[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

My concern with this is it will be a UWP feature, or be too complicated for wine devs to ports to Linux. Or be heavily dependent of Windows to the point that the ApIs will give Wine away. Eaither way I don’t expect multiplayer Linux game support anytime soon

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Im just in so much pain, i suck and im horrible. I really hate myself and I’m always in constant pain.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

CW Major Trigger

spoilerrecently I feel closer and closer to just ending it, I have essentially became aware that all of my friends put me in the outer circle of our friend group, and actively view me as a child. I am autistic but also I feel like my friends view me as disgusting with no real solution of what to do with me, I live with them and the only option I realistically have other than this is to move in with my mom who tends to emotionally depend on me.

I know that I am always the friend but never the best friend, I have no inner circle where I feel like I can talk about my thoughts and how dark things have gotten recently. I feel like if I told my friends it would likely result in me being hospitalized and than having my stuff moved out and kinda told "no one ever liked you and we have felt that way for a really long time". I don't blame them I know I am annoying and socially awkward, I know my depression has lead me to neglect things in my life. Keep in mind this is not me being autistic, many of our friends are ND as well, this is me specifically. Part of the reason I have not tried yet was that I am afraid it will be viewed as emotionally manipulated, the truth of this world is that no one wants to see the social behind and awkward 23 year transfem blow her brains out, but people can think your weird thats their right.

Me being trans is always a side fact, HRT has not done me good, people tell me I look like a women to be nice but in reality I look disgusting, I look like some cringe fetish account you will find on Reddit that everyone equally agrees is disgusting.

People I do talk to on discord from time to time will say I am just overthinking it, since no one has outright said they hate me, or think that. but the truth is i have heard them say "I don't want her to hear xyz" or say thing about me right outside of ear shot.

What's kept me alive other than worrying it will come off as emotionally manipulative to my "friends" is the fact my mom has repeatedly told me over and over she will off herself if I do, it's like a known thing that i cannot avoid. it's guilt I have to carry, I do hate the fact this is true and i carry a ton of guilt and i usually ball my eyes out when I am confronted with this morality problem, but I remember the first time I attempted I overcame this and just accepted that it is what it is. I also do fear death, i don't know what comes after but in that moment I consider that maybe whatever it is I deserve that. I don't deserve to walk this earth anymore. I sometimes watch the sucide ending to cyberpunk, not cause i actually think anyone would care about me like that but I am reminded that no one really cares about me like that.

There was a time when I had dreams and goals in life, I wanted to work in tech, I wanted to get bachelors degree I wanted to have friends, but the truth is I never realized how gross I was until now, I never realized my transition would be a failure, I never realized just how much i got on peoples nerves

I often want to just run away and restart I try to distract myself from reality imaging maybe an internship or anything else to get my life back on track. than maybe buy a car but I know that not really possible anymore


Hi, I understand your concerns and want to help out, I know in this rare instance you likely think giving my IP to the pigs is a moral good, and that I will get the help I need, the main mental hospital I would go to is currently facing sexual abuse allegations, my roommates would likely kick me out during my stay at the mental hospital assuming that I am not a danger to myself and that it would be much safer to do it at this time. I am currently 9k in debt if you combine credit card, and existing medical debt, with zero income. you doing this would likely add additional financial strain to my already difficult to justify existence. If you do this I would likely be even closer than I already am. and I would likely not vent online next time.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just really hate how my friends label me as a child, they are not 100% NT but way less autistic than me, yesterday she admitted they viewed me as a child, at first she stated that she viewed all of her peers as children since she felt she had more lived experience which is fine she can do whatever she wants. but then we met a new friend who she took a liking to and who she views as an adult, and recently on the way home our friend group got to talking about something and I asked something jokingly. She said rather seriously "Sky, there are some things that stay between adults" I reply I am legitimately a year older than you, she then said rather seriously not in any of the ways that matter. In general, there have been plenty of other times I felt like I was treated as a child, and generally, she and others have capped the level of closeness they have with me to protect me, which in practice only creates an environment where I do not have any close friends at all, I legit usually sob to myself in my room when and think about killing myself. I also understand I am a failure by most traditional metrics, no job, no car, no place, I have been trying to get a job for over 8 months, I wrecked my car 6 months ago, but I am not a fucking child.

