Patty the daytime hooker.
I’m hopeful that’s not the case but never know. The way it left off would at least hint at him being in the game again.
NBC blocked that video from playing in the US which does not make sense.
What is this about? What affiliate links are you referring to?
This looks really exciting, looking forward to trying it out.
To add to this currently Readarr metadata server is having issues and has been most of the month so you may find issues adding authors/books to your library that you had not already added.
I believe that is a crawfish.
+1 for Dashy
That’s a whole lot of disappointment.
It’s not that they can’t see their own hypocrisy it’s that they don’t care. To their base they see only the one side anyways so it doesn’t matter to them. When will we stop pretending that the GOP is going to change from facing their own hypocrisy.
Just no!