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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/juanfdo82465 on 2023-08-18 01:21:08+00:00.
We never thought that the 2 in video ads + 3 Merch plugs per video were "FUNNY" or "ON BRAND"
We just TOLERATED THEM to watch the videos.
it even got to a point where LTT videos were made fun of by many YouTubers on how many ads and merch shilling they had, and it became a meme by itself but don't confuse a joke at your expense, about an annoying part of your videos with being a good thing.
the LTT brand was always about TECH with linus and FRIENDS having a GOOD TIME try to remember that, so striving to make your brand represent "Ads and merch jokes" is NOT a goal you should have.
hope that clears things out about why the community disliked your apology being "ON BRAND".
Edit 1: it doesn’t have to be 0 ads and merch its not the point of the post, you CAN have them in your videos just please LMG DON’T HAVE THEM BE YOUR PERSONALITY/“brand” to the point that you feel the need to even have them in an apology video.
Edit 2: I DON’T PRETEND TO SPEAK FOR EVERYONE the post its written with WE to give the impression that is the sentiment of all the people that upvoted it and feel the same.