[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 day ago

It's because instead of using logic to reason, they use emotion: usually outrage, fear, uncertainty, anger, distrust. All while of course projecting the 'overly emotional and illogical' stamp onto "bleeding heart liberals".

Caps conveys what their audience pays attention to.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I hate spiders, know thine enemy I guess.

Top one is an Australian huntsmen. Bottom one looks like an orb weaver of some kind.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

Under the game settings->beta you can select your branch, if the developer allows that. Or under game settings -> updates you can usually disable them

[-] [email protected] 13 points 2 days ago

That was such a wild time with a new scandal or two every morning. I don't blame anyone for forgetting.

I hope to God I don't ever have to explain to my son or daughter how Trump got elected a second time.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 2 days ago

He withheld aid from the president of Puerto Rico. Which... Was him.

[-] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago

Two spider pictures in the article, but neither depict a Fen Raft Spider. Shameful excuse for journalism.


[-] [email protected] 116 points 4 days ago

Not here in Minnesota. Thanks Mr. Walz!

[-] [email protected] 30 points 4 days ago

To attack a narcissist, you need to attack the cracks in the reality they paint for themselves.

It just so happens that as someone who has been an enthusiastic and professional grade debater for 40+ years, Harris also knew exactly how to do this without getting his mud on herself, and she knew to do it just as he was hoping to hit his stride.

It was great to watch. So many politicians from so many walks of life have been completely humiliated by Trump's ridiculous persona. He's so inflammatory, so full of lies, and so narcissistic professional politicians have been reduced to flinging his poo back at him. Instead Harris made him wallow in it.

[-] [email protected] 69 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think it's very telling that through his tenure in office here in Minnesota, the local QGOP's best attack against him is that he spends money (on good things) and his tax policy produced a surplus (because he fixed the deficit).

He is a vet, a devoted family man, and an avid fisherman and hunter.

He's exactly what they fear most. A blue collar progressive.

So he's not unassailable. You can attack his policies. But the problem is, they're fairly popular and have made Minnesota safer and more prosperous than all our red and purple neighbors.

I will add that the local media in MN has cast Minneapolis/STPL downtowns as a horrifying, unsafe, ruinous hellscape following the riots that followed the murder of George Floyd. This has in the last year or so become less impactful as rural folk have started coming to the city again for sports games, etc. But that is another attack vector I've seen them get some mileage out of.

[-] [email protected] 46 points 1 month ago

No... Let's be extremely clear. This is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. A real conservative, not one of these corpo-christo-fascistic assholes wearing conservative skin-suits now.

These are the people we're supposed to be working with. They slow down progress a little bit to let the ideas fully bake. They moderate cultural change ensuring society keeps an eye on history and doesn't completely leave behind the elderly and rural. They have a valuable place in our government and our society.

These days in America they have largely gotten lumped into the "moderates", "undecided", "centrists", and "fence sitters", while actual fucking fascism entrenches itself deeper and deeper into our government.

Democrats need to be forming coalitions with them and offering them a party at the table separate from fascist MAGA, but also separate from Democrats. They'll pull voters away from MAGA and undecided, costing Democrats very little but emptying the floor from under the modern GOP.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 1 month ago

The problem, as ever, is game theory. All you need is ONE bad actor to spoil the entire effort. See the panama papers.

If one country has laws that allow billionaires to claim residence or establish a shell corporation and have lower or no income tax and these bastards will all jump at the chance and that tax money will slip through the fingers of everyone playing by the rules.

Laws are great. But what we need is real enforcement by agencies with real teeth. Ban shell corps. Tax overseas transfers aggressively. Treat white collar crime like a real crime with severe penalties.

[-] [email protected] 72 points 2 months ago

Nah, just finding new ways to fuck the LGBTQ+ community.

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