@[email protected] Hi, just learning stuff at pixelfed. What are the double ## hashtags for? #noobie
joined 4 months ago
@[email protected] @[email protected] The rich hoard all the money and anyone left standing exploits everyone & everything leftover.
@[email protected] @Vox Doesn’t adding seaweed products to ruminant feed significantly reduce gas? Oh, whatevs.
@[email protected] Interesting. My old stomping grounds, but I always see something new, something that didn’t register before.
@[email protected] Do you know anything about the fourth building from the left, the modern, 1960’s? facade?
@[email protected] Oh, it could be weird inside-code behavior (waaaaay beyond me!) that’s adding a 2nd hashtag? Totally never mind!! :flying_hearts: :azarigani_dancing: