@[email protected] @[email protected] The rich hoard all the money and anyone left standing exploits everyone & everything leftover.
automotive-related discussions & pictures.
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It's a class war, and the rich are the ones conducting it. It's time we realize that the current money system isn't for us, and stop playing by their rules.
As a New Hampshire resident, I can tell you a car is a liability/burden during snowstorms. If you happen to be in hospital, or otherwise engaged- such as working- when the snowstorm hits, you get your car towed. Then the local municipalities just keep raising their towing fines instead of opening new parking lot locations for snowstorms.
You have to get up at 7 AM, regardless of your work schedule, and walk all the way down to the designated lot to retrieve your car. It's gross.
We’re investigating towing practices in #Connecticut, where companies can sell people’s cars after just 15 days. If you’ve been affected, we want to hear from you.
Any time it is legal for one group of people to do something that most people are prohibited by law from doing, that looks like #policing to me.
Tow trucks that steal cars are cops.
A tow company in CT can sell your car 15 days after it tows it? Who knew CT's legislature was in the bag for tow truck companies?
It must take nearly that long to figure out who towed it, where it was being held, how much it would cost to get it back, make payment and get the right paperwork. The rate of return must be astronomical. This is the state version of heinous civil forfeiture rules.