Yup. Theres plenty of boomers who scroll Facebook and see all their politics from their conservative friends/families/ad networks/russian social bots and been fed that rhetoric, but also will get a newspaper delivered like the NYT. Here’s hoping whatever impact it can make, it will make
Lotta "canned beans in runny tomato sauce" haters in this thread
Ironically in dunkey's revisited review he talks about how if the game was only focused on deliveries, and reconnecting the world after some event, and not beaches and BTs and bridge babies and all the wild stuff it would be a better game. But then it wouldn't be a Kojima game
Sometimes the regime needs less babies because it’s hard on the machine. Sometimes the regime needs more because they need bodies to feed the machine
To be faaaiir
The Register has been referring to Google as The Chocolate Factory for almost 10 years. As to why, probably because of google’s confectionary named Android releases, which they stopped at Android 10
There’s a reason why all the cyberpunk stories are about corporatacracies and/or spacefaring feudalist states running human society in the future. Life imitates art.
If I had a way to label users in Lemmy I’d label you Littlefinger