
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

I usually limit it to 80% during the summer, but because I work outside and through the night too my battery can reach very low temperature levels which absolutely hammers my battery life so I let it charge to 100% / or just to warm it up via a small powerbank on my FLT sometimes during the winter months.

As for longevity? I usually go through a phone every year or two so I don't see the wear of of what others are saying in here using their phone for over two years (that's my max), but I feel the 20/80% guideline is a fair one to go by since the reported 100% isn't fully accurate anyway.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

it's written in plain language

Could you cite the parts which are irking you specifically please?

Taking someone's word for it isn't really kosher in terms of privacy for some people, but I do reckon they'd like to hear your thoughts.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

I've also been using Linux for a similar amount of time, and it's only at work now I have to use Windows.

And as for home users using Linux? I have a few family members quite happy with Ubuntu / Firefox since all they need is a browser and VLC for their "PC", so I don't know where you got that "it'll never get there" metric from.

Alright they don't have a clue how Jellyfin works on that box, but they sure do appreciate and use it a lot these days now they've got used to it / dumping Netflix.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Why would they do that?


Back scratching and you've got to remember these community's / sport / events have global bodies such as UEFA wanting their ching ching.

Them getting off their cushion of sponsors sending them money for the infra, and then doing fuck all other than regulating how the monies comes in is fairly telling how it's going to affect them both downstream and, upstream :/

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

It's nothing like that :D

Once you're in a pool like I was above, you get websites that collate this data. But the thing is is that "IP pool" was also shared with someone else hence it showing me "liking porn", even though I never touched these mofo's

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 week ago

From my PoV

That's the thing - it is legal. Whether you're in a public library, torrent swarm, or on the high seas. Makes no difference if you want to play by every law; of every land.

You could be there all day playing whack-a-mole but ships cruising by don't really care since that bounty is shared already.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

in most lands

Well in that sense you're breaking the law of your land by commenting on such a forum since we're on the high seas here if you didn't notice?

And no, I didn't intend to be rude if you're inferring that but it's blatantly clear what this forum is for and them being employed by someone who purports to protect their privacy selling such a service but then feigning ignorance

In most jurisdictions, piracy is illegal no?

if "it's illegal", is telling.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Tell ya what would be great, a follow up on this weddit post?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I work for a VPN company.

So, you understand how things work then right? Or are you being hypothetical?

In most jurisdictions, piracy is illegal no?

No, it's actually embraced by communities such as this sprouting up. Are you a caveman or something?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Which i can ignore with out any issue since they have no idea who i am.

Issues will arise if you reply to them.

This sounds like the scare tactics they use for TV licensing here in the UK and is telling by how they change the letters to "The Occupier" after no replies to their scam.

Knock knock knock through the day / evening when housewife's are about and they prowl like fuckers. I had the opportunity to scare one away when they didn't expect it (really didn't like the fact that however much they asked for "my name" they got a blank look) and they ain't been back for years :/

Fuck Capita for scaring old ladies and fellow sailors.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

lol, likes porn eh?

I love these labels and torrenting porn is so noobie it's not even funny, and don't most use Bing for that?


I've told qbit to exclude those files and many other extensions from someone's helpful comment on here previously, but the stack keeps on grabbing and seeding them, which the latter I'm a little unhappy about sharing malware.

While all the boxes on my network have no sign of Windows to get exploited it does worry me about another family members arrr stack because there is a Windows laptop down there, but thankfully not used for media consumption.


edit: big thanks to [email protected] for pointing me in line separators instead of comma separated exclusions!


cross-posted from:

Qualcomm has released security patches for a zero-day vulnerability in the Digital Signal Processor (DSP) service that impacts dozens of chipsets. [...]


Was aware of the 7726 short code for spammers

but never heard of 159 before.

Heads up?


cross-posted from:

Skylo announced the support of an innovative satellite SOS feature on the new Google Pixel 9 series in the US

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I seem to be suffering from the above bug

but it only seems to pervade if I'm using Tailscale to VPN ~~home~~ to my exit node at a family members house?

Is Google / YT blocking the use of VPN's here / anyone else experiencing this?

update caught in Buckinghamshire


Another of the old classics that I'd never seen from TOTP


One of my most favourite mashups from Harry Hard and the FNP crew.

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