I regularly feel like people pretend to be interested in what I am saying since I am being viewed a child and most people do not want to be mean to a child, I just feel like such a loser in general and I really hate the fact I am autistic which is 100% why this keeps happening.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So at the moment Apple hold the 1st place in mobile OS marketshare, I feel the unfortunate thing that will happen as marketshare drops Google will slowly move to supporting projects other than android, and eventually drop support entirely and focus on making better iOS apps, Device makers will start making their own operating systems with tighter locked down appstores in order compete with iOS, we already see this with Amazon planning to switch to a linux based OS in future fire devices.

Giving up just seems right (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just feel like everything has hit rock bottom and it's my fault. My entire life sucked and I guess I just want to tell someone since I got nothing to loose anymore. My life begins with abuse, my first memory was my dad beating on my mom, soon enough my next memory was my mom moving out, I don't remember much between that but I never could of guessed he would end up winning custody, I spent the next 12 year of my life being yelled and screamed at, and hit me. I knew he loved me in some way and still does help me out but he abused me. Growing up, I never had many friends I was always treated as the weird kid and my socialization skills would suffer as I had no real sense of boundaries. When I was 14 I found out I was transgender and sudeenly for the first time in my life somethings about why I hated my body made sense, but unfortunately I would go onto the suffer many more years due to being unable to start hrt without my dads involvement. When I turned 18 I moved in with my mom, this was at first a pretty decent arrangement, I was even able to start hrt at 20, however I realized how hard it was to make friends in my home town, and my moms anxiety about driving made it hard for me to learn how to drive and than she fed into my beginners driving anxiety. it sucked but I still love her and don't feel like it was her fault. I moved out at 22 and while I was not financially equipped I thought it was the best option at the time, I made friends all steeming from a childhood friend I had at one point. It seemed perfect and I was happy, but the truth would soon rear that I annoying everyone, people speak to me with annoyance in their voice I know people only keep me around since they don't think I have an ideal place to go. Now I am in a house, I wish I could of held onto this, but I blew it, I can tell people are just my friend cause they don't think I have anywhere else to go. No one has officially told me they are not my friend but there is a certain coldness. i am really concerned eventually the long convo explaining how they feel will happen. at this moment I am thinking heavy about the end. On top of all of that I still look like a man I feel like, most trans women do like not look like men and they are some the prettiest girls i know, but I do look horrible, I am genetically cursed my facial bone structure is totally awful and I won't even feel right no matter what I do. I have been on HRT for two years and still feel this way.

spoilerI keep thinking about just blowing my brains out, going out into the middle of no where in a rental van, (I wrecked my car a couple of months ago) and offing myself. ensuring the only ones who see me are people trained to deal with this shit daily. I know whatever company I rent from won't care it will just be a tax writeoff, when I die. I have been trying to get up the guts to do it. I am just scared and I have no one I feel close enough to talk too, even though I have been close to crying so many times. oddly enough I can't shed a tear while typing this it almost feel objective like I won't ever actually do but I know I will. I am currently listening to the cyberpunk ending where V off herself, my first attempt i listened to this, I felt sad, but I am reminded unlike a fictional protainist people would not be very emotional about me dying. only my mom would feel emotional about it and I don't know what would happen to her, it hurts but I feel like I cannot go on somedays.
sucidal thoughts/planning

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I get suggestions online like do my hair, makeup, etc but as a first time girl I really don’t know where to even start, so I end up doing nothing and looking like a hag and im tired of being treated like crap

