Czech Subreddit – Czechs on Reddit

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This is the Czech Republic's subreddit! A place to post and discuss anything related to our country. Come and visit us!.

founded 1 year ago
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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/elosopher on 2023-08-12 23:25:15+00:00.

Co dál (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/redito1982 on 2023-08-12 22:43:40+00:00.

Nevím co dál 😔 Je mi přes 40, žiji sám, nemám žádné přátele a začínám mít pocit že můj život přestává mít smysl. Na malém městečku kde žiju je problém sehnat přátele, partnerku i kohokoli kdo by mi mohl promluvit do duše (psycholog, terapeut...). Nejsem v situaci abych si mohl dovolit dojíždět do většího města kde by mi třeba někdo pomohl (nemám auto ani ŘP). Můj život se smrsknul na práci která mě nebaví (ale jinou mám problém najít) a potom sezení doma, bezcilne čučeni na videa která mě nakonec ani nebaví a abych vůbec usnul tak nějaký ten chlast. Možná to ani není otázka proto se omlouvám za špatný flair, spíš jsem to sebe potřeboval dostat což by mohl být první krok k řešení problémů. Třeba byl nebo je někdo v podobné situaci a třeba někdo poradí co dělat

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/anon_3056 on 2023-08-12 22:31:52+00:00.

Where can I buy personal care items like contact solution? I went to Lidl and several mini marts and saw only basic items like soap, but nothing more specialized like contact solution. Where I am from these items can usually be found at super markets, but I am unsure where to look in Prague. I would love to find a particular brand called BioTrue Bausch & Loam, but any brand will do. Thanks!

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/ForeverHotSpot on 2023-08-12 21:11:41+00:00.

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HHC Chorvatsko (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Sad_Needleworker9344 on 2023-08-12 20:51:58+00:00.

Čau, bral někdo z vás vape hhc do Chorvatska? Někde jsem četl že tam obecně s vape i (nikotin) nemají moc radost. Pejsek to umí vyčmuchat? 😁

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/loveinthesky222 on 2023-08-12 19:50:59+00:00.

Zdravím, v poslední době jsem v Praze narazila na několik podniků (kavárny), kde nebyly zákazníkům k dispozici toalety. Překvapilo mě to, vždy jsem si totiž myslela, že v ČR je toto nezákonné. Na Googlu jsem našla toto:

Normy na hygienické zařízení pro spotřebitele (1) V provozovně poskytující stravovací služby, která je součástí ubytovacího zařízení, a v samostatných provozovnách stravovacích služeb musí být pro spotřebitele k dispozici záchody.

Znamená to, že je povinností kavárny mít pro zákazníky k dispozici WC a tyto podniky tedy porušují zákon? Děkuji

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Fionathehippofan on 2023-08-12 19:47:57+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/s-42-c on 2023-08-12 18:32:50+00:00.

The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Avi4676 on 2024-05-07 14:26:25.

AITA? So I am 16F and I recently asked my parents to let me fo to a tuition. For context my house isn't really suitable for studying as I have a sick grandmother at home and other things. The response I got was "If she can't even focus at school then what's the point in getting her tuition."

I have also been studying online from youtube (For Free may I add) but anytime I opened up my parents laptop ( I'm not allowed to have any personal devices, this is my moms phone) the respons I got was "You can't study from these devices study with a book" yet as soon as my cousin mentions how there are great teachers available online my father switches up and says "You should tell her some good teachers online".

My father also seems to get a kick out of humiliating me in public as whenever I am in front of anyone teh only things that come out of his mouth are "She will prob fail." (Event hough I'm a straight A student) or "I don't know how she evr got this disrespectful". It doesn't matter who is in front it could be my younger siblings or my grandfather. Also anytime someone compliments me he always turns the situation around to somehow either compliment my cousins or my sister(his sisters daughters) or turn it into an insult for me.

He even told me once That" If oneday someone curses your parents please don't ever blame them because clearly we made a mistake in raising you. Especially your mother(I hv a deeper bond with her) " and "If she doesn't even have a heart how can she feel emotions towards anyone letalone her mother(she was sick I stepped out for a moment)" and "Learn to be a human first".

My father AND mother seem to really like my sister more than me (not that I blame) and frustratingly so. We sleep on the same bed and I am never allowed to sleep in between (childish ik but we poor) and recently I hv been demoted to the other single bed. They all stay up all night having fun family time while I am never included and If I want to sleep and say "Please be quiet" I am vilified. They say thind like "Don't do this or she will scold you" or something like that.

One time when my sis was 11 she got angry and started smashing things and got no repercussions and i held eye contact during a scolding and was severly punished. When my sis was 7 she stole money from my moms purse and got away scot free and at the same age i took a pair of tweezers from a medical box due to curiosity and got told by my mom "Your even worse than a theif dtealing from your own home". There have been many such instances.

Another incident I want to mention is when we were at the mall for shopping for one of my cousins he spent over 5k over them and when my 6yr old sister asked for something he scolded her harshly and told her that "Were here for M not you" .

Honestly with the tuition remark I blew up and started shouting and now my father refuses to acknowledge my existence. Maybe I overreacted. AITA?

The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/absurdwatermelon_1 on 2024-05-07 14:00:51.

At the beginning of spring semester, I noticed my psych teacher says the phrase "do you see what I'm sayin'" a LOT. I started counting on the second day of classes, and after a few days I planned to present him with my findings at the end of the semester.

We were talking about Freud stuff the first week so with the amount of times he said the word "motherlover" I assumed he'd enjoy laughing at himself.

Well yesterday I presented him with my findings. I'll admit I kind of blindsided him in front of the whole class, first saying I just needed to talk to him but once he agreed changing to saying I had a "presentation." The class laughed at my slides a bit bit I didn't realize that the teacher wasn't until the end.

In my data, there was a clear and dramatic drop in early February, and I attempted to explain that as either 1) something happened inside or outside of school that affected his mood negatively, as he seemed to say it more when he was more energetic, or 2) he learned that he didn't like our class.

This was the first instance of him getting defensive, saying he "gives what he gets back out of a class" and how "we're apathetic so he returned that energy." I agreed with him, and said he basically confirmed my second point (did he not?)

Anyways, I didn't notice and finished my presentation. When I was done, I asked "any questions? What do you think?" He just stared at me for a moment and this is when I first realized he was pissed. I apologized and said "do you feel attacked? I wasn't trying to make fun, I thought you'd laugh" I realize phrasing it that way may have seemed sarcastic.

He proceeded to tear apart the concept, saying it was "unethical," "a breach of trust," and "morally wrong." He went on to say he was "making judgements about my moral character" and that "this would never get past an ethics board."

I apologized again and admitted I shouldn't have blindsided him, but he just said I should've asked permission.

I apologized once more and he said "no, don't apologize, it's really cool. Good work here. Just get out."

Both of our tones the whole time were very professional but just thinking about the way he told me to get out made me sick. That was about 24 hours ago, and now I have to see him in class pretty soon.

I've been thinking about it for a long time and yeah, I definitely should've gotten permission. I didn't because I thought that'd make it funnier, and that it would've affected the data. But hindsight makes me think I should've asked.

I told two friends about the ordeal and they both said he's the asshole, but im not sure so I'm here.


Edit: The comments seem to be against me and I know they're right. I've apologized to the man a few times already but I'm going to shoot him an email later apologizing again with some of the points brought up in the comments

The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/No_Chain7696 on 2024-05-07 13:57:51.

