The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Avi4676 on 2024-05-07 14:26:25.
AITA? So I am 16F and I recently asked my parents to let me fo to a tuition. For context my house isn't really suitable for studying as I have a sick grandmother at home and other things. The response I got was "If she can't even focus at school then what's the point in getting her tuition."
I have also been studying online from youtube (For Free may I add) but anytime I opened up my parents laptop ( I'm not allowed to have any personal devices, this is my moms phone) the respons I got was "You can't study from these devices study with a book" yet as soon as my cousin mentions how there are great teachers available online my father switches up and says "You should tell her some good teachers online".
My father also seems to get a kick out of humiliating me in public as whenever I am in front of anyone teh only things that come out of his mouth are "She will prob fail." (Event hough I'm a straight A student) or "I don't know how she evr got this disrespectful". It doesn't matter who is in front it could be my younger siblings or my grandfather. Also anytime someone compliments me he always turns the situation around to somehow either compliment my cousins or my sister(his sisters daughters) or turn it into an insult for me.
He even told me once That" If oneday someone curses your parents please don't ever blame them because clearly we made a mistake in raising you. Especially your mother(I hv a deeper bond with her) " and "If she doesn't even have a heart how can she feel emotions towards anyone letalone her mother(she was sick I stepped out for a moment)" and "Learn to be a human first".
My father AND mother seem to really like my sister more than me (not that I blame) and frustratingly so. We sleep on the same bed and I am never allowed to sleep in between (childish ik but we poor) and recently I hv been demoted to the other single bed. They all stay up all night having fun family time while I am never included and If I want to sleep and say "Please be quiet" I am vilified. They say thind like "Don't do this or she will scold you" or something like that.
One time when my sis was 11 she got angry and started smashing things and got no repercussions and i held eye contact during a scolding and was severly punished. When my sis was 7 she stole money from my moms purse and got away scot free and at the same age i took a pair of tweezers from a medical box due to curiosity and got told by my mom "Your even worse than a theif dtealing from your own home". There have been many such instances.
Another incident I want to mention is when we were at the mall for shopping for one of my cousins he spent over 5k over them and when my 6yr old sister asked for something he scolded her harshly and told her that "Were here for M not you" .
Honestly with the tuition remark I blew up and started shouting and now my father refuses to acknowledge my existence. Maybe I overreacted. AITA?