The main downside is that you can’t eat raw eggs in the US
You can buy pasteurized eggs, though they can be hard to find. You can also DIY them with a sous vide cooker.
The main downside is that you can’t eat raw eggs in the US
You can buy pasteurized eggs, though they can be hard to find. You can also DIY them with a sous vide cooker.
We did it, Lemmy!
Adobe used to not give a shit about piracy for personal use, and a reasoni t was so easy to pirate. They knew a lot of those kids making memes would grow up to be either paying customers or work for someone that is.
Right? Raw shock value is only useful when something isn't well known. Everyone knows about climate change and has a position.
Great, use "shock value": but make a worthwhile statement with it too. The goal is to force people to confront an issue, not effortlessly write it off as a childish tantrum and ignore it.
Medically it's generally used to intubate someone in an emergency if the patient is conscious, seizing, etc. If the patient is aware, it's given in conjunction with something for sedation like a benzo.
In an execution it's given after a barbiturate for sedation , then followed with potassium chloride to stop the heart ... assuming mistakes aren't made, or something goes wrong.
It's a dumb action, and this is from someone that supports direct action. How people are talking about an action is critical: the context matters.
The first thing people are going to ask is "why did you do this?" and the answer needs to make sense. Throwing soup on an oil exec, painting their office, etc -- something sparks a conversation in a way you can exploit to further the cause.
"Vandalizing" a famous piece of art not even tangentially related to your cause is just going to make people think you're an asshole and shuts down that potential for a productive discussion.
that that list is making requirements
... Yeah, nobody outside of a minority of crazies are saying those things.
Here's 3.
While a trite example, in the recent Barbie film
You mean self aware, hyperbolic satire?
They know there have been women on the supreme court. It was a reference to second wave feminism, and inverted because that was the joke.
CO2 is also cheap and safer for human workers.
Nitrogen is undetectable with human senses, whereas you'll instantly know if you enter an area with a high CO2 concentration. CO2 is also heavier than air, so it tends to stay in the "pit" they lower the animals into.
Sous vide is just accurately holding a water bath at a given temperature. You put your food in (in a baggie if necessary) at a specific temperature and time to achieve a consistent "doneness".
130-140 farenheit for an hour is enough to kill pathogens in eggs, but low enough it doesn't cook them.