Borg is great.
A first grader writes more coherent English than that.
Also, if I'm not mistaken the uninitialized prop
is not guaranteed to be nullptr
here, so this private destructor could be trying to free from some random pointer.
Somebody should tell him decibels go into the negative numbers
Nope 😜
I watched 899 of them at least one time (decided to skip the musical episode of SNW)
Maybe fifth time's a charm...
Over the past 5 years I bought just one stamp.
The really weird thing is that I actually got it.
Meh. Yeah, I'll watch it but not because I was overly impressed by season 1. Writing a bit poor, the whole storyline didn't make too much sense. Furthermore, on the one hand they put a lot of Easter eggs for the deep lore fans, but on the other hand they had lots of elements that didn't make sense in canon. I take it as a parallel and weird Tolkienian universe, it's watchable like that.
Not sure it satisfies your requirements but I'm quite happy with Baïkal.