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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Medium_Combination27 on 2023-08-18 06:31:40+00:00.
A few of the people like James, Colton, Luke, and Linus, who are experienced with reading from scripts, what they said felt a bit more personal. But still, you can tell they are just reading words off a screen. But for the rest of the people, dang, it is so bad at times.
There are probably moments that are off script, but they definitely wrote the transitions between some of the people at the minimum. Terren was very monotone. Yvonne felt like an actor on a show who is acting too hard if you know what I mean. Gary was even more monotone than Terren. As Ed said once before, he isn't great on camera. Nick wasn't bad, but all the LTT plugs he did and the pauses in the sentences (pauses where commas would be on a script) made it feel like he was just reading from a script.
My issue, if they are in fact reading from a script for the majority of the time, is that you don't know if some writer is just putting words in their mouths; like with politicians with their speeches and addresses. Even if all of the people who were on screen wrote their own lines, the delivery at times was just bad, like with Gary for instance.
Now, I ain't no LTT fan boy who is writing some angry rant. I am literally just giving a critique on a YouTube video. 90%+ of the videos I watch on LTT is the Wan Show as well (I like podcasts. But Wan Show used to be about Tech News before they resumed in person Wan Show. Now it's about 20 things plus a sprinkling of tech news). I am just critiquing things as I see it (this means the things that I see may not actually be as I see them. So keep that in mind). I wouldn't have changed my tone or opinion if this was an apology video by some other creator.