[-] [email protected] 111 points 9 months ago

Maybe a controversial take.. I like Snyder's ending better than the book.

Ozymandius tricking Dr Manhattan into building a bomb that blows up NYC is a lot more grounded in possibility that a giant psychic squid.

[-] [email protected] 156 points 9 months ago

Back in the dark, old days of Linux I spent 5-6 hours digging through dbus events and X11 configs to get my mouse working. It was unplugged.

In my defense, in those days, Linux was such an insane asylum that diving into dbus and X11 as a first step was usually the logical approach.

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know this isn't the most appropriate place but it is the most popular community that might have an opinion so here I am..

The black nail polish I have kinda sucks. It starts to crack after a couple days and it's finished after a week. My wife's non-black polish lasts like 2 weeks or so and still looks great.

Any recommendations?

[-] [email protected] 52 points 10 months ago

I have long loooooong ago given up on distro hopping because, at the end of the day, most distros are close enough to each other that it doesn't really matter which one you choose at the end of the day. These new immutable ones though.. They seem cool as hell. I need to give one a go someday.

[-] [email protected] 103 points 11 months ago

The exit tax is pretty insane too.

Basically if you earn a certain amount or have a high enough net worth, you must pay a tax on all of your assets as if you were selling everything you owned. You are charged this amount even if you are not selling anything.

This is the only wealth tax in America as far as I understand it.

[-] [email protected] 72 points 11 months ago

I used to have that really common thought of "I don't care what you believe in. Just don't try to push your opinion on me."

No. It's bullshit.

The very existence of religion is a psychological drain on society. We are all worse off the longer it stays around. There is no such thing as a good religious person and anyone who says they are religious I immediately distrust.

[-] [email protected] 59 points 11 months ago

Not an apple fan really at all but buying that chip design company way back when seems to have been the right move. The M1 chip in my mbp is fantastic.

[-] [email protected] 46 points 1 year ago

Honestly just changing the interview process would be enough to get more people into the business.

Literally yesterday I did a code challenge to track the distance, speed, maintenance schedules, and predict collisions of forklifts in a warehouse. The job I was applying for was a pretty average SRE roll.. System design, IaC, CI/CD pipelines, PromQL, etc.. How is the code challenge representative of the job in any way?

I feel like I need to learn leetcode algorithm patterns just for the interviews.. I never need them for the actual jobs I get hired for.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 1 year ago

I would love an Onion for software. This was great.

[-] [email protected] 59 points 1 year ago

So the PAC was paying for his first lawyer.. The whole point of the PAC system is that the candidate doesn't control it, right? How does a PAC get held accountable for witness tampering?

[-] [email protected] 67 points 1 year ago

I assume you're American? When you need to talk to people across borders you need something like WhatsApp. SMS doesn't cut it.

I'd rather use Signal but whatever.. I'm being practical. Everyone I know is on WhatsApp.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I want to ignore all of the "This is an automated archive" posts. Any way I can filter that string?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It seems like they are cutting as much symbolism as they can out of the shots they decide to keep in the show but every other episode feels like " We're a family with 9 kids and everyone is homeschooled. Oh yeah and we just happen to be active in our church too."

Like, no shit you're active in the church.. Normal people do not have a quiver full of isolated kids like that. It's not normal or healthy.

[-] [email protected] 88 points 1 year ago

To be fair, with a proper autoscaling scheme in place these services should scale down significantly when not in use.

That being said, a big reason for using AWS/GCP is all the additional services that are available on the platform.. If the workload being run isn't that complicated, the hyperscalers are probably overkill. Even DO or Linode would be a better option under those circumstances.

[-] [email protected] 83 points 1 year ago

I'm an American who has been living in Turkey for many years.

In Turkey, the political leaders in both sides of the aisle tell you not to pay income tax or property tax or payroll tax or any of the normal things Americans complain about. What is the result? An iPhone costs more than $3k. A ford focus that costs about $20k new in the US is over $50k in Turkey. EVERY package you receive is opened by the post office and inspected to see how much they can tax you. If you leave Turkey and want to bring the things you bought with you, you are taxed an exit fee.. You can potentially be charged three or four times for the same item.

Whenever I hear Americans bitching about taxes it drives me insane. They have no idea what they're asking for. The government needs money to function and they are going to get it one way or another..

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm trying to move my org into a more gitops workflow. I was thinking a good way to do promotions between environments would be to auto sync based on PR label.

Thinking about it though, because you can apply the same label multiple times to different PRs, I can see situations where there would be conflicts. Like a PR is labeled "qa" so that its promoted to the qa env, automated testing is started, a different change is ready, the PR is labeled "qa", and it would sync overwriting the currently deployed version in qa. I obviously don't want this.

Is there a way to enforce only single instances of a label on a PR across a repository? Or maybe there is some kind a queue system out there that I'm not aware of?

I'm using github, argocd, and circleci.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm trying to move my org into a more gitops workflow. I was thinking a good way to do promotions between environments would be to auto sync based on PR label.

Thinking about it though, because you can apply the same label multiple times to different PRs, I can see situations where there would be conflicts. Like a PR is labeled "qa" so that its promoted to the qa env, automated testing is started, a different change is ready, the PR is labeled "qa", and it would sync overwriting the currently deployed version in qa. I obviously don't want this.

Is there a way to enforce only single instances of a label on a PR across a repository? Or maybe there is some kind a queue system out there that I'm not aware of?

I'm using github, argocd, and circleci.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation..

For some background, I installed my first Linux server as a teenager around 2000-2001. I started working in ops around 2007, transitioned into SRE around 2011, have been working in that space ever since, and I'm now comfortably sitting in Sr SRE rolls.

For that entire time, I never did any formal training of any kind. I'm entirely self taught. Because of this more unconventional approach to this industry, I am positive that I have knowledge gaps. The thing is, I don't really feel affected by those knowledge gaps very often. I think I have written code in at least a half dozen languages.. I can pick a new language up pretty quickly too. What I'm writing isn't generally very large projects but I'm not typically writing large projects at work.. Since containers took over I feel like +90% is simple automation or glue code.. I've never really had a problem I couldn't solve in code though.

The situations where I feel these gaps the most is in the interview process. Algorithm design might be important for some people but I really don't come across situations very often where I need to be concerned about perfect O(1) performance.

System design questions during interviews aren't great either.. "How would you make this system better?" I can explain some things but the closer I get to the front end, the weaker I get.. I personally just have zero interest in front end development so I've never cared enough to learn it.

Lately I feel like I've missed out on working in more interesting roles entirely because of these types of interviews. Sometimes not even because of failing a challenge.. Late last year I was interviewing with Etsy and the feedback I got was, "You didn't do anything wrong. Everyone on the team said yes but there was another candidate that everyone said yes to as well. They just had a little more experience than you did in a few areas. We only budgeted for one new engineer though so we took the other guy."

Maybe I don't know what I don't know though..

I guess I'm wondering what a solution for this might be? Part time comp sci degree? Bootcamp? Library card and some willpower?

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