AITA for getting mad at my fiance for lending money to his friend? So for preference I am a cis woman, my fiance is a trans man. He worked in the medical field so a lot of his friends are female, he says that he feels more comfortable being friends with females than males. I try to be very understanding about this. So he has this female friend that he met at his previous job, they apparently became very close and she was there for him when he didn’t have much. A few months ago my fiance was working at a hospital. He didn’t get paid much, I made a little bit more money than him. Because of this we would rarely go out. And I would buy our stuff (toiletries, toilet paper, napkins, groceries etc.) because he would always say he didn’t have money for that. I suggested we go half on stuff since we already splitting our bills, I pay my half, he pays his. Once in a while he would offer to help, or buy us takeout. Or we would go to the movie theater and he would buy our tickets I would get the snacks. Well a few months ago he decided he couldn’t stand working at that hospital anymore and quit, he has been doing food delivery in the meantime. Yesterday he mentioned how everything has been going ok for him and how his friend, the one I mentioned before, is going to pay him his money back. He mentioned how back when he was working at the hospital his friend mentioned she was struggling having 5 kids and wanting to go back to school. So he lend her $200 to help her out. I got upset and told him that I was paying for everything that we need even HIS stuff that he needs like shampoo, body wash, toothpaste because I knew he didn’t have any money but he had money to lend to his friend?? This of course led to and argument. He said that I’m just mad because she is a female and I’m just toxic and jealous. But no, I feel upset because this entire time I thought he was struggling, and was buying him all these things so that he doesn’t struggle but here he is lending out money he supposedly doesn’t have. So, AITAH for getting mad and overreacting??

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Aenduin on 2023-08-12 17:55:25+00:00.

Ahoj, dostal jsem dvě podobný nabídky od T-Mobile a Vodafonu za prakticky stejnou cenu (Volání a SMS do všech sítí + 10GGB dat). Jedinej rozdíl je v tom, že T-Mobile má funkci pořád online (pomalý neomezený data i po vyčerpání původních 10GB), nicméně mám ozkoušeno, že ve vesnici kde bydlím narozdíl od Vodafonu nebudu mít 5G, pouze LTE.

Je mi 23, 10GB za měsíc většinou spotřebuju - převážně IG reels a Twitter (X 🤡).

Myslíte, že je 5G cennější než ty neomezený pomalý data? Chatuju celkem hodně, takže v případě vypotřebování dat se mi celkem hodit budou. Díky :)

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Dragirl007 on 2023-08-12 17:48:12+00:00.

Minulý rok jsem koupila mamce na Vánoce poukázku na cupping v jedné z místních vyhlášených kaváren. Nejdříve jsem poukázku chtěla koupit online, bohužel jsem se k tomu nedokázala proklikat a tak jsem osobně zašla do provozovny. Holčina mi tam prodala papírovou poukázku s tím, že registrace termínu je pak online. Odcházela jsem spoko.

Mamka byla na Vánoce nadšená a hned si chtěla zabookovat termín. Online jí to nešlo, protože to chtělo kód poukázky (logicky), ale na poukázce nic nebylo. Šla se tedy osobně zeptat. Hráli úplně blbý, že to není možný a ukažte poukázku, kdy jste ji kupovala atd. Dělali, jakoby viděli poukázku poprvé. Strašný vykrucování. Nakonec tedy, že ji objednají oni ručně. U toho zjistila, že cupping neprobíhá na jejich pobočce v centru, ale na okraji města, kam se bez auta těžko dostává, a že je zatím jediná nahlášená. Naznačili jí, že by byli radši, kdyby bylo více účastníků v onom termínu, protože by se jim to pro jednoho moc nevyplatilo (což naprosto chápala) a jestli jí bude vadit, kdyby jí před termínem zavolají a podle množství účastníků by se kurz uskutečnil nebo ne. Zpětným pohledem udělala chybu a řekla, že ano. A jak správně odhadujete, kurz se nekonal.

Toto se opakovalo ještě jednou. Nyní chtěla další termín a tak opět šla osobně. Evidentně, dle jejich chování k mamce, jí už mají dost. Nabídla jim tedy už rozčílená, že poukázku cenově ráda vymění za kávu a zákusky. Na to jí odpověděli, že nelze.

A já se ptám: Má nárok na vrácení peněz, když sice termíny na cupping nabízejí, ale nechtějí ho uskutečňovat? (Kurzy ukutečňují ještě na jiné pobočce, která je ale vzdálená 130km.)

Už jsem jí říkala, ať se prostě přihlásí a ať se oni třeba staví na hlavu. Moc nechce, protože by musela interagovat s naštvaným lektorem, který musí dělat přes čas pro jednoho člověka. Nemá náladu se s ním vypořádávat. Zážitek by tím byl i v pytli. Což chápu.

Pozn.: Chtěla jsem s ní na kurz jít taky a že budu sedět v rohu, aby tam nebyla úplně sama. Nemluvě o tom, že ji tam musím stejnak odvézt. Nelze. (A ne, kávu nepiji, takže sobě poukázku kupovat nebudu.)

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Fine-Mention-31 on 2023-08-12 17:39:36+00:00.

Je podle Vás při cestě po Moravě zajímavější k návštěvě Brno nebo Olomouc? Případně nějaké tipy co navštívit?

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/IceHour6820 on 2023-08-12 16:20:45+00:00.

Vždycky mi přišlo jasné, že na panský, ale jako malá už viděla tolik penisů že by se mohla kdejaká 20ka zahrabat. Naopak co se stane na dámském? Uvidím tam nějakou paní si mýt ruce?

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/SimtheSloven on 2023-08-12 16:08:24+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/pocahontas331 on 2023-08-12 15:53:45+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/transport_in_picture on 2023-08-12 15:38:08+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Spare_Awareness_423 on 2023-08-12 15:22:44+00:00.

Přijde vám normální, když 24letý pracující muž začne chodit s 15letou? Mám takový případ v okolí a zdá se, že jsou s tím na oko všichni v pohodě, v soukromí však takový vztah docela odsuzují. Co mi přijde nejdivnější je fakt, že týpek se kolem podobně mladých holek motal už v minulosti a nejde tak o jeho první výrazně mladší přítelkyni. Co to podle vás vypovídá o takovém člověku, v jehož okolí se lidi berou a zakládají rodiny a on mezitím randí s holkama, které před pár měsíci opustili základku?

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/LeftJungle on 2023-08-12 13:24:45+00:00.

Zjistil jsem, že v Praze budou The Hives a neskutečně rád bych na ně šel. Bohužel jsem zjistil, že lístky jsou vyprodané. V komentářích na Facebooku jsou lidé co lístky nabízí na prodej. Teď moje otázka. Kdybych se rozhodl takový lístek koupit. Co je třeba si pohlídat? Je v tomhle směru nějákej standartní postup?

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/Czechbeastm on 2023-08-12 13:16:40+00:00.

Zdravim, je tu nekdo ,kdo kupuje nejake veci jako knihy, obleceni etc. z druhe ruky?

Zajimalo by mne proc jste s tim zacali, kde nejcasteji nakupujete, problemy vs reklamace ...

Nekde bych rad prodal stare knihy a zaroven si koupil jine, ne nutne nove, dekuji.

Tatarák (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/LarryLerry on 2023-08-12 13:13:46+00:00.

Máte někdo speciální přísady nebo jak vlastně vůbec děláte tatarák.

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/obiwanslefttesticle on 2023-08-12 13:10:31+00:00.

Dnes ma byt nejaky supr dupr psycho bauch jev na obloze, tak me zajimalo jestli nevite v Praze o nejakym miste kde neni silenej svetelnej smog, a zaroven to neni uplne hrozne z ruky.

DIky moc

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/afrokrecek on 2023-08-12 13:06:47+00:00.

V práci jsem nahlásil, že za dva týdny půjdu darovat plazmu a muj nadřízený mi řekl, že v ten den má spousta lidí dovolenou a nepustí mě.

Dva dny jsem to hledal v zákonech a nenašel jsem nic o tom, že by mi to mohli zakázat.

Nevíte jak to je?

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The original was posted on /r/czech by /u/TruthPreveals on 2023-08-12 12:56:48+00:00.

Před chvílí jsem tu viděl post o tom, jak někomu chtěl Vodafone naúčtovat 300 korun za 1MB dat a tak nějak mě napadlo, jaký je taknějak nejvýhodnější operátor v ČR? Konkrétně co se mobilních dat týče. Já používám Kaktus, kde si kupuju 6GB za 250Kč, docela mi to stačí a přijde mi to v pohodě, ale třeba se mýlím a existuje i lepší deal. Budu rád za všechny odpovědi a můžete i psát, jakého operátora máte vy a kolik platíte.

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