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where do we stand on dee instead of day.
Australia is also seeking more answers and has appointed former defence force chief Mark Binskin to lead the probe.
The Australian government says it expects Air Chief Marshall Binskin to have "full access" and the cooperation of the Israeli government and the IDF in his search for justice and accountability.
But Lieutenant Colonel Lerner couldn't confirm if that would happen.
"I don't know. I think that that's the question that needs to be referred through the government, from government to government … so I think we need to check with the foreign ministry," he said.
When the ABC asked Israel's foreign ministry whether the country's government or military would cooperate with any Australian investigation, we were told: "I think you should ask the IDF spokesperson on this issue."
made myself sad rip
Or it's not reversed because the sticker reads correct, and it's a left hand drive? Idk wtf is happening
Looks like an AU falcon?
This photo is reversed and I don't like it.
Things are cheap and plentiful, with enough displacement to melt tyres, and your licence with it. Why the AU Falcon is the best car ever made
they do (did?) the same in aus, so we're basically getting it for what, 75c or something
looks (at a glance) real, the handle with one L seems defunct, last post 2011