
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 months ago

Very cool. I know someone, in a fairly small but funded field, who had this sort of requirement

Elsevier had the relevant publication, but they couldn't publish there due to access policies (or it was going to be painful to do so at any rate). So they started their own publication!

I forgot the specifics, but it essentially uses arXiv as the backend, and there's a (commercially available?) frontend that lets editors and reviewers do their thing. "Publishing" in this journal is essentially just endorsing an arXiv paper; so it's open access by design.

Really cool stuff. Their field is small enough that iirc they could kinda get critical mass to give Elsevier the finger and adopt this new platform. Warm fuzzy feeling thinking about it!

[–] [email protected] 12 points 6 months ago

That's my Signal alert sound.

[–] [email protected] 60 points 6 months ago (3 children)

If the research was conducted with public money, it should be freely accessible by the public, change my mind...

[–] [email protected] 30 points 6 months ago (1 children)

It could be fun to implement this under *NIX for fun

cronjob to take screenshots, some OCR, throw it in a database...I'd never want to use this "feature" but as an academic exercise it could be a fun project.

But having it implemented by my OS, and not by me...yikes. No thanks.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago (3 children)

My 2¢ is that running Linux, you play the role of user and of sysadmin. On some distros you only put on the sysadmin hat once in a blue moon, but on others you're constantly wearing it.

My Arch experience is a few years out of date; I felt I played sysadmin more than, say, Debian Stable, but it wasn't too onerous. I also had an older Nvidia card, so there were some...fun issues now and then.

I use Debian on my machines now, and am happy. Try some different distributions! Even better, have /home on its own partition (better yet, own disk)

changing distros can be nice and easy without worrying about your personal data.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

I just tried that and got the same result. It's from a site that just quotes a snippet of an Onion article 🤦

[–] [email protected] 11 points 6 months ago

Well, that's kinda besides the point right? The composition of "natural" food has huge variation. There is no "nutritional content of a banana." There's the nutritional content of this banana, of that banana, of an unripe banana, of a ripe banana, of an overripe banana...but these can be hugely different. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8266066/

[–] [email protected] 39 points 6 months ago

For highly processed foods, I agree.

But for relatively unprocessed foods, seems completely reasonable to me at first glance. The relative sugar content of, say, an apple, is dependent on all sorts of parameters (sun, water, soil...). The gluten content of wheat, iron content of vegetables, all of these things are variable. The more "natural" a food is, the higher the variability (as opposed to, say, artificial candy

that should be pretty uniform).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Yeah, but where's Starfleet HQ?!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

Makefile in other comments. You'll need something like this on the title page (this assumes you use my Makefile which puts the version in VERSION.tex [that's the literal name of the file, not a placeholder]):

{\bf{\color{red}DOCUMENT REVISION:}} {\color{blue}\input{VERSION}}

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago

I also had some Makefiles in other directories, e.g., for my media/ I had:

MAKE = make -s
RECURS = svgs/

recurs: $(RECURS)
        @$(foreach DIR, $(RECURS), \
                echo "MAKE      (CD)    $(CURDIR)/$(DIR)"; \
                $(MAKE) -C $(DIR) $(MAKECMDGOALS);)
        @echo "MAKE     (CD)    $(CURDIR)/"

all: recurs


allclean: recurs clean

and for media/svgs/:

SVG_FILES := $(wildcard *.svg)
PDFDIR := ./
PDF_FILES := $(patsubst %.svg,$(PDFDIR)/%.pdf,$(SVG_FILES))

all: $(PDF_FILES)

        @rm -f $(PDF_FILES)
        @echo "SH       (RM)    Tidying up derived PDFs"

allclean: clean

$(PDFDIR)/%.pdf: %.svg
        @inkscape -T --export-pdf=$@ $<
        @echo "INK      (PDF)   $<"

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Sure thing. This also includes the beamer bit which I used for my defense. It's all pretty hacky but hope it's useful!

# Errors aren't handled gracefully (tex doesn't write to stderr, it seems)
# If you encounter errors, use "make verbose"
# For small changes (probably those without references), use "make quick"
# Thanks to https://gist.github.com/Miliox/4035649 for dependency outline

TEX = pdflatex
BTEX = biber
MAKE = make -s
TEXFLAGS = -halt-on-error
# $(MAIN).log is dumb if we have multiple targets!
SILENT = > /dev/null || cat $(MAIN).log
SILENT_NOER = 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
EDITOR = vim -p
PDFVIEW = evince
MAIN = main
PRES = presentation
ALL = $(MAIN).pdf
RECURS = media/ manuscripts/
VERSION := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD | cut -c 1-4)$(shell git diff-index --quiet HEAD && (echo -n ' ';git log -1 --format=[%cd]) || (echo -n '* '; date -u '+[%c]'))

all: recurs $(ALL)
pres: $(PRES).pdf
scratch: scratch.pdf

scratch.pdf: scratch.tex
	@echo "TEX	(final)	$<"

verbose: SILENT = ''
verbose: $(ALL)

recurs: $(RECURS)
	@$(foreach DIR, $(RECURS), \
		echo "MAKE	(CD)	$(CURDIR)/$(DIR)"; \
	@echo "MAKE	(CD)	./"

	@echo "SH	(RM)	Not recursing; 'make allclean' to clear generated files."
	@rm -f *.aux *.log *.out *.pdf *.bbl *.blg *.toc *.lof *.lot *.bcf *.run.xml

allclean: recurs
	@echo "SH	(RM)	A clean directory is a happy directory"
	@rm -f *.aux *.log *.out *.pdf *.bbl *.blg *.toc *.lof *.lot *.bcf *.run.xml
	@echo "SH      (ver) $(VERSION)"
	@echo $(VERSION) > VERSION.tex

nixpages: main.pdf
	@echo "PDF     (pdftk)"
	@pdftk main.pdf cat 1 4-end output final.pdf

quick: $(MAIN).tex version
	@echo "TEX	(final)	$<"

$(MAIN).pdf: $(MAIN).tex $(MAIN).bbl all.tex tex/abstract.tex tex/intro.tex tex/appendix.tex tex/some_section.tex tex/some_other_section.tex
	@echo "TEX	(draft)	$<"
	@$(TEX) $(TEXFLAGS) --draftmode  $< $(SILENT)
	@echo "TEX	(final)	$<"

$(MAIN).bbl: $(MAIN).aux
	@echo "BIB	(bib)	$(MAIN)"
	@$(BTEX) $(MAIN) > /dev/null
$(MAIN).aux: $(MAIN).tex $(MAIN).bib version
	@echo "TEX	(draft)	$<"
	@$(TEX) $(TEXFLAGS) --draftmode  $< $(SILENT)

$(PRES).pdf: $(PRES).tex $(PRES).bbl tex/beamer*.tex tex/slides/*.tex
	@echo "TEX	(draft)	$<"
	@$(TEX) $(TEXFLAGS) --draftmode  $< $(SILENT)
	@echo "TEX	(final)	$<"
$(PRES).bbl: $(PRES).aux
	@echo "BIB	(bib)	$(PRES)"
	@$(BTEX) $(PRES) > /dev/null
$(PRES).aux: $(PRES).tex $(MAIN).bib
	@echo "TEX	(draft)	$<"
	@$(TEX) $(TEXFLAGS) --draftmode  $< $(SILENT)

	@echo "EDIT	(fork)	$(EDITOR)"
	@$(EDITOR) ./tex/*.tex *.tex

	@echo "VIEW	(fork)	$(PDFVIEW)"
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