Do they have a community on here?
And what do you use to hide your traffic from your VPS provider? Or are there privacy focused providers out there?
That's also my setup (just with gitlab) and it works very well. Only I deploy to my own host. I use the gitlab web editor sometimes, to quickly write stuff down, it also works well if you're used to writing markdown.
This is the way. In 'some' cases comments are perfectly fine. Like when you need to document 'why' something was done the way it was our to link to a specific piece of documentation.
When you start commenting 'what' the code does, you code is not self explanatory enough. And those comments will get outdated and need refactoring too. Just more unnecessary work.
Tornado bei Reuth, badumtss
Jagged Alliance 3 and it rocks!
Do you run a reverse proxy infront? Eg. nginx is pretty performant at dropping unwanted traffic.
Lesson learned, always pull and branch from main.
The can-can that can
Die Kränze und die Kette sind Verschleißteile, bevor die wegrosten sind die ohnehin verschlissen, also keine Sorge. Die kannst du mit einer Drahtbürste bearbeiten. Rad aufbocken/hochhalten, Bürste ranhalten und dann treten. Danach immer alles schön ölen oder fetten je nach Vorliebe/Erfahrungswerten.
Wenn bei mir irgendwo was rostet (Auto, Rad, ...), mache ich 2-3 Schichten Owatrol drauf und sehe zu, wie sich nichts mehr tut 😁 alle paar Jahre erneuern und gut ist. 👌