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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/Curthbert on 2023-08-17 11:29:56+00:00.
In my opinion, most of the people watching LTT for years knew what kind of person Linus is. And honestly I'm not surprised that he became self-centered that he stopped noticing some very visible bad things happening around him, it's basically very common with people that got some kind of public recognition in short period of time and are very busy. It's also very common that bigger companies have internal problems and their CEOs are often blind to most of problems on personal level, that's why they hire other people who are not that busy and can take care of these problems (or friends, who can tell you, let's hope).
I also don't think that anyone was ever portaying Linus as ultra-loving tree-hugging person. We had his personality in front of our eyes for long years, we knew he is not type of Saint Theresa, most knew who he is and what to expect, nevertheless, everyone subscribed to all of it, kept buying merch, kept sending money, kept visiting expos, kept sending likes and kept enjoying the show.
Now, suddenly, everyone started pointing fingers and hating this guy like he suddenly turned into super villain we didn't know existed. At this point, I feel bad for Linus that nobody told him what they think about him but then started cowardly throwing rocks at him. Yes, a lot of hate on this forum is pretty cowardly and if you knew some bad behaviour that happened in the past maybe you could talk about it long time ago.
[Sorry, English is my second language and I'm also a bad writer, but hopefully it will all make some sense]