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I’ve been on HRT for two years, why do I still look like a man, why do I still look like this, why is my dystphoria worse than ever. Why do I hate myself so much. Why haven’t I’ve been loved and snuggled. Im just so sad with everything honestly can’t sleep.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So as we know Windows Platform Apps and WinUI3 apps do not work on Linux, I keep wondering if Microsoft were to launch a new API let’s say direct X 15 but limit it to Windows Store Apps, and provided a way for the apps to be installed from other stores like steam could they in time kill modern Linux gaming.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I’ve been feeling suicidal lately but I legit can’t tell anyone in my life, I have many reasons why, firstly im transgender, and while I’m on hrt i still look very unattractive and no where near where I want to look, this has unfortunately resulted in me not getting a ton of affection or luck in dating and it sucks. I feel really lonely. Im currently living with some friends that I love dearly but I know the love is one way. They are my friends but they are closer to each other than me, im at that point still where it would be highly inappropriate to talk about any of my problems with them. Even if they had a sinking feeling i was gonna do something they wouldn’t stop me i don’t think I don’t mean this in a rude way it’s legitimately no one’s job to stop me. My financial situation is suffering. Im about 2.6k in debt and while that isn’t a lot for some, I don’t have a job. I’ve applied to literal a 100 jobs all of them dont call back, or I got declined. The debt grows every month since i need to buy hrt or i will only get worse mentally. I’ve been feeling like I’ll never find love, I’ll never look how I want, I’ll never have a job. Its also I’ve some funky medical stuff unrelated to anything and I need to get it checked out but again I have zero money so I push it to the back burner. If it was something serious I would just jump anyway. I also keep making little social mistakes which result in being minorly corrected and my RSD gets triggered and I hate myself. I just wish I could break down crying and tell someone I legit have had night where I was so close to doing it. So many of these nights.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 6 months ago

I always disliked RCS, I kept telling people it's a walled garden, mainly controlled by Google

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know I'm a self hating weirdo but I feel like I should be allowed to feel more cozy in my skin.

A selfie I dislike, and a selfie I can kinda tolorate https://imgur.com/gallery/6R78NUn

What could FFS do for me (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I purposely choose a kinda bad selfie, cause honestly this is where I feel my worst but is the most accurate way to access my transition. I've been on HRT since 2022, my levels have been kept at a max of 130 usually around 90 on E, and T is usually around 20. I did switch to injections which so far feels like it's even less effective than pills. (My E level was like 90pg/ml) I'm kinda at a point where I feel like FFS is needed, but I'm unsure what FFS could do for me, what surgeon I would choose etc. I doubt I'll ever have health insurance so I'll likely just need to crowd fund it. https://imgur.com/gallery/p2jmz2u

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I still look really bad, like nothing has happened, can I Just not expect better results, is this the end of the road. I know people always tell me "your beaitful inside" (im not mad at them) and shit like that


[-] [email protected] 257 points 10 months ago

The sheer idea of selling a 8gb machine in 2023 is kinda wild

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Whenever I go to choose a file or folder within a flatpak application such as heroic or lutiris, it either doesn't fill the path of in the case or heroic freezes. One thing to note is in game mode I have less issues as the gtk file picker pops up instead. But in heroic I still can't select an installer for some reason.

[-] [email protected] 58 points 11 months ago

Honestly I feel like people would pay more for a simple windowsOS, no spyware, no ads, just fucking works as an OS. I already switched to Linux but some people haven't or can't at the moment.

[-] [email protected] 63 points 11 months ago

Back to the office is such a big scam! Like the only ones defending it are absolute bootlickers to the corporate world. The legit purpose is so they can have mass layoffs without calling it a mass layoff or paying severence.

[-] [email protected] 74 points 11 months ago

My issue with RCS is its only open to other device makers, like you can't make RCS apps cause you need a special license. Its a closed system that on android will likely always depend on google

[-] [email protected] 60 points 11 months ago

It's so funny watching skumlords scramble!

[-] [email protected] 90 points 11 months ago


[-] [email protected] 50 points 11 months ago

Maybe its time I hit the yar ol seven seas again

[-] [email protected] 327 points 1 year ago

So much for free speech

[-] [email protected] 112 points 1 year ago

I feel like the NTSB need to draft a min spec for self driving cars and a testing course that involves some of the worst circtimstances to get approved. I feel like all self driving cars should have to have lidar, and other sensors. Computer vision really isn't working out.

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