[-] [email protected] 104 points 3 months ago

It's pretty likely they'll understand exactly what you mean, emotional manipulation tactics are timeless so they'll prolly be like "oh yeah there was this asshole my sister met who was like that, never liked him, pompous arsehole"

[-] [email protected] 89 points 3 months ago

Not gonna lie very few teachers from my experience have the charisma in their teaching that an experienced Podcaster has on a topic.

I've had a couple for sure who I could listen for hours teach.

But many would just rattle off facts endlessly and wouldn't really engage.

[-] [email protected] 95 points 5 months ago

Lasse is the original maintainer of XZ, they have been placed back in their position as sole maintainer.

"Jia Tan" was the person who slipped the backdoor into XZ and is now banned.

Lasse has already fixed abd removed the backdoor.

XZ itself is critical software everyone uses (its one of the main compression/decompression programs used on linux)

[-] [email protected] 110 points 6 months ago

Must be a slow news day.

The robot is just moving around, AI isn't remotely close to at the point where a physical robot can "grope" a person intentionally.

The fact the video is so short says a lot. I'd expect anyone who watched would just see that the robot moves around all the time, and the reporter wasn't supposed to stand so close to it.

This isn't news.

Honestly kinda edges onto racism territory. "Hurr hirr, Saudi robot, groped woman, it's cuz it was made in Saudi"


[-] [email protected] 103 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Anyone noticed how Trumps legal plan has a lot of weird overlap with Sovereign Citizens?

Dudes repeatedly having to be told "you can't just declare immunity mate" so he goes on Truth Social and malds about how unfair it is.

[-] [email protected] 92 points 11 months ago

Are these lawmakers aware of the fact you can 3d print a 3d printer? Or at least, about 80% of its parts, and the remaining parts are indistinguishable from the random stuff youd buy at the hardware store? (Aluminum extrusion mostly, some gears, etc)

The only part they could theoretically hope to control worth a damn would be the printing nozzles, which are so incredibly cheap to buy bulk and nearly impossible to specialize.

Also you could take this to court and point out that you would need to also include CNC machines, Laser Cutters, lathes, and any of the other variations of tools that can be used to manufacture a DIY gun.

This isnt a problem specific to 3d printers, a CNC mill that can cut aluminum is also just as capable of producing the jigs needed to manufacture gun parts.

[-] [email protected] 87 points 11 months ago

Building and running my own server for self hosting multiple tools for my home.

  • Bitwarden Password manager, now sharing logins/passwords for stuff my fiance and I both use is easy, and every single website we use has its own unique randomly generated password so when one site gets breached, our logins aren't compromised anywhere else

  • Plex, it's like your own self hosted Netflix. My file copies of any movies/TV shows go on here and it parses em all, keeps it all grouped together, streams in 4k.

  • Shinobi, for my security cameras. Self hosted free CRTV application, works with any open spec cameras. Has movement detection and tonnes of other open source options for plug-ins.

  • Deluge, handy UI for downloading torrents onto my server. Conviently added presets to it that let me download to the very folders Plex scans... cough cough.

  • Kavita, self hosted server for books/pdfs. Some e-readers can even connect to it. A couple popular manga reading apps also work with it. Can also just use its own browser web interface as an e-reader, it has multiple options for styles (infinite scroll, page swiping, left/right click, and even supports right to left mode for manga!)

  • Nextcloud, pictures/document storage. Sort of like a selfhosted filesshare/file backup. Has a mobile app that can automatically backup every picture/video you take on your phone!

  • Gogs, open source super lightweight git repo. Has only the bare minimum of features, basic web hook, authorization, permissions, simple web ui to edit. It does the job I need it to and that's good enough.

  • OpenVPN, self hosted VPN so I can securely access all the above stuff without exposing it to the internet.

  • Also I host my own websites on it, publicly exposed. Blog, a writing project, nothing terribly fancy.

Eventually I plan to add some more stuff to it. Migrate my smart home dependencies over to Z wave and install Home Assistant, so I don't have to rely on sending my info to google/amazon/etc to do basic smart home stuff.

[-] [email protected] 115 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Traditional Republicans have a name.

Its called "Democrat".

What used to be "the left" is now just a more moderate, reasonable right.

What used to be "the right" is not even on the spectrum anymore, its become a populist extremist reactionary fascism. It's so far off the chart its on an entirely separate piece of paper.

Jeffries needs to just accept this fact and ~~walk across the floor~~. Liberals are now Conservatives, and Conservatives are now Nazis.

Edit: Misread that Jeffries was a Republican, the fact he's a Democrat changes the context a bit. He's absolutely right but he's basically just talking about what I re-iterated above, but its the republican "traditionals" that need to walk across the floor and stop associating with Nazis if they dont wanna go down with that ship.

The extremists they are associating with are just going to Crabs in the Bucket them, clawing them down with them when things go under. If they were smart they'd drop the screaming children and walk over to where all the adults have gone.

[-] [email protected] 111 points 1 year ago

showing that Boebert and her date were getting awfully comfortable with each other during the show.

The fuck is with all these news articles and just glazing over the most egregious acts?

She wasnt getting "awfully comfortable" she was fuckin jerking the dude off and getting her tits pulled out and fondled in a public space where children were present.

Stop sugar coating it. She should be put in a jail cell or out on bond right now. Countless grown adults have been permanently marked as a sexual predator for life for much less than that.

Why the fuck is she not out on bond right now, or in a cell? It was caught live on camera???

[-] [email protected] 92 points 1 year ago

Its interesting how if the boy shot and murdered someone else, the mother would be the one responsible for it, due to leaving the gun somewhere the boy could access it and shoot it.

But now that she specifically is the one who got shot, with her own gun, now the boy is the one responsible.

It doesnt seem logical that you can have both, who gets shot with the gun shouldnt shift responsibility. She left an extremely dangerous and lethal weapon laying around where the 11 year old boy could just get his hands on it. She is responsible for her own death through her own negligence.

It's actually insane that this literal child is being tried for an adult, a threshold he is barely half way towards hitting. This kid literally is still in elementary school and has only just started to be taught basics of multiplication. His brain isn't even remotely close to done developing, and he hasnt even really started puberty yet.

If he was, say, 16 or 17, sure I could see it. But fucking eleven? Insane, ludicrous, actually crazy. That is not an adult, and anyone trying to try the kid as an adult is a fucking lunatic.

[-] [email protected] 115 points 1 year ago

Classic twisting of the thumb screws. The prisoners dilemma is functional of how trustworthy your co-conspirator is.

And its safe to say when it comes to people who seriously would consider trying to overthrow an election for personal gain, you cant trust any of em, so of course everyone is gonna crack. 10/10 this will be fun to watch

[-] [email protected] 110 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Atlassian is an Australian company, that's why.

The companies pushing to get people back into the office are coincidentally the ones being run by individuals who also have a vested interest in avoiding the corporate property market bubble bursting, as it has become increasingly clear that the absolute monstrous amount of parking lots, giant offices, and fast food chains in inner cities are no longer very much needed in the modern world, when a massive amount of the work force can get their job done just as well, if not better, from the comfort of their homes.

Unfortunately they have a vested interested in keeping that market, which is already on life support, breathing as long as possible or their net worth crashes.

Result: try and force your employees back in the office in a vain attempt to perform CPR on said market an--- oh shit what, you just quit and got a job for a company halfway around the world? You can just do that? Are you telling me there's countries out there not propping up overly engorged property markets and teetering their economy on top of a dead in the water industry...?

Shit, guess they didn't think that through very well...

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