I think this is the step between supporting the experienced people around you, and feeling that you're ready to take it on yourself
Fine, I'll do it myself
I think this is the step between supporting the experienced people around you, and feeling that you're ready to take it on yourself
Fine, I'll do it myself
I was remembering a different video, but this one was also funny:
Stag Beetle Throws Girlfriend Out Of Tree | Life | BBC Earth
Jump to 2:55 if you want to get to what the title is talking about
But the hurling habit dies hard
Nice to see more literature.cafe communities :)
There was the attack on the Internet archive recently, are there any good options out there to help mirror some of the data or otherwise provide redundancy?
One option that I've heard of in the past
ArchiveBox is a powerful, self-hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, and view websites offline.
Honestly that might be more helpful.
I sometimes see the overwritten reddit comments when searching for a topic, and I wish that the comment would link to the person's new account (wherever they may be) in addition to the usual blurb on whg they aren't active on reddit anymore
Puzzle #515
Purple, still bad
Well that's cool 😮
Word Grid #158
Rarity: 7.39
wordgrid.clevergoat.com 🐐
Categories #158
categories.clevergoat.com 🐐
How do you get the answer to share?
When I click share, I just get this
The graphic for context