think Steve's integrity issues are just as bad as Linus, and is an even worse "friend". I don't think he should get to claim any high ground here.

This all is not to say that I'm trying to absolve linus and LMG of what they did. They fucked up big.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Medium_Combination27 on 2023-08-18 06:31:40+00:00.

A few of the people like James, Colton, Luke, and Linus, who are experienced with reading from scripts, what they said felt a bit more personal. But still, you can tell they are just reading words off a screen. But for the rest of the people, dang, it is so bad at times.

There are probably moments that are off script, but they definitely wrote the transitions between some of the people at the minimum. Terren was very monotone. Yvonne felt like an actor on a show who is acting too hard if you know what I mean. Gary was even more monotone than Terren. As Ed said once before, he isn't great on camera. Nick wasn't bad, but all the LTT plugs he did and the pauses in the sentences (pauses where commas would be on a script) made it feel like he was just reading from a script.

My issue, if they are in fact reading from a script for the majority of the time, is that you don't know if some writer is just putting words in their mouths; like with politicians with their speeches and addresses. Even if all of the people who were on screen wrote their own lines, the delivery at times was just bad, like with Gary for instance.

Now, I ain't no LTT fan boy who is writing some angry rant. I am literally just giving a critique on a YouTube video. 90%+ of the videos I watch on LTT is the Wan Show as well (I like podcasts. But Wan Show used to be about Tech News before they resumed in person Wan Show. Now it's about 20 things plus a sprinkling of tech news). I am just critiquing things as I see it (this means the things that I see may not actually be as I see them. So keep that in mind). I wouldn't have changed my tone or opinion if this was an apology video by some other creator.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/HappyAffirmative on 2023-08-18 04:16:44+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/MrMunday on 2023-08-18 04:15:14+00:00.

  1. selling of the waterblock was bafflingly stupid, but not malicious. LTT doesn't need the money nor the attention from selling (sorry, AUCTIONING) the block. It was clearly a mistake. There is literally no reason to do that and stop saying there is. The main issue is how Linus responded to GN, regarding a mistake that they should've just apologized for. Which is also stupidity.
  2. The whole Madison thing, unless Madison is lying, which I highly doubt given how hardcore LTT fans are like, is basically her direct report being an absolute asshole, and Linus chose to listen to the middle manager rather than the employee. Im also not surprised if the direct report actually has a crush on her, seen this in too many companies too many times. That guy, and whoever sexually harassed her, needs to be fired immediately. Whether or not theyre the same guy. Toxic middle management CANNOT be tolerated in companies. I also don't think this issue comes from the top because if it were true, Linus wouldn't have a bunch of ride or die staff.
  3. EVERYONE there is probably overworked, including Linus himself. And I think thats where the culture stems from. They need to pull back on quantity and increase quality, and quality takes time. Once people aren't rushing, the work will be double/triple checked and creativity will increase. I think this is a common growing pain from a small company with not much structure suddenly growing into a 100+ team. The amount of time it took for them to do that is insanely short.
  4. Linus says dumb shit all the time, that whole thing about not spending more money on testing is just dumb. If they didnt want to spend more money on testing then the whole Labs thing is just moot. So I trust them when they say they'll do better on this front.

I know everyones angry that your favorite channel is in flames, but we really need to keep a level head and give them a chance to do better. HOWEVER, for me, #2 is super fucked up and they really need to fire someone for it. I think thats the base for earning back our trust.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/icecreamkiller1 on 2023-08-18 02:05:14+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Hathos_ on 2023-08-18 01:46:56+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/juanfdo82465 on 2023-08-18 01:21:08+00:00.

We never thought that the 2 in video ads + 3 Merch plugs per video were "FUNNY" or "ON BRAND"

We just TOLERATED THEM to watch the videos.

it even got to a point where LTT videos were made fun of by many YouTubers on how many ads and merch shilling they had, and it became a meme by itself but don't confuse a joke at your expense, about an annoying part of your videos with being a good thing.

the LTT brand was always about TECH with linus and FRIENDS having a GOOD TIME try to remember that, so striving to make your brand represent "Ads and merch jokes" is NOT a goal you should have.

hope that clears things out about why the community disliked your apology being "ON BRAND".


Edit 1: it doesn’t have to be 0 ads and merch its not the point of the post, you CAN have them in your videos just please LMG DON’T HAVE THEM BE YOUR PERSONALITY/“brand” to the point that you feel the need to even have them in an apology video.

Edit 2: I DON’T PRETEND TO SPEAK FOR EVERYONE the post its written with WE to give the impression that is the sentiment of all the people that upvoted it and feel the same.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/peseoane on 2023-08-17 20:00:46+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/OncomingStorm32 on 2023-08-18 01:19:22+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/slowdr on 2023-08-17 21:40:15+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/No_Hope_Killer on 2023-08-17 20:25:06+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/redf389 on 2023-08-17 20:09:48+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Due_Cup_1260 on 2023-08-17 18:58:48+00:00